Music Notation Software ‘MuseScore’ 2.2 Released

Last updated: March 27, 2018

Free and open source music composition and notation software, MuseScore 2.2.0, was released earlier today.

MuseScore 2.2.0 comes with new features and tons of bug fixes:

  • New MuseScore_General.sf3 soundfont
  • Option to select the MIDI Output
  • Built-in MP3 support for Windows (finding and installing third-party DLL no longer necessary)
  • Add search field to template chooser in New Score Wizard
  • Option to select whether to “Play repeats” for jump elements (D.S. al Coda, etc.)
  • Selected notes are highlighted on the piano keyboard
  • Select / More: ability to distinguish same pitch on a specific string in tablature
  • All elements are now selectable by voice
  • Copy and paste of multiple fretboards
  • Fretboards can be added to chord symbols
  • See release note for more details.

How to Install MuseScore 2.2.0 in Ubuntu:

The single executable Appimage files to run MuseScore in Linux are available for download:

32-bit Appimage

64-bit Appimage


Download the appimage, make it executable and run the file to launch the free scorewriter:

MuseScore is also available as Snap, version 2.2 will be available in a few days, which can be easily installed via Ubuntu Software Center (See HERE for details).


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