Want to use animated wallpapers on Ubuntu desktop? Well, you can try the new awesome wallpaper manager called Komorebi.
Komorebi is an open-source animated wallpaper manager for Linux. With it, you can set your desktop background with:
- a picture with time & date.
- a video wallpaper.
- a web page.
The software ships with a list of default animated wallpapers. And there’s a Wallpaper Creator allows to manually create animated wallpapers from pictures, videos, or web pages.
How to Install and Use Komorebi in Ubuntu:
You can download the 64-bit deb, so far it’s “komorebi-2.1-64-bit.deb” from the release page:
Then install the package either via Gdebi (install it via Ubuntu Software) or by running command in terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T):
sudo dpkg -i ~/Downloads/komorebi-*.deb; sudo apt-get -f install
Once installed, launch Komorebi from your software launcher:
Then right-click on desktop, and choose Change wallpaper. There you can change animated wallpapers and do some basic settings.
Manually create animated wallpapers:
The software offers Wallpaper Creator utility. Open it from software launcher and you can do following steps to create an animated wallpaper from pic, video, or a web page.
1. When Wallpaper Creator launches:
- type a name for the new wallpaper.
- choose source type: picture, video, or web page.
- choose source file directory.
- finally you must choose a thumbnail image.
2. In next window, do some date & time, and other settings.
3. Due to permissions issue, you MUST move the new created wallpaper to /System/Resources/Komorebi/ as the last window prompts:
Open terminal from software launcher and run command as the picture shows you. In my case it’s: