Archives For November 30, 1999

For applications that don’t have launcher icons for Ubuntu, you can manually create them to make available from the Unitys search results.

Yestoday I installed Celtx 2.9.7 on my Ubuntu which doesn’t have a launcher icon by default. I need to run a command in terminal to open it everytime.

Finally I got it fixed, and here’s how:

1.) Open terminal by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T or from Unity Dash.


2.) Run below command to install required package gnome-panel without installing the recommends.

sudo apt-get install gnome-panel --no-install-recommends

3.) From now, you can create a custom launcher by running this command:

sudo gnome-desktop-item-edit /usr/share/applications/ --create-new

It brings up a dialog, where you can set the launcher icon, name, and command to run it.

The Celtx was installed into /usr/local/celtx/ directory, and run by root. So I found the icon from that directory, and type in command with gksudo at beginning.

Once done,click OK. Search in Unity, and you’ll find it!