Archives For November 30, 1999

OpenShot 2.4 Released! How to Install it in Ubuntu

Last updated: September 11, 2017

OpenShot Video Editor

The openshot video editor has reached the 2.4 release earlier today with stability improvements. Here’s how to install it in all current Ubuntu releases.

OpenShot 2.4 mainly features following changes:

  • Vastly improved stability, improved undo/redo history (now being saved inside each project file).
  • Fixed Image Sequence exporting. Supports PNG, JPG, PPM, BMP and a few others.
  • Added ‘Audio Only’ and ‘Video Only’ export options.
  • New freeze and zoom menu
  • Prevent crashes related to too many threads
  • Fix many crash issues and other bugs.
  • See the release note for details.

How to Install OpenShot 2.4 in Ubuntu:

A 64-bit AppImage is available for download at the link below. Just download, make executable and run the file to launch OpenShot:

For traditional packages, OpenShot’s official PPA contains the .deb packages for Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04, and Ubuntu 17.04, though OpenShot 2.4 build it not ready at the moment of writing.

1. Open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run command to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openshot.developers/ppa

Input your password (no visual feedback while typing) when it prompts and hit Enter.

2. Then upgrade the editor via “Software Updater”, if you have a previous openshot-qt package installed.

Or run commands to check updates and install / upgrade OpenShot:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install openshot-qt


To uninstall openshot video editor, run following command in terminal:

sudo apt-get remove --autoremove openshot-qt

And remove the PPA by launching “Software & Updates” and navigating to Other Software tab.

Shotcut, a free, open-source, and cross-platform video editor application, has reached the 17.09 release earlier today.

Shotcut 17.09 contains various bug fixes and translation updates, it also contains following changes:

  • Renewed the code signing certificate for the Windows installer and executable.
  • Updated SDL to v2.0
  • Updated FFmpeg to v3.2
  • Updated x264, x265, and vp8/9 to the latest stable versions.
  • Add the ability to turn off the welcome message

How to Install Shotcut 17.09 in Ubuntu:

The software offers portable Linux package available for download at the link below:

Simply extract the Linux tarball, and run executable to launch the editor.

For better Ubuntu integration, install the Shotcut snap app via following commands:

1. For Ubuntu 14.04 & Ubuntu 16.04 who’ve never installed a snap app, open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run command to install snapd daemon:

sudo apt-get install snapd snapd-xdg-open

Input your password (no visual feedback while typing) when it prompts and hit Enter.

2. Then install Shotcut snap app via command:

sudo snap install shotcut --classic

Once installed, launch it from your application launcher and enjoy!


The snap app will be upgrade automatically once a new release is published. To remove it, open terminal and run command:

sudo snap remove shotcut

A new update of the free and open-source LiVES video editor and VJ tool was released a few days ago with bug-fixes and some improvements. Here’s how to install or upgrade it in Ubuntu via PPA.

LiVES is a Video Editing System designed to be simple to use, small in size, yet powerfull with many advanced features. The latest LiVES 2.8.7 was released 2 days ago with following changes:

  • Remove glad.h dependence on khr.
  • Prompt for clip name when rendering to new clip.
  • Fix autolives toy.
  • Increase default frame size to 1024×768 for new installs.
  • Allow override of frame size when encoding to ffmpeg / h264 format.
  • Fix breakage in the threaded progress window.
  • Updated Ukrainian translation (Yuri).

How to Install LiVES 2.8.7 in Ubuntu:

Besides building the software from source, you can install it from unofficial PPA in Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 16.10, Ubuntu 17.04, Linux Mint 18.x and their derivatives by following steps:

1. Open terminal via Ctrl+Alt+T and run command to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/lives

Type in your password (no visual feedback while typing due to security reason) when it asks and hit Enter.

2. Then upgrade the software from an existing release via Software Updater:

or simply run commands in terminal to install or upgrade LiVES:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install lives lives-plugins


To remove the software, simply run commands:

sudo apt-get remove --autoremove lives lives-plugins

The PPA can be removed via Software & Updates utility under Other Software tab.

The LiVES video editor and VJ tool has reached the 2.8.5 release. The new release features experimental support for Wayland.

Besides the Wayland support, LiVES 2.8.5 includes following changes

  • Fix audio loss when inserting without audio in clip editor (regression).
  • Fix compiler error and warnings for gcc 7
  • Fix regression in mkv_decoder.
  • Fix compiler warnings for openGL plugin.
  • Change max seek allowed from 1 second to 2 seconds in avformat decoder.
  • Update css state selectors for gtk 3.18+
  • Updated translation to Ukranian (thaks Yuri).

How to Install LiVES 2.8.5 in Ubuntu:

For Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 16.10, Ubuntu 17.04, and derivatives, you can install LiVES 2.8.5 from the unofficial PPA.

1. Open terminal via Ctrl+Alt+T or by searching for “Terminal” from start menu. When it opens, run command:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/lives

Type in your password (no visual feedback due to security reason) and hit Enter.

2. If you have a previous release installed, launch Software Updater (Update Manager) to upgrade LiVES after checking for updates:

Or just run commands to install the editor for the first time:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install lives lives-plugins


To remove LiVES video editor, either use your system package manager or run command in terminal:

sudo apt remove lives lives-plugins && sudo apt autoremove

And remove the PPA by going to System Settings -> Software & Updates -> Other Software tab.

Avidemux video editor has reached the 2.6.19 release a few days ago. It features better support for HEVC in mpeg TS and 10bits codec.

Avidemux 2.6.19 changelog includes:

  • All filters with preview have better navigation dialogs
  • Delogo filter UI redone
  • Fixed changeFps/resampleFps seeking
  • HEVC support improved
  • Flv/Demux : Support large files (rcdrone)
  • Allow EAC3 as external audio track
  • General usability cleanup
  • Allow using the last read folder as default save folder
  • 2 pass encoding dialog cleanup
  • Dynamically enable/disable menu
  • Customizable keyboard shortcut
  • Allow reverting page up/down
  • Better support for 10bits
  • Translation updates
  • Updated ffmpeg libs to 3.0.7

How to Install Avidemux 2.6.19 in Ubuntu:

The GetDeb repository has build the new release for Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 16.10, and their derivatives.

1. To add the repository, open terminal via Ctrl+Alt+T or searching for “terminal” from start menu, and run command:

sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc)-getdeb apps" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/getdeb.list'

For Linux Mint 18, add the GetDeb repository via Software Sources -> Additional Repositories

2. Then refresh, search for and install avidemux2.6-qt package via Synaptic Package Manager.

Or run commands in terminal to check for updates and install Avidemux 2.6.19:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install avidemux2.6-qt

How to Uninstall:

To remove the package, either use Synaptic Package Manager or run command:

sudo apt-get remove avidemux2.6-qt && sudo apt-get autoremove

And remove the repository by going to Software & Updates -> Other Software tab.

The Openshot video editor has reached the new stable 2.3 release today. Here’s how to install it in Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 16.10, Ubuntu 17.04, Linux Mint 17 & 18, and their derivatives.

Openshot 2.3 is one of the biggest release filled with new features, performance improvements, and tons of bug fixes! Release highlights include:

  • A new transform tool, allows real-time transformations in the video preview window.
  • Zooming the timeline has been greatly improved.
  • The razor tool from OpenShot 1.4.3 has returned
  • Many improvements to the Title Editor and Animated Title Editor.
  • Preview has own dedicated video player, allows multiple preview windows at the same time.
  • Huge performance improvements for real-time previews
  • New documentation (English only so far)
  • Audio, Export dialog, and other improvements. See release note.

How to Install OpenShot 2.3 via PPA:

The OpenShot Stable PPA has built the new packages for Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 16.10, Ubuntu 17.04, and Linux Mint 17 & 18.

1. Open terminal via Ctrl+Alt+T or by searching “Terminal” from start menu. When it opens, run command to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openshot.developers/ppa

Type in your password (no visual feedback due to security reason) and hit Enter.

2. If you have a previous Qt version (no the stock version in Ubuntu Software) installed, now launch Software Updater to upgrade Openshot after checking for updates.

Or run the commands below one by one in terminal to check updates and install Openshot 2.3:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install openshot-qt


The PPA repository can be easily removed by launching Software & Updates and navigating to Other Software tab. And the openshot-qt package can be removed either via your package manager or by running command:

sudo apt-get remove openshot-qt && sudo apt-get autoremove

Avidemux 2.6.16 Released On The Last Day 2016

Last updated: April 4, 2019

The open-source Avidemux video editor has reached the 2.6.16 release today on the last day of 2016 with core updates, UI / x265 enhancement and some fixes.

  • Avidemux can be built with visual c++ 2015 (losing some ASM)
  • Initialize fontconfig so that subtitling works for OS X
  • Update ffmpeg to 3.0.5
  • Improved build scripts (euma)
  • x265: Enforce complicancy with most devices
  • vaapi : Add resizer
  • Redone UI, revamped contrast filter
  • Dont use too much CPU on playback when there is no audio track
  • Reenabled nvenc + Fixed keyframe detection
  • Fixed a crash when encoding starts very slowly (x265)
  • Allow use of system libass, liba52,libmad (euma)

How to Install Avidemux 2.6.16 in Ubuntu:

Avidemux now has Appimage available for download in its official webpage.

For traditional Ubuntu packages, it refers to the GetDeb repository (no ready at the moment, check the link), and you can follow the steps below to add the repo and install Avidemux 2.6 (qt):

1. Open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run the command to add the repository for Ubuntu 16.04:

sudo sh -c 'echo "deb xenial-getdeb apps" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/getdeb.list'

For Ubuntu 16.10 and derivatives, replace xenial in code with yakkety.

2. Install the key so to trust the packages from that repository:

wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -

3. Finally update system package index and install Avidemux video editor:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install avidemux2.6-qt


To remove Avidemux, use the command below in a terminal window:

sudo apt remove avidemux2.6-qt && sudo apt autoremove

And the GetDeb repository can be removed via Software & Updates utility (Other Software tab).

OpenShot video editor finally reached the new major 2.1 stable release. Here’s how to install it in Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 14.04 via PPA.

OpenShot 2.1 adds support for displaying audio waveforms on clips, improves property editing, provides a new selection dropdown, supports user-configurable keyboard mapping, Windows 64-bit support, timeline improvements, a new startup tutorial, performance gains for effects, improved transitions, and much more.

The OpenShot Stable PPA has made the 2.1 release packages (Qt5 built) for Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 14.04. To install it, do:

1. Launch terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run command to add PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openshot.developers/ppa

2. You may have both 1.4.3 and 2.1 releases installed on your system since the new release is built against Qt5 and uses different application icons.

Just run the commands below in terminal to update and install Shotwell 2.1:

sudo apt update

sudo apt install openshot-qt

And finally launch the video editor from Unity Dash and enjoy!

Avidemux video editor has reached the 2.6.13 release recently with lots of bug-fixes and improvements. Here’s how to install it in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS via PPA.

Changes in Avidemux 2.6.13:

  • updated Toolchain for Win64 and OS X
  • Linux AppImage available (universal linux64 binaries)
  • Update to libav* 3.0.2
  • Improved copy mode for h264/h265 video
  • AAC/ADTS import/export
  • new video filter : ivtcDupeRemover to remove duplicate after 3:2 pulldown
  • Revamped refresh screen
  • ASS/SSA fixes
  • Improved logo filter with alpha channel
  • ShaderLoader, load your openGL shaders as filters
  • Compatibility with newer gcc
  • Partial filter available only for one in/one out video filters
  • Add go fwd/go backward 60 sec buttons

Install Avidemux 2.6.13 in Ubuntu 16.04:

The Qt and CLI version of Avidemux 2.6.13 has been made into the GetDeb Apps repository, available for Ubuntu 16.04 and Linux Mint 18. To install it, do below steps:

1. Add GetDeb repository by opening terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and running the command:

sudo sh -c 'echo "deb xenial-getdeb apps" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/getdeb.list'

2. Install the key so to trust the packages from that repository:

wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -

3. Finally update system package index and install Avidemux video editor:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install avidemux2.6-qt

4. (Optional) To remove Avidemux, use command:

sudo apt remove avidemux2.6-qt && sudo apt autoremove

And the GetDeb repository can be removed via Software & Updates utility (Other Software tab).

LiVES, free and open-source video editing system and VJ tool, has reached the 2.6.0 release. It features h264/aac, wmv2, ffv1 and mjpeg encodings support to ffmpeg_encoder and a few important fixes.

LiVES is upgrading continually in recent months. The first release in 2.6 series was released yesterday, one week after the 2.4.8 release. And here’s the changelog:

  • Fix crash when applying rendered effects to virtual clips.
  • Add h264/aac, wmv2, ffv1 and mjpeg encodings to ffmpeg_encoder.
  • Fix memory leak in new style gdkpixbuf converter.
  • Fix frame seek bug in avformat decoder with non-zero start time.
  • Autoscroll “Show details” when encoding.
  • Work around a gtk+ crash bug in GtkTextView with lots of text.
  • Show missing libraries in ffmpeg_encoder.
  • Show time remaining estimate for encoding for most encoder formats.
  • OK / Cancel in the file chooser should immediately cancel any preview (regression).
  • Add “Use current clip values” button when entering multitrack.
  • Fix memory leak in pulseaudio input analysis.
  • Minor GUI improvements.

How to Install LiVES 2.6.0 in Ubuntu:

Besides building from the source code, here’s a unofficial PPA available for Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 15.10, Ubuntu 14.04 and their derivatives.

Follow below steps to add PPA and install the video editor:

1. Launch terminal from Unity Dash, App Launcher, or via Ctrl+Alt+T key. When it opens, paste below command and run to add PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/lives

Type in your password (no visual feedback just type in mind) when it asks and hit Enter to continue.

2. Have a previous installed? Launch Software Updater and upgrade LiVES after checking for updates.

Or, run below commands one by one in terminal to check updates and install the new release:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install lives

3. (Optional) You may disable/remove PPAs after installation by launching Software & Updates and going to Other Software tab.