Archives For November 30, 1999

Tomahawk Music Player

Tomahawk team finally made the latest Tomahawk social music player into its official PPA with support for the upcoming Ubuntu 15.04 Vivid.

Tomahawk is a free multi-source and cross-platform music player. An application that can play not only your local files, but also stream from services like Spotify, Beats, SoundCloud, Google Music, YouTube and many others. You can even connect with your friends’ Tomahawks, share your musical gems or listen along with them.

Now the Ubuntu 15.04 users can install the latest player (Tomahawk 0.8.2 so far) by running below commands one by one in terminal:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tomahawk/ppa

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install tomahawk tomahawk-dbg

Above command adds the Tomahawk PPA into your system and you can receive future updates along with System Updates via Software Updater.

The PPA repository for Tomahawk Music Player finally made the latest 0.8.x release available for Ubuntu 12.04 Precise. Now the PPA provides the latest packages for Ubuntu 14.10, Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 12.04 and derivatives.

For those who have never heard of Tomahawk, it is a music player that not only plays your local collection, but also streams from SoundCloud, Beats, Spotify, Google Play Music, YouTube and many more. You can even connect Tomahawk with your friends via Jabber / GTalk and share your playlists and collections.

Tomahawk 0.8 was released a month ago with redesigned UI and new music services support and various fixes. Here’s the release highlights:

  • New UI and Icons
  • Drag and drop support for iTunes, Deezer, Beats Music, Rdio, Spotify, SoundCloud links (into Tomahawk) for playlists/tracks/artists/album links.
  • Added Google Play Music and Beats Music support.
  • Now Playing notifications
  • Support rtmp:// streams.
  • Add support for Opus codec (requires TagLib 1.9). Ubuntu 12.04 is not supported because it’s built with Taglib 1.8

For more details, see the github page.

Install Latest Tomahawk in Ubuntu:

First open terminal from the Dash or by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard. When it opens, run the command below to add Tomahawk PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tomahawk/ppa

Type in your password when it asks and hit Enter to continue.

After that, you can upgrade your music player through Software Updater after checking for updates. Or install it by running below commands one by one:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install tomahawk

That’s it. Enjoy!

Tomahawk social media player has recently released version 0.8, which features redesigned UI, Beats and Google Play Music support and more.

Tomahawk is a music player that not only plays your local collection, but also streams from SoundCloud, Beats, Spotify, Google Play Music, YouTube and many more. You can even connect Tomahawk with your friends via Jabber / GTalk and share your playlists and collections.

What’s new in Tomahawk 0.8:

  • Redesigned – Shiny new interface. Simplified. New icons.
  • Added Friend Feed.
  • Now Playing notifications (OS X & Windows) – support for OS-level notification systems (e.g. Notification Center) with fallback to its own native notification system.
  • Many actions now available in context menu – including Favorite and Send to a Friend.
  • Drag and drop support for iTunes, Deezer, Beats Music, Rdio, Spotify, SoundCloud links (into Tomahawk) for playlists/tracks/artists/album links.
  • Support for clicking source icon for currently playing track in audio controls to take user to associated page on source’s site
  • Added Hatchet plug-in.
  • Added Google Play Music and Beats Music support.
  • Add links to Support site, Bug Reports and Translations to Help menu.
  • Add “What’s New” page to display on first launch (or until user dismisses it) – also available from Help menu.
  • Changed label from “Resolvers” and “Services” to more generic “Plug-Ins”.
  • Clarified some labels, help text and status messages.
  • Changed icon color a bit.
  • Added “Acoustic” and “Electric” songtypes to Stations options.
  • Removed some stale Chart sources.
  • Playback Queue now saves its state across sessions.
  • Queue now moved to sidebar
  • Added “Inbox” feature, showing incoming song recommendations. Dropping a track on a user in the sidebar sends a recommendation to them.
  • You will now be asked whether you want to trust invalid SSL certificates.
  • Improved connecting between Tomahawk peers and support having multiple IPs (including IPv6).
  • Removed Top Loved from sidebar.
  • Removed Spotify playlist syncing (will be back in future versions).
  • HTTP(S) streaming is now done by Tomahawk instead of the Phonon backend (fixed HTTPS streaming on MacOS).
  • Heavily reduced memory footprint during and after indexing the database.
  • Retina display and DPI scaling fixes.
  • New Collection views. Re-added support for tracklist view of Collection.
  • Added Telepathy support.
  • Plugin refactoring (and .AXE resolver binaries).
  • Removed Twitter due to change in Twitter’s API.
  • Removed auto-playlists.
  • Improved error messages.
  • Added basic remote control API.
  • Add support for Opus codec (requires TagLib 1.9).
  • Support rtmp:// streams.
  • Support custom headers in CustomUrlHandler.
  • Fuzzy search indices for JS Resolvers.
  • Add metadata retrieval of HTTP(S) streams in JavaScript resolvers.

How to Install Tomahawk in Ubuntu:

While Ubuntu repositories provide an old version of Tomahawk, you can always install the latest release from its official PPA. So far, Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 14.10, and Linux Mint 17 are supported.

To get started, press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open the terminal. When it opens, run the command below to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tomahawk/ppa

Then install Tomahawk 0.8 via Synaptic Package Manager or commands below:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install tomahawk tomahawk-dbg

After that, you can receive future updates by running regular updates via Software Updater.


1. You can remove Tomahawk either from Ubuntu Software Center or by running the command below:

sudo apt-get remove tomahawk

To remove the PPA repository run:

sudo add-apt-repository -r ppa:tomahawk/ppa

2. To remove Tomahawk controls from Sound Menu:

  1. Install dconf-editor from Ubuntu Software Center.
  2. Launch dconf-editor and navigate to com -> canonical -> indicator -> sound
  3. Remove ‘tomahawk.desktop’ from the value of interested-media-players.
  4. To prevent it from showing in Sound Menu again, add ‘tomahawk.desktop’ to value of blacklisted-media-players.

Tomahawk is a social music player which allows to connect with your jabber / gtalk / twitter friends and share collections and playlists.

Tomahawk in Ubuntu Software Center is version 0.6 while the latest has reached 0.7. Here’s the changelog:

  • JavaScript Resolvers can now expose collections.
  • Introduced bundle system for JavaScript Resolvers, called “axes”.
  • Fixed playback-loop caused by duplicate tracks in a playlist.
  • Improved peer handling and removed connection support through Twitter.
  • Taking an account offline now also disconnects associated peers.
  • Improved Spotify protocol handling.
  • Added “Append to Playlist” context menu item.
  • User-friendlier collection handling: added info-buttons for artists and albums. Double-clicking an item expands it now.
  • Charts only load on-demand now.
  • Fixed Diagnostics information not correctly updating.
  • Fixed issue with hidden sidebar and panels.
  • Fixed issues with some color schemes.
  • Fixed playing files with special characters in the filename.
  • Improved stability.
  • Added translations for Catalan, Czech, Galician, Greek, Italian and Chinese.
  • (Windows) Smoother and more responsive audio playback.
  • (Linux) Fixed grid issues with GTK-styles.

Install Tomahawk via PPA:

The Tomahawk PPA always contains the latest release for Ubuntu, Linux Mint and Elementary OS users. Press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open temrinal. When it opens, run below command to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:tomahawk/ppa; sudo apt-get update

After that, you can use Ubuntu Software Center, Synaptic package manager or other package manager to install this player. Or run below command in terminal:

sudo apt-get install tomahawk tomahawk-dbg
