How to Install Skype Web Client (Unofficial) in Ubuntu

Last updated: September 17, 2015

Skype Web UI

Skype native client available in Ubuntu partner repository sucks? Try this unofficial client based on Skype Web version. .

Microsoft provides a web version of Skype allows users to chat and call friends using a web browser. For Linux, you can run the Skype Web as a desktop application (without browser) via an open source program called skype-unofficial-client.

The project is created two days ago. It’s built on top of node webkit and uses system’s notification.

How to install:

This software works on all Ubuntu releases and other Linux. Just open terminal from the Dash, App Launcher, or via Ctrl+Alt+T shortcut keys.

When it opens, run below commands one by one:

1. Download the source:

git clone

2. Navigate to the source folder in some terminal via:

cd skype-unofficial-client

3. Depends on your OS type, check out top-right corner shutdown menu -> About Computer, select run:

For 32-bit OS run:

sudo make linux_x86

For 64-bit OS run:

sudo make linux_x64

You can now launch it from main menu or via /opt/skype_unofficial_client/skype command. And remove the source folder in your home folder to clean up.

(Optional) To remove this unofficial client, just run below commands to remove the installation files:

sudo rm -R /opt/skype_unofficial_client/

sudo rm /usr/share/applications/Skype.desktop

sudo rm /usr/bin/skype-desktop



I'm a freelance blogger who started using Ubuntu in 2007 and wishes to share my experiences and some useful tips with Ubuntu beginners and lovers. Please comment to let me know if the tutorial is outdated! And, notify me if you find any typo/grammar/language mistakes. English is not my native language. Contact me via Buy me a coffee:

9 responses to How to Install Skype Web Client (Unofficial) in Ubuntu

  1. audio and video call are not suported in your OS (Ubuntu 15.04).
    So his skype version is useless !

    • It’s the microsoft web version, there is no “his” version.. Audio and Video aren’t supported on any Linux distro.. Which probably explains why I use Hangouts for all video calls.

  2. Based on the web version?? It is the web version! You can do the exact same thing by creating an application short-cut in chrome browser!

  3. Removed immediately after install.. Adds nothing simply creating an application short-cut in Chrome doesn’t already do.

  4. Thanks for this, official client really sucks.

  5. + for “Adds nothing simply creating an application short-cut in Chrome doesn’t already do”

    As long as this application has no icon for the tray – it is absolutely useless.

  6. Tried this on Fedora 23;

    [fermulator@hostname skype_unofficial_client]$ ./skype
    ./skype: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    [fermulator@hostname skype_unofficial_client]$ pwd

    Why does this require the X11 libXss screensaver runtime library? Is it a requirement?

  7. I didn’t read the comments until after I created this… What a pointless article. Take this down and it doesn’t fix anything.

  8. Actually, I like this app based edition of skype web, as chrome usually gives stuttering in other tabs when I open skype web with it.
    One real issue is lack of notification support and system tray support. Please add those options.