Ubuntu 16.04 LTS: Default Desktop Wallpaper Unveiled

Last updated: February 29, 2016

Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus

The default desktop wallpaper for Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus, the next LTS release, has been unveiled. Grayscale versions are in progress.

The new default wallpapers from Grazina in the design team looks not all that different from the previous 15.10 and 15.04’s wallpapers.

Ubuntu 16.04 default wallpaper

Here are the default wallpapers for Ubuntu 15.10 and Ubuntu 15.04:

Ubuntu 15.10 default wallpaper

Ubuntu 15.04 default wallpaper

Download the wallpapers from link below:

Ubuntu 16.04 Default Wallpaper


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One response to Ubuntu 16.04 LTS: Default Desktop Wallpaper Unveiled

  1. The so called new wallpapers is hardly what one might call original. It is so similar to the previous Ubuntu default wallpapers you wouldnt know the difference between versions. Sadly, I feel the new wallpapers are a lost opportunity to create something more of interest, something more destinct and a little less bland.