Archives For opus library

The Opus audio codec reached the new major 1.2 release a few days ago with many quality improvements, new features, and bug fixes.

Changes in Opus 1.2 includes:

  • Speech quality improvements especially in the 12-20 kbit/s range
  • Improved VBR encoding for hybrid mode
  • More aggressive use of wider speech bandwidth, including fullband speech starting at 14 kbit/s
  • Music quality improvements in the 32-48 kb/s range
  • Generic and SSE CELT optimizations
  • Support for directly encoding packets up to 120 ms
  • DTX support for CELT mode
  • SILK CBR improvements
  • Support for all of the fixes in draft-ietf-codec-opus-update-06 (the mono downmix and the folding fixes need --enable-update-draft)
  • Many bug fixes, including integer wrap-arounds discovered through fuzzing (no security implications)

Besides building the codec from source, a third-party PPA now is available to make it easy to install Opus 1.2 in Ubuntu 16.04 and/or Ubuntu 14.04.

1. Open terminal via Ctrl+Alt+T or by application launcher, when it opens, run command to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jonathonf/ffmpeg-3

Type in your password (no visual feedback due to security reason) when it asks and hit Enter.

2. Then upgrade the library and opus-tools via Software Updater:

Or simply run commands in terminal:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install libopus0 opus-tools

NOTE: the PPA contains the latest FFMPEG 3 packages. If you want to install it, the Tesseract OCR PPA is required in Ubuntu 14.04 for the dependencies.

f you don’t want to upgrade your ffmpeg libraries, remove the PPA via command:

sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:jonathonf/ffmpeg-3