Archives For install postman in Ubuntu 13.04

PostMan is a small utility allows to upload images to Flickr, Google+, Picasa, and Ubuntu one. This is done through a simple and modern intuitive user interface. Drag stamps to mark destinations, and drag images to select content.

postman in Ubuntu 13.04

PostMan image uploader is available for Ubuntu 12.10 and Ubuntu 12.04 in Ubuntu Software Center. Just search for and install the package. For Ubuntu 13.04 Raring, download the DEB from the below link:


Then press Ctrl+Alt+T to open terminal, run below command to install downloaded package:

sudo dpkg -i ~/Downloads/postman-image-uploader_*.deb; sudo apt-get -f install

Once installed, open PostMan from the Unity Dash Home. In the main window, drag and drop your services onto the envelope and then login.

Finally, drop your images onto the icon to upload: