Archives For OnlyOffice

OnlyOffice announced the new 8.3 release for its offline Desktop Editor apps yesterday.

The new release now is able to open and view files created in Apple iWork’s Pages, Keynote and Numbers, as well as Hancom Office’s .hwp and .hwpx file formats. However, for editing support they need to be converted to OOXML first, i.e. DOCX for text documents, XLSX for spreadsheets and PPTX for presentations.

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OnlyOffice, the popular free open-source office suite, announced new 8.1 release for its desktop editors.

The Desktop Editors is the offline use version of OnlyOffice office suite. It’s made up of Document, Spreadsheet, Presentation, and PDF Form apps, and, supports collaborative editing by connecting to a cloud service.

The new 8.1 release finally added full-featured PDF editing support for the both online and offline apps. After opened a PDF file, go to Home -> Edit PDF to toggle between viewing and editing mode.

When in editing PDF mode, you’ll see the tool-bar options to edit text, add, rotate and delete pages, insert various objects, such as text boxes, shapes, images, hyperlinks, tables, and more.

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This is a step by step beginner’s guide shows how to install OnlyOffice Desktop Editors office suite and keep it up-to-date in Ubuntu 22.04. Though the title said for Ubuntu 22.04, it also works in Linux Mint (exclude Snap) and Debian.

OnlyOffice, formerly TeamLab, is a free office suite. The Desktop Editors is offline version, that’s made up of Document, Spreadsheet, Presentation, and PDF Form. Though, it supports collaborative editing by connecting to a cloud service.

The desktop editors is free and open-source (AGPL-3.0-only license) software works in Windows, Linux, and macOS. There’ also mobile version for iOS and Android, though called OnlyOffice Documents. It’s compatible with MS Office (OOXML) and OpenDocument (ODF) formats and supports DOC, DOCX, ODT, RTF, TXT, PDF, HTML, EPUB, XPS, DjVu, XLS, XLSX, ODS, CSV, PPT, PPTX, ODP, DOTX, XLTX, POTX, OTT, OTS, OTP, and PDF-A.

The office suite is available to install in Ubuntu in 4 different ways. Choose any one that you prefer:

  • native .deb.
  • universal Flatpak
  • universal Snap
  • portable AppImage

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OnlyOffice, the popular free open-source office suite, announced new 8.0 release this Friday.

The release introduced one of the most awaited features, RTL support. It now supports bidirectional text in documents and presentations. But, RTL input is partially available with some limitations, since it’s still in Beta. In the settings page, user can enabled RTL interface with a checkbox, then restart the app to apply.

The new 8.0 release also added local interface themes support. Besides the built-in light, classic light, dark, and contrast dark, there’s now a “Add local theme” option to apply a custom interface using local JSON file.

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After testing for a period of time, OnlyOffice Desktop Editors snap package goes stable for Ubuntu and other Linux desktops.

ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors is a free office suite that combines text, spreadsheet and presentation editors allowing to create, view and edit documents stored on your Windows/Linux PC or Mac without an Internet connection. It is fully compatible with Office Open XML formats: .docx, .xlsx, .pptx.

The snap is a containerized software package (runs in sandbox) runs in most Linux desktops. It bundles most required libraries and auto-updates itself.

For Ubuntu 18.04 and higher, simply open Ubuntu Software, search for and install onlyoffice:

For Ubuntu 16.04, first install snapd daemon by opening terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and then running command:

sudo apt install snapd

Then install OnlyOffice Desktop Editors via command:

sudo snap install onlyoffice-desktopeditors

Like normal software, open OnlyOffice from your system app launcher.


To remove the software, either use Ubuntu Software, or run command in terminal:

snap remove onlyoffice-desktopeditors

ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors can now be installed in Ubuntu easily via Snap package, the universal Linux app packaging format, though it’s in candidate channel for testing so far.

ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors are free open-source office editors for text documents, spreadsheets and presentations working offline. The software features:

  • Work with all popular formats – DOC, DOCX, ODT, RTF, TXT, PDF, HTML, EPUB, XPS, DjVu, XLS, XLSX, ODS, CSV, PPT, PPTX, ODP, FODS, FODT, FODP.
  • View, create and edit documents of any size and complexity.
  • Extend editing capabilities with the pre-installed plugin set (e.g. insert special symbols, YouTube videos, ClipArt, create templates and more).
  • Automate your routine activities with macros.
  • Ability to switch to online mode to collaborate with your teammates in real time.

1. For Ubuntu 16.04 users never installed a snap, you need to install snapd first via command:

sudo apt-get install snapd snapd-xdg-open

Input your password (no visual feedback while typing) when it prompts and hit Enter to continue.

2. To install the office suite, open terminal via Ctrl+Alt+T or by searching it from app launcher, and run command:

snap install --candidate onlyoffice-desktopeditors

The snap has been tested on Ubuntu 16.04, Solus OS, and Fedora 27. For any issue, report on Github page.


To remove the snap, run command in terminal:

snap remove onlyoffice-desktopeditors