Archives For Android Emulator

android emulator ubuntu

Want to emulate Nexus, Galaxy, or other Android Phone/Tablet on Ubuntu Desktop? Well, you may already know the handy tool Genymotion.

Genymotion is a complete set of tools that provides a virtual environment for Android. It can be very useful for developers, testers, salesman or even gamers. Genymotion is free for personal use. For full features, you need to buy a license.


  • OpenGL acceleration to achieve the best 3D performance
  • Enable full screen option and improve your experience
  • Be precise in your UI development with the “pixel perfect” functionality
  • Start multiple virtual device at the same time
  • Override virtual device identifiers
  • Directly command virtual devices sensors with Genymotion Shell
  • Fully compatible with ADB. You can control your virtual device from the host
  • Manage sensors: Battery level / status, GPS, Rotation, Camera

Since 2.1:

  • supports copy/paste from the host to the virtual device, or from the virtual device to the host using Android builtin copy/paste feature.
  • Android 4.4 support



Install Genymotion:

1. This Android Emulator requires Virtualbox, so first search for and install virtualbox in Ubuntu Software Center.

2. Register (free).

3. Download the installer after your login the website. Not sure Linux 32 bits or 64 bits? Go to System Settings -> Details and you’ll see the OS type:

4. If you save the installer in the default Downloads folder, press Ctrl+Alt+T to open terminal. When it opens, run below commands one by one:

cd ~/Downloads/

chmod +x genymotion-2.1.0_x64.bin


It first navigate to Downloads folder, then give executable permission, and finally start the installer. Of course you need to change the file-name to yours.

5. According to the previous picture genymotion has been installed to “/home/handbook/Downloads/genymotion”.

So run below command to start it:
