Archives For Suru

Suru is an open-source icon theme intends to revive the now-defunct Ubuntu Mobile icon set by bringing the Suru design to a desktop icon set.

The Suru icon theme is only a few weeks old and still heavily in-development, as such there are plenty of icons that are “missing” or incomplete.

You can first take a look at the Suru icon on Gnome Desktop with Dash-to-Dock extension:

How to Install the Suru Icon in Ubuntu:

First download the source from the link below:

Then extract and open source folder in terminal from its context menu:

When the terminal opens, run make install to install the icon theme for your single user usage.

To apply the icon set, run following command in terminal:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface icon-theme Suru


To remove the icon theme, open the source folder in terminal (see the previous picture), and run command:

make uninstall