Archives For KeePassXC

KeePassXC password manager announced the new 2.7.7 release this Sunday! Here are the new features and how to install instruction for Ubuntu.

The new KeePassXC 2.7.7 features official support for Passkeys. It’s a type of login credential, that provides a faster, easier, and more secure ways to login to websites and services without having to enter a password.

image from keepassxc website

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The fourth maintenance update for KeePassXC 2.6 was released with various minor bug-fixes, and some new features.

KeePassXC 2.6.4 now provides native ARM64 builds for the new Apple Silicon M1 Macs. For the time being, it comes without support for signed KeeShare containers due to dependency incompatibilities.

In the new release, you can now switch between light and dark mode without restart the application. For Windows and Mac OS, it also responds automatically to light/dark theme changes in the system.

With an updated libgcrypt library, a buffer overflow vulnerability now is fixed in Windows and Mac OS. Users are urged to upgrade as soon as possible.

Other changes in KeePassXC 2.6.4 include:

  • Show window title as tooltip on system tray
  • Compress Snap release as LZO for faster initial startup
  • Set maximum selectable password length to 999 for password generator.
  • Fix crash on app close when using SSH agent
  • Fix KDF selection showing wrong item when using Argon2id
  • Automatically close About dialog on database lock if it is still open
  • Fix click-to-move on empty area activating when using menus in Linux.

How to Install KeePassXC 2.6.4 in Ubuntu:

The Latest KeePassXC is available in Ubuntu Software via Snap package. The official download page also offers the non-install single executable Appimage package.

For those prefer the classic apt method, the official upstream PPA has made the new release packages for Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 20.04, and Ubuntu 20.10.

1.) Open terminal either by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard, or by searching for ‘terminal’ from system application launcher.

When terminal opens, run command to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:phoerious/keepassxc

Type your password (no asterisk feedback) when it prompts and hit Enter to continue.

2.) Then either update the software package using Software Updater

or run command to install the software:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install keepassxc


You can run the PPA repository simply by running command in terminal:

sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:phoerious/keepassxc

And if you want, remove keepassxc password manger via command:

sudo apt remove --autoremove keepassxc

KeePassXC, KeePass Cross-Platform Community Edition, released a new update today with new menu option to keep window always on top.

Besides the ‘Always on Top’ menu option, KeePassXC 2.6.2 also features:

  • Move show/hide usernames and passwords to view menu
  • Add command line options and environment variables for changing the config locations
  • Include TOTP settings in CSV import/export and add support for ISO date times
  • Mask sensitive information in command execution confirmation prompt
  • Change “Add key” keyboard shortcut to Ctrl+H.
  • Various bug-fixes, and stability improvements.

How to Install KeePassXC 2.6.2 in Ubuntu:

The official upstream PPA has made the new release packages for Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 20.04, and Ubuntu 20.10.

1.) Open terminal either by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard, or by searching for ‘terminal’ from system application launcher.

When terminal opens, run command to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:phoerious/keepassxc

Type your password (no asterisk feedback) when it prompts and hit Enter to continue.

2.) Then either update the software package using Software Updater

or run command to install the software:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install keepassxc


You can run the PPA repository simply by running command in terminal:

sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:phoerious/keepassxc

And if you want, remove keepassxc password manger via command:

sudo apt remove --autoremove keepassxc

KeePassXC, a community fork of KeePassX password manager, released version 2.6.1 today with some new features, improvements, and various fixes.

KeePassXC 2.6.1 release highlights:

  • Add option to Auto-Type just the username or password
  • Automatic database locking with Xfce screensaver.
  • Add command for retrieving current TOTP
  • Add OARS metadata
  • Substitute tilde with USERPROFILE on Windows
  • Change actions for F1, F2, and F3 keys
  • Improve man page, and password generator UI / UX
  • And various bug-fixes, see here for more details.

How to Install KeePassXC 2.6.1 in Ubuntu:

The official upstream PPA has made the packages of the password manager for Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 20.04, and derivatives.

1.) Open terminal either by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard, or by searching for ‘terminal’ from system application launcher.

When terminal opens, run command to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:phoerious/keepassxc

Type your password (no asterisk feedback) when it prompts and hit Enter to continue.

2.) Then either update the software package using Software Updater

or run command to install the software:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install keepassxc


You can run the PPA repository simply by running command in terminal:

sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:phoerious/keepassxc

And if you want, remove keepassxc password manger via command:

sudo apt remove --autoremove keepassxc

KeePassXC, a cross-platform community-driven port of the Windows application “Keepass Password Safe”, released version 2.6.0 a few days ago.

KeePassXC 2.6.0 release highlights include:

  • Custom Light and Dark themes
  • Compact mode to use classic Group and Entry line height
  • New monochrome tray icons
  • View menu to quickly switch themes, compact mode, and toggle UI elements
  • Save Database Backup feature
  • Adds autostart option.
  • And many other new features, improvements. See here for details.

How to Install KeePassXC in Ubuntu:

The official upstream PPA has made the packages of the password manager for Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 19.10, Ubuntu 20.04, and derivatives.

1.) Open terminal either by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard, or by searching for ‘terminal’ from system application launcher.

When terminal opens, run command to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:phoerious/keepassxc

Type your password (no asterisk feedback) when it prompts and hit Enter to continue.

2.) Then either update the software package using Software Updater

or run command to install the software:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install keepassxc


You can run the PPA repository simply by running command in terminal:

sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:phoerious/keepassxc

And if you want, remove keepassxc password manger via command:

sudo apt remove --autoremove keepassxc

KeePassXC password manager 2.5.3 was released today with stability improvements and new feature: browser extension for Chromium-based Edge browser.

KeePassXC 2.5.3 changelog:

  • Fix possible database lockout when removing a YubiKey from a KDBX 3.1 database
  • Fix crash if Auto-Type is performed on a new entry
  • Fix crash when all entries are deleted from a group
  • Improve the reliability of clipboard clearing on Gnome
  • Do not check cmd:// URLs for valid URL syntax anymore
  • Prevent unnecessary merges for databases on network shares
  • Browser: Prevent native messaging proxy from blocking application shutdown
  • Browser: Improve website URL matching

How to Install KeePassXC 2.5.3 in Ubuntu:

For Ubuntu 18.04 and higher, KeePassXC Snap package (runs in sandbox) can be easily installed via Ubuntu Software.

For those prefer native Ubuntu .deb package, open terminal from application menu or press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard, and run following commands one by one:

1.) Run command to add the official PPA, which so far supports for Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 19.04, and Ubuntu 19.10.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:phoerious/keepassxc

Type user password (no asterisk feedback due to security reason) when it prompts and hit Enter to continue.

2. Then upgrade KeePassXC from previous release via Software Updater:

or run commands one by one in terminal to install the password manager:

sudo apt update

sudo apt install keepassxc


To remove the PPA, open Software & Updates and navigate to Other Software tab.

To remove KeePassXC .deb package, run command in terminal:

sudo apt-get remove --autoremove keepassxc

KeePassXC, KeePass cross-platform community edition, released version 2.5.2 a few days ago. Here’s how to install it in Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 19.10 via PPA.

KeePassXC 2.5.2 features significant stability and usability improvements. Changes in the release include:

  • Show UI warning when entering invalid URLs
  • Option to use an entry only for HTTP auth
  • Disable the user interface when merging or saving the database
  • Ability to hide protected attribute after reveal
  • Improve GUI tests reliability on Hi-DPI displays
  • Fix crashes when saving a database to cloud storage

How to Install KeePassXC 2.5.2 in Ubuntu:

For Ubuntu 18.04 and higher, KeePassXC Snap package (runs in sandbox) can be easily installed via Ubuntu Software.

For those prefer native Ubuntu .deb package, open terminal from application menu or press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard, and run following commands one by one:

1.) Run command to add the official PPA, which so far supports for Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 19.04, and Ubuntu 19.10.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:phoerious/keepassxc

Type user password (no asterisk feedback due to security reason) when it prompts and hit Enter to continue.

2. Then upgrade KeePassXC from previous release via Software Updater:

or run commands one by one in terminal to install the password manager:

sudo apt update

sudo apt install keepassxc


To remove the PPA, open Software & Updates and navigate to Other Software tab.

To remove KeePassXC .deb package, run command in terminal:

sudo apt-get remove --autoremove keepassxc

KeePassXC, KeePass cross-platform community edition, released version 2.5.0 today with a large number of new features and improvements.

KeePassXC 2.5.0 release highlights:

  • Add paper backup support (Export to HTML).
  • Add database statistics panel
  • Offline user manual.
  • Import 1Password OpVault files
  • Add support for OnlyKey as an alternative to YubiKeys

The new release also brings a redesigned unlock dialog, a reworked entry panel, a function to download favicons for all your entries at once, and many CLI improvements. See the release note for more details.

How to Install KeePassXC 2.5.0 in Ubuntu:

For Ubuntu 18.04 and higher, the easiest way is to install the Snap package (runs in sandbox) via Ubuntu Software:

For those prefer native Ubuntu .deb package, open terminal from application menu or press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard, and run following commands one by one:

1.) Run command to add the official PPA, which so far supports for Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 19.04, and Ubuntu 19.10.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:phoerious/keepassxc

Type user password (no asterisk feedback due to security reason) when it prompts and hit Enter to continue.

2. Then upgrade KeePassXC from previous release via Software Updater:

or run commands one by one in terminal to install the password manager:

sudo apt update

sudo apt install keepassxc


To remove the PPA, open Software & Updates and navigate to Other Software tab.

To remove KeePassXC .deb package, run command in terminal:

sudo apt-get remove --autoremove keepassxc

KeePassXC, cross-platform community fork of KeePassX, released version 2.4.2 a few days ago with many improvements and security fixes.

KeePassXC 2.4.2 release highlights:

  • Introduce a memory wiping feature to reduce the risk of secrets.
  • Prevent infinite save loop when location is unavailable.
  • Fix opening URL’s with non-http schemes.
  • Fix data loss due to not reading all database attachments if duplicates exist
  • Update group in preview widget when focused
  • Remove non-functional apply button in application settings
  • Linux Snap package fixes and improvements.
  • And fixes to Mac OS, web browser, and others

How to Install KeePassXC in Ubuntu via Snap:

The official snap package (runs in sandbox and auto-updates itself) is available in Ubuntu Software for Ubuntu 18.04 and higher, though it’s not updated to v2.4.2 at the moment.

For Ubuntu 16.04, run command to install snapd daemon first:

sudo apt-get install snapd

Then install the snap package via command:

sudo snap install keepassxc

How to Install KeePassXC in Ubuntu via PPA:

For those who don’t prefer snap packages, the official KeePassXC PPA contains the most recent .deb packages for Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 18.10, and Ubuntu 19.04.

1. Open terminal either via Ctrl+Alt+T keyboard shortcut or by searching for ‘terminal’ from app launcher. When it opens, run command to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:phoerious/keepassxc

Type user password (no asterisk feedback due to security reason) when it prompts and hit Enter to continue.

2. Then upgrade KeePassXC via Software Updater:

or run commands one by one in terminal to install the latest package:

sudo apt update

sudo apt install keepassxc


To remove the PPA, open Software & Updates and navigate to Other Software tab.

To remove KeePassXC .deb package, run command in terminal:

sudo apt-get remove --autoremove keepassxc

After two beta releases, KeePassXC password manager 2.4.0 finally goes stable. Here’s how to install it in Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04, and higher.

KeePassXC 2.4.0 enables coordinate system scaling for high-DPI displays, adds new database wizard, implements advanced search, and

  • Automatic update checker
  • KeeShare database synchronization
  • Improve favicon fetching; transition to Duck-Duck-Go
  • Remove KeePassHttp support
  • Linux: Prevent Klipper from storing secrets in clipboard
  • Linux: Enable use of browser plugin in Snap build
  • TOTP QR Code Generator
  • Allow toolbar to be hidden and repositioned
  • Increase max allowed database timeout to 12 hours
  • Password generator uses existing password length by default
  • Browser Integration Enhancements

How to Install KeePassXC 2.4.0 in Ubuntu via Snap:

The official snap package (runs in sandbox and auto-updates itself) has been updated.

The snap can be easily installed in Ubuntu 18.04 and higher via Ubuntu Software:

For Ubuntu 16.04, run command to install snapd daemon first:

sudo apt-get install snapd

Then install the snap package via command:

sudo snap install keepassxc

How to Install KeePassXC 2.4.0 in Ubuntu via PPA:

For those who don’t prefer snap packages, the official KeePassXC PPA contains the most recent .deb packages for Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 18.10.

The 2.4.0 release package will be made into PPA in 2 or 3 days. Check the previous link before getting started.

1. Open terminal either via Ctrl+Alt+T keyboard shortcut or by searching for ‘terminal’ from app launcher. When it opens, run command to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:phoerious/keepassxc

Type user password (no asterisk feedback due to security reason) when it prompts and hit Enter to continue.

2. Then upgrade KeePassXC via Software Updater:

or run commands one by one in terminal to install the latest package:

sudo apt update

sudo apt install keepassxc


To remove the PPA, open Software & Updates and navigate to Other Software tab.

To remove KeePassXC .deb package, run command in terminal:

sudo apt-get remove --autoremove keepassxc