Archives For markdown editor

Typora markdown editor

Typora is a minimal yet powerful markdown editor for Linux, Windows, and OS X.

Typora gives you a seamless experience as both a reader and a writer. It removes the preview window, mode switcher, syntax symbols of markdown source code, and all other unnecessary distractions. Replace them with a real live preview feature to help you concentrate the content itself.

Typora features:

  • Github Flavored Markdown and extra functions including code, fences, tables, lists, footnotes, math blocks, etc.
  • The real live preview.
  • Shortcut keys
  • Native features on mac, such as auto-save, version control, spell check, etc.
  • Custom themes controlled by css files.
  • Export as PDF or HTML.
  • And much more.

Install Typora in Ubuntu:

The software offers an official Linux repository for Ubuntu, open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run the commands below one by one to install it in Ubuntu 16.04:

1. Add Typora Linux repository via command:

sudo add-apt-repository 'deb linux/'

2. Setup the key:

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys BA300B7755AFCFAE

3. Finally update and install this simple markdown editor:

sudo apt update

sudo apt install typora

The repository key has an unsigned issue so you can not receive updates from the repository via Software Updater. You may remove it by launching Software & Upates -> Other Software tab after installed Typora.

And the Typora markdown editor can be removed via command:

sudo apt remove typora && sudo apt autoremove

EME is an open-source markdown editor developed with Node.js and Electron framework. Works on Linux, OS X, and Windows.

The editor provides a simple user interface with editor only, preview only, or both editor and preview mode as you wish. A Focus Mode allows to focus right on the paragraph you are writing. Vim Mode offers the powerful vim key bindings support for the editor.

EME Markdown Editor with Numix GTK theme

Other Features:

  • Export to HTML/PDF
  • Supporting math typesetting
  • Developer Tools, and Chrome based.
  • Key bindings support

As a one month old project, request new features and report bugs at its project page.

Download EME Markdown Editor:

Pre-compiled 64-bit DEB binary for Ubuntu is available for download at the link below:

Download EME_xxx_amd64.deb

Grab the latest .deb package and then click install it via Ubuntu Software. Finally launch the markdown editor from Unity Dash / App Launcher and enjoy!

(Optional) To remove the editor, use Synaptic Package Manager, or run apt remove command in terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T):

sudo apt remove eme

Still looking for a Markdown Editor for your Ubuntu Linux? Try PileMd, a modern new app created a few days ago.

PileMd is an open-source note app that features:

  • Light Weight
  • Like rich editor it has Undo/Redo histories, open link in editors, keymaps
  • Sync data with locall files
  • Note and Text searching
  • Beautiful inline code highlight
  • manage notes with drag and drop
  • paste images, export notes, share on Qiita, and more..

PileMd Markdown Editor in Elementary OS Freya

Install PileMd Markdown Editor in Ubuntu:

At the moment, there’s only portable version available. Just download the Linux package, extract and RUN EXECUTABLE FILE in the result folder.

Download PileMd for Linux

To create a shortcut, follow the steps below:

1. Open terminal from App Launcher, and run command to open downloaded package with super user privilege:

gksudo file-roller ~/Downloads/

Depends on downloaded package name, replace in the command. Install gksu via Software Center if not work.

2. When archive manager opens, extract it to Computer -> opt folder for global use.

Finally launch file browser and navigate to Computer -> opt. There you should see the PileMd folder. Mine is PileMd-linux-x64

3. To create a launcher, run command in terminal:

gksudo gedit /usr/share/applications/pilemd.desktop

It will open gedit text editor with a blank file, paste below content and save it.

[Desktop Entry]

For me, the executable file path is /opt/PileMd-linux-x64/PileMd.

For icon, get it from the source code in release page. Put the icon in the installation folder /opt/PileMd-linux-x64 or user’s local icons folder .local/share/icons(press Ctrl+H to view hidden folders).

When everything’s done, you should be able to launch PileMd from App Launcher.

uText is a very simple markdown editor with live text preview and syntax highlighting support. Supported export formats: HTML, ODT, PDF

uText is a minimalist text editor with syntax markdown focused on writing, providing all the tools and facilities that the user may need. It’s written in Python and developed by atareao team who’s behind touchpad-indicator and my-weather-indicator.

The editor features:

  • Live text preview
  • Day, Night, and fullscreen mode to focus on writing.
  • Search and replace, spell check
  • save in dropbox.
  • other common options

To install this editor:

Open terminal from the Dash, App Launcher, or via Ctrl+Alt+T shortcut keys. When it opens, run below commands to get it from the developer’s PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/utext

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install utext

Or you can directly download and install the “utext_x.x.x_all.deb” package from PPA ARCHIVE. The .deb works on all current Ubuntu releases though it’s built against Ubuntu 15.04.