Vivaldi 2.1 Released with AV1 Support, Improved Quick Commands

Last updated: October 25, 2018

Vivaldi web browser 2.1 was released today with focus on Quick Commands improvements and various other changes.

Vivaldi 2.1 release highlights:

  • Enable support for AV1
  • Quick Commands improvements including:
    • Notes search
    • UI Zoom and support for command line parameters
    • Open items in a new tab via modifier keys
  • Numerous fixes, Updated translations, and Upgraded Chromium to 70.0.3538.77
  • For more, see the release note.
  • How to Install Vivaldi 2.1 in Ubuntu:

    The official Ubuntu .DEB packages are available for download at the link below:

    Grab the deb matches your OS, then install it via Ubuntu Software or Gdebi package manager. Or run command in terminal:

    sudo dpkg -i ~/Downloads/vivaldi-stable_2.1*.deb; sudo apt -f install

    In addition, after installed the .deb package, you can enable Vivaldi apt repository (Softare & Updates -> Other Software) to receive future updates through Software Updater:


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