How to Install (Remove) Eclipse IDE in Ubuntu 22.04, 20.04 the official way

Last updated: April 22, 2024

This simple tutorial shows how to install the latest Eclipse IDE in Ubuntu while the one in Ubuntu Software is always old.

Eclipse in Ubuntu Software is the containerized snap package and it’s old. Fortunately, an official installer is available for Linux.

1. Download & start Eclipse Installer:

Firstly go to the official download page, and grab the installer:

Then extract the tarball, and go into the result folder. Right-click and select “Run” the eclipse-inst file.

Or you can right-click on blank area and select “Open in Terminal”, and then run ./eclipse-inst in the pop-up terminal:

2. Install Eclipse:

When the installer wizard opens, choose “Eclipse for Java”, “Eclipse for Javascipt and Web”, or other that you want to install.

Next click on “Install” button, and accept the license to start installing the IDE:

The software is by default installed to the user home folder for single user use. Once installed, you can launch it either from system application launcher or the desktop shortcut (need to first right-click and choose “Allow Launching”).

How to Remove Eclipse Completely:

The software is installed by default in user’s home directory. Simply open the file manager, and remove the eclipse folder and eclipse-workspace folder.

For the desktop shortcut, just move it to trash. For app shortcut in the system launcher, press Ctrl+Alt+T to open terminal and run commands:

  • navigate to app shortcut folder for local user:
    cd .local/share/applications/
  • remove all Eclipse related files:
    rm *eclipse*.desktop epp*.desktop


I'm a freelance blogger who started using Ubuntu in 2007 and wishes to share my experiences and some useful tips with Ubuntu beginners and lovers. Please comment to let me know if the tutorial is outdated! And, notify me if you find any typo/grammar/language mistakes. English is not my native language. Contact me via Buy me a coffee:

8 responses to How to Install (Remove) Eclipse IDE in Ubuntu 22.04, 20.04 the official way

  1. Thanks, Jim. It was really helpful

  2. Thanks a lot Ji M!

  3. thanks very much.

  4. Thank you. This guide was really helpful. I was able to uninstall eclipse successfully.

  5. Doesn’t work for me. After upgrading Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04 I found that Eclipse 2022-06 updated previously from 2020-09) would frequently crash. After trying various things I uninstalled it and tried a fresh install as per above.
    Every time the installer crashes with “Installation failed with an error” – sometimes during the progress bar and sometimes after it has apparently ended. The log gives no obvious clue
    “[2022-09-06 14:38:44] An error was detected while performing the engine operation and the changes are being rolled back. See the log for details.
    [2022-09-06 14:38:44] ERROR: org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine code=4 An error occurred during the org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.CheckTrust phase.”
    which doesn’t help me.

    “The ~/eclipse folder is created but it only contains php-2022-062/eclipse/configuration/org.eclipse.oomph.setup/setup.log”

    Any clues?

  6. to add – I find that installing basic IDE works, it fails when I try to install Eclipse PDT…

  7. Thanks, it helps a lot!!

  8. So simple!