For Ubuntu 16.04 users who are accustomed to have window buttons ‘minimize, maximize, close’ on the left side, this quick tutorial will show you how to change window buttons position after you install or upgrad to Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.
1. To get started, open Ubuntu Software, search for and install Gnome Tweaks.
2. Then launch the Gnome Tweaks, and navigate to Windows tab. At the bottom, you can see the toggle to change the titlebar buttons placement.
Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander is going to be released on October 17th. I’ve installed the final beta on my laptop. If you’re not comfortable with Ubuntu’s default window title buttons (minimize, maximize, close) location, you can easily move them to right via following steps.
1.) Go to Unity Dash, search for and open Dconf Editor. If not exist, install it from Ubuntu Software Center.
2.) When it opens, navigate to org -> gnome -> desktop -> wm -> preferences.
If you’re not comfortable with the eOS style window buttons, here’s how to add minimize buttons and move close, minimize, maximize buttons to right or left.
Because Elementary OS Luna is based on Ubuntu 12.04 Precise. So the setting is kinda similar. All you need to do is install Dconf Editor and change the value of button-layout.
1.) To get started, first install Dconf Editor. Open Software Center from the dock, search for and install dconf-tools. Or you can run below command in terminal:
sudo apt-get install dconf-tools
2.) Open Dconf Editor from the top-left app menu.
3.) Navigate to org > pantheon > desktop > gala > appearance. There you can change the value of button-layout to:
:minimize,maximize,close will add the minimize button, and move all window buttons to right. close,maximize,minimize: will add the minimize button, and move all window buttons to left.
You may find that colon ‘:’ is the line of demarcation. Button names before (or after) the colon will set them to left (or right) of window title bar.