Vivaldi Browser 1.11 Released with New App Icon

Last updated: August 10, 2017

The Vivaldi web browser reached the 1.11 stable release today with new application icon and accessibility improvements.

Vivaldi 1.11 release highlights:

  • Advanced reader mode with font, text size, column width and line height, and background setting at the top.
  • Apply custom theme to the reader mode.
  • Turn off animated GIFs easily from the Status Bar.
  • Adjustable mouse gesture sensitivity
  • Optional Speed Dial buttons
  • And the new application icon.
  • See the release note for details.

Download / Install Vivaldi Browser:

For Ubuntu, it offers the DEB package available for download at the link below:

For those who have installed a previous release, and enabled the Vivaldi Linux repository, upgrade the browser via Software Updater:

To manually add the repository, run command to edit the source file:

gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/vivaldi.list

When the file opens, un-comment or add (if empty) the following line and save it:

deb stable main


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One response to Vivaldi Browser 1.11 Released with New App Icon

  1. I’m in shock. Just happened to find this today as I was troubleshooting video problems on my old single core pc I keep near the garage for youtube how-to videos. The only operating system the old timer can handle is ubuntu 14.04, but firefox is painfully slow and won’t video. Opera 12 is fast enough, but will barely play video. I installed vivaldi with no problem and am enjoying what feels like a modern pc. I don’t know why some say vivaldi is slow!