This tutorial shows how to enable or customize your login sound on Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail. This can be done by adding a startup application.
- Play a sound / music when login on Ubuntu 13.04 Raring.
- Enjoy!
To get started, open ‘Startup Applications’ utility from Unity dash search results.
In next window, click ‘Add’ button to add a program to start at login. Then give a name, comment, and command to play the sound file.
To play the classic gnome login sound, use below in command area. Change the value of “–volume” to turn up / down.
/usr/bin/canberra-gtk-play --id="desktop-login" --description="play login sound" --volume=10
To play a custom sound, install mplayer (Movie player for Unix-like systems), then type following in command area:
mplayer path/to/your/sound/file/name
For example, I have Hello-Moto.mp3 in my Music folder. The file path is /home/handbook/Music/Hello-Moto.mp3, where handbook is my username. So I use:
mplayer /home/handbook/Music/Hello-Moto.mp3
could not get ubuntu login sound to play on startup. tried your method ending volume 10. works a treat. many thanks. Les Johnston..
You’re welcome
> mplayer
It worked for me. you may need to install mplayer by:
> sudo apt-get install mplayer && sudo apt-get install mplayer2
I got this to work on Ubuntu 14.10.
Now, I have a question: is it possible to make a custom logout/shutdown sound?
Does this protocol work on Ubuntu 16.04? I followed the instructions, and haven’t gotten it to work quite yet. Also, is there a max length for start up sounds?