Archives For November 30, 1999

Kid3 audio tag editor released new version 3.8.3 today. Here’s how to install it in Ubuntu 20.04, Ubuntu 19.10, Ubuntu 18.04, and Ubuntu 16.04.

Kid3 3.8.3 comes with new keyboard shortcuts to navigate between the file and tag sections, 2 new scripts to apply English title capitalization to tags and transliterate ID3v1 tags to ASCII.

Other changes include:

  • Korean and Swedish translations.
  • Dark mode and custom themes improvements.
  • Support dragging multiple header rows in import table
  • Rename read-only files
  • Handbook updates and many bug-fixes.

How to Install Kid3 3.8.3 in Ubuntu:

The official Kid3 PPA has been updated with the new packages for all current Ubuntu releases, Linux Mint and derivatives.

1. Open terminal either from application launcher or by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard. When it opens, run command to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ufleisch/kid3

Type user password (no asterisk feedback) when it prompts and hit Enter to continue.

2. If an old version was installed, upgrade Kid3 using Software Updater:

or run commands one by one in terminal to install or upgrade to the latest tag editor:

sudo apt update

sudo apt install kid3-qt

You may replace kid3-qt with kid3 in the code for KDE integration, or with kid3-cli for the command-line interface


To remove the PPA repository, either open Software & Updates -> Other Software tab, or run command:

sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:ufleisch/kid3

To remove the audio tag editor, either use your system package manager or run command:

sudo apt remove --auto-remove kid3 kid3-*

This quick tip is going to show you how to get a textual location entry in the default Nautilus file browser in Ubuntu 20.04.

For temporary use, you can get the current files or folders’ path by simply pressing Ctrl+L on keyboard.

The default path bar becomes a location entry after pressing Ctrl+L, then you can copy and paste it for any use.

To let Nautilus display textual path entry for the location bar permanently:

Instead of the path-bar, you can always use a textual input entry for the location toolbar, by running following command in terminal:

  • Press Ctrl+Alt+T to open terminal and run command:
    gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.preferences always-use-location-entry true

  • And you can restore change via command:
    gsettings reset org.gnome.nautilus.preferences always-use-location-entry

Alternatively, use a graphical tool Dconf Editor, install it via Ubuntu Software, by navigating to ‘org/gnome/nautilus/preferences’

That’s it. Enjoy!

The lock screen background option was removed from settings since Ubuntu 20.04. Now, it uses desktop wallpaper with blur effect as the background for the lock screen.

For those who still want to change the lock screen background, then there’s an extension that supports GNOME from version 3.26 to 47. Meaning all current Ubuntu releases, Fedora, and other Linux with GNOME are supported.

NOTE: This tutorial only works for the default GNOME Desktop!

Option 1: Use Extension Manager

For Ubuntu 22.04, Ubuntu 24.04 and higher, there’s a popular “Extension Manager” app available in system repository for install and manage extensions in default GNOME desktop.

1. First, launch App Center or Ubuntu Software. Then, search for and install the “Extension Manager” app:

Install Extension Manager in Ubuntu Software/App Center

2. Then, launch the “Extension Manager” app, navigate to “Browse” tab. Finally, search & install the “lock screen background” extension.

Tips: Try switching the filter if it does not show you that extension. Or, use Option 2 to install it using web browser.

3. Once installed, switch back to “Install” tab, and click on the setting icon for that extension. Finally, click on “Browse” button in pop-up dialog and choose an image file for the login background.

Option 2: Use web browser

Extension Manager is not available in system repository for old Ubuntu 20.04 and earlier. In the case, you may use your web browser to install the extension.

1.) Open terminal by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard. When it opens, run command to install the agent package as well as Gnome Extensions app:

sudo apt install chrome-gnome-shell gnome-shell-extension-prefs

2.) Then open your web browser (e.g., Firefox), and go to the link button page:

Finally, use the ON/OFF toggle to install the extension.

Don’t see the toggle switch? Try clicking the link text “click here to install browser extension” and follow the pop-ups to install the browser extension. Then, refresh the page.

3.) Finally, launch GNOME Extensions app or Gnome Tweaks > Extensions, go to the extension settings page, and finally set a picture for lock screen background.

That’s it. Enjoy!

Looking for Linux drives of Canon printers and multifunction devices? Here’s easy way to install the ScanGear MP2, Cnijfilter2, and UFRII drivers in Ubuntu 24.04, Ubuntu 22.04, and Ubuntu 20.04 via PPA.

Thanks to Thierry Ordissimo, the guy maintains an Ubuntu PPA that contains official Canon drivers for Linux.

The most recent version added G6000, G6080, TS5300, TS5380, TS6300, TS6380, TS7330, TS8300, TS8380, TS8330, XK60, TS6330, TS3300, and E3300 series support in ScanGear MP2 driver. And E3300, G5000, G5080, G6000, G6080, GM2000, GM2080, TR703, TS3300, TS5300, TS5380, TS6300, TS6330, TS6380, TS700, TS708, TS7330, TR8300, TS8330, TS8380, XK60 support in the IJ print driver.

And a large list of devices were added support in the UFRII driver, they include:

TS5350i, G600, TS3500, TR4600, E4500, TR4700, XK500, TS8530, XK100, TS7530, TS7450i, GX6000, GX7000, TS5400, TS3400, E3400, TR7000, G2020, G3060, G2060, G3020, TS7430, XK90, TS8430, TR7600, TR8600, TR8630, TS6400, TS7400, G7000, G7080, GM4000, GM4080, G6000, G6080, TS5300, TS5380, TS6300, TS6380, TS7330, TS8300, TS8380, TS8330, XK60, TS6330, TS3300, E3300, TS8200, XK80, TS8230, TS8280, TS6200, TS6230, TS6280, TS9500, TR9530, TS9580, TR4500, E4200, LiDE 400, LiDE 300, G3010, G4010, TS9100, TS8100, TS6100, TR8500, TR7500, TS5100, TS3100, E3100, TS9180, TS8180, TS6180, TR8580, TS8130, TS6130, TR8530, TR7530, XK50, XK70, TS9000, TS8000, TS6000, TS5000, MG3000, E470, G4000, MB2100, MB2700, MB5100, MB5400, G3000, MG7700, MG6900, MG6800, MG5700, MG3600, MX450, MX490, E480, MG7500, MG6600, MG5600, MG2900, MB2000, MB2300, MB5000, MB5300, E460

E200, E300, E3100, E3300, E3400, E4200, E4500, E460, E470, E480, G1020, G2020, G2060, G3000, G3010, G3020, G3060, G4000, G4010, G5000, G500, G5080, G6000, G600, G6080, G7000, G7080, GM2000, GM2080, GM4000, GM4080, GX6000, GX7000, IB4000, IB4100, IP110, MB2000, MB2100, MB2300, MB2700, MB5000, MB5100, MB5300, MB5400, MG2900, MG3000, MG3600, MG5600, MG5700, MG6600, MG6800, MG6900, MG7500, MG7700, MX490, TR150, TR4500, TR4600, TR4700, TR7000, TR703, TR7500, TR7530, TR7600, TR8500, TR8530, TR8580, TR8600, TR8630, TR9530, TS200, TS300, TS3100, TS3300, TS3400, TS3500, TS5000, TS5100, TS5300, TS5350I, TS5380, TS5400, TS6000, TS6100, TS6130, TS6180, TS6200, TS6230, TS6280, TS6300, TS6330, TS6380, TS6400, TS700, TS708, TS7330, TS7400, TS7430, TS7450I, TS7530, TS8000, TS8100, TS8130, TS8180, TS8200, TS8230, TS8280, TS8300, TS8330, TS8380, TS8430, TS8530, TS9000, TS9100, TS9180, TS9500, TS9580, XK100, XK500, XK50, XK60, XK70, XK80, XK90

MF540 Series, MF642C/643C/644C, iR-ADV C7565 III, LBP622C/623C, MF645C, iR-ADV C5550/5560 III, iR2625/2630, LBP227, iPR C165, LBP323/324/325, WG7000 Series, iR2635/2645, MF745C/746C, iR-ADV 4545/4551, LBP8750, LBP3980M, LBP253, D1300 Series, MF8300 Series, LBP7600C, iPR C1PLUS, iR2422, iR1018/1022/1023, iR-ADV 8505, MF8500C Series, LBP251, MF6100 Series, iR-ADV C3320, LBP8900, LBP310/311/312, MF520 Series, iR-ADV C2020/2030, MF4700 Series, iR-ADV 6255/6265, MF4500w Series, iR C5185, MF420 Series, MF720C Series, MF633C/635C, D530/D560, L90/L160/L230, iPR C850, MF240 Series, MF7200 Series, MF4500 Series, MF4500 Series, MF632C/634C, iR1020/1024/1025, LBP6670, MF240 Series, iPR C1, LC600 Series, iR5570/iR6570, MF3010, iR5570/iR6570, MF417, MF720C Series, iR-ADV C5045/5051, iR2420, iR7086-7105, MF4320-4350, MF631C, iR-ADV 6275, LBP841C, iR-ADV C2025, MF4800 Series, LBP443, iR C2880/C3380, MF8300 Series, iR-ADV 8585/8595, iR-ADV C5235/5240, LBP712C, LBP441e, LBP653C/654C, MF631C, MF8300C Series, MF510 Series, MF4400w Series, LBP252 CARPS2, iR2422, MF633C/635C, LBP842C, D400-450, iR-ADV C7280, iR-ADV 4225/4235, L90/L160/L230, MF8400, LBP8780, iR3570/iR4570, MF4360-4390, iR C5180, iR-ADV 4045/4051, iR2002/2202, MF410 Series, iR-ADV C9270/9280, MF4010 Series, iR C5880/C6880, LBP9510C, LBP3950, MF220 Series, iR-ADV C2220/2230, MF6500 Series, LBP8730, iR C1325/1335, iR C5870, iR C5180, MF4700 Series, MF9200 Series, MF8000 Series, LBP7750C/5460, iR-ADV C250/350, iR8070, iR3030, MF632C/634C, iR3235/iR3245, iR3235/iR3245, iR-ADV 6055/6065, iR-ADV 400/500, MF6800 Series, iPR C1, LBP8720/8710, iR1018/1022/1023, iR-ADV C3520, iPR C750, MF4700 Series, iPR C750, MF4010 Series, iR C1021/C1022, iR1730/1740/1750, iR1020/1024/1025, MF735C, iR C2110, D500 Series, LBP8630/8620/8610, iR C5870, iR-ADV C256/356, iR2020, iR-ADV 8205, MF8300C Series, MF220 Series, iR-ADV 4045, iR105PLUS, MF4800 Series, iR 3180C EUR, MF3010, MF240 Series, MF6100 Series, iR-ADV 6055/6065, D460-490, iR2002/2202, iR-ADV 6275, MF4360-4390, MF6500 Series, LBP253, MF620C Series, iR-ADV C3320, iR-ADV 8085/8095, L410 Series, LBP710C, MF8200C Series, MF110/910 Series, L1000, MF732C/734C/735C, iR-ADV C9060/9070, iR2230, MF4500 Series, D530/D560, iR-ADV C255/355, LBP312, iR-ADV 4025/4035, iR-ADV 8585/8595, iR2525/2530, iR-ADV C2225, iR85PLUS, imageRUNNER1133 series, MF210 Series, LBP3370, MF5900 Series, iR-ADV 4245, LBP6710, iR2020, MF8400, MF731C/733C, MF4800 Series, MF210 Series, iR-ADV 4245/4251, MF8200C Series, iR-ADV 4545/4551, LBP5360, iR C1325/1335, MF110/910 Series, MF7200 Series, iR-ADV C3325/3330, iPR C600, MF731C/733C, iR C2550, LBP213, iR-ADV C7260/7270, MF6700 Series, iPR C700/800, MF260 Series, iR-ADV C7055/7065, MF9200 Series, iR-ADV C2218, iR-ADV 6555/6565, iR-ADV C5535/5540, MF230 Series, MF4400 Series, LBP5900, LBP841C, MF5800 Series, iR-ADV C5030/5035, MF732C/734C/735C, iR2525/2530, L90/L160/L230, iR-ADV 4025/4035, LBP9650C, iR-ADV 6075, LBP612C/613C, iR-ADV 8205, iR-ADV C9270/9280, iPR C1PLUS, LBP6650, LBP6680/3480, iR-ADV 4525/4535, MF8500C Series, iPR C850, iR2520, iR-ADV C351, iR2420, iPR C850, iR-ADV C3320L, iR-ADV C2020/2030, iR-ADV C7580/7570, iR-ADV C5535/5540, iR C1225, iR-ADV 8085/8095, L100/L150/L170, MF4100 Series, iR-ADV C9065, iR C3180, LBP5400, iR C5880/C6880, iR-ADV C9075, iR-ADV 4545, MF4200 Series, MF9100/9300, iR-ADV C2020L/2030L, MF4500w Series, iR2004/2204, iR C1028/C1030, iR8570N, LBP5970/5975, iR2520, LBP9950C/9900C, MF8300C Series, L190/L410 Series, LBP215, MF810/820, iR-ADV C255/355, LBP310/311/312, iR3025, LBP9520C, LBP6600, iR-ADV C5250/5255, LC800/L3000, LBP843C, D1500 Series, LBP9660C, MF4200 Series, iR-ADV C7580/7570, LBP7780C/5480, iR-ADV C3320/3330, MF4100 Series, iR3035/iR3045, MF8500C Series, MF8000 Series, MF4320-4350, iR2022/2025/2030, LBP351/352, MF4600 Series, LBP653C/654C, iR-ADV C2020i/2030i, LBP651C, iR2016, MF7400 Series, MF5900 Series, iR-ADV C7580/7570, MF210 Series, MF8000C Series, D1100, iR-ADV C355, LBP9600C/9500C, MF4400 Series, iR-ADV C5235/5240, LBP3800, MF4400 Series, LBP712C, LBP611C, MF720C Series, iR2022/2025/2030, LBP4500, LBP843C, LBP6700, iPR C650, LBP214, LBP161/162, MF8000C Series, LBP3920/3970, iR9070, MF5800 Series, MF260 Series, LBP7660C, iPR C750, LBP6780/3580, iR3230, iR C6870, iR2318/2320, LBP652C/654C, iR C1028/C1030, MF731C/733C, iR5075, iR-ADV C5045/5051, iR-ADV C2220/2230, iR2016, MF220 Series, D570, iR-ADV C256/356, iR-ADV C3525/3530, MF8400, iR C1021/C1022, iR2270/iR2870, LBP215, D400-450, MF520 Series, iR-ADV C356, LBP611C, LBP351/352, iR-ADV 6255/6265, iPR C700/800, iR C2580, iR-ADV 8505, D500 Series, LBP441, LBP3910/3930, iR-ADV 8505, iR C3000 Series, iR-ADV C9065/9075, iR-ADV 8285/8295, iR-ADV 6575, iR2535/2545, LBP612C/613C, iR2270/iR2870, LBP161/162, MF4600 Series, MF632C/634C, iR C4080/C4580, MF4360-4390, MF620C Series, MF620C Series, iR-ADV 4525/4535, LBP351/352, iR-ADV C5550/5560, iR-ADV 6575, iR-ADV C3325/3330, LBP214, iR3225, MF8200C Series, iR3530, iR-ADV 6555/6565, iR-ADV C7260/7270, LBP5910M, LBP3360, MF9100/9300, LBP3980, iR-ADV 8285/8295, iR3025, iR C5185, iR5075, LBP211/212, iR C2380/2550, L100/L150/L170, LBP251, iR-ADV 8105, MF8300 Series, iR-ADV 6555/6565, iR7086-7105, LBP7700C, iR1435, MF4600 Series, MF6500 Series, D1300 Series, iR-ADV 6560, MF230 Series, iR 5880C/6880C EUR, iR C4080, LBP3410, iR C3880/C4580, MF4100 Series, D1100, LBP3700, iR C3000 Series, iR5055/iR5065, iR2830, iR3035/iR3045, iR1435, MF8000C Series, MF420 Series, LBP251 CARPS2, iR2535/2545, iR105i, LBP253, iPR C650, MF9200 Series, D460-490, MF520 Series, iR-ADV C5030/5035, iR-ADV C3520/3530, iR-ADV 8585/8595, iR-ADV 4525/4535, iR-ADV C5250/5255, LBP712C, iR-ADV C5535/5540, iR2018, iR3570/iR4570, iR C3080/3480/3580, iPR C700/800, LBP6750/3560, MF7100 Series, iR2230, MF410 Series, iR C3080/C3580, MF8000 Series, iR-ADV C7565, MF4320-4350, iR-ADV C7565, LBP6670, LBP6650/3470, MF4200 Series, iR C6870, D400-450, iR C2880/C3380, MF810/820, iR5055/iR5065, iR-ADV C7565, L190/L410 Series, LBP3460, LBP612C, iR-ADV 8105, iR C3000 Series, iR2318/2320, LBP7660C, LBP252, iR7270N, LBP252, LC800/L3000, LBP5960, iR2006/2206, MF510 Series, L250, LBP442, iR1730/1740/1750, LBP5910, iR2018, iR-ADV C7055/7065, iR-ADV C5550/5560, iR-ADV 6575, MF510 Series, iR-ADV 4225/4235, D570, MF7400 Series, LBP7680C/5280, MF230 Series, iR3225, iR4530, iR-ADV C3525/3530, iR-ADV 6075, iR-ADV C350, iR-ADV C5550/5560, iR-ADV C475 III, LBP225, MF741C/743C, iR-ADV 4545/4551 III, LBP223, iR-ADV 715 III, iR-ADV C3520 III, LBP226, iR-ADV 4525/4535 III, LBP664C, iR-ADV 8505 III, iR-ADV C256/356 III, MF440 Series, iR-ADV 8585/8595 III, iR-ADV 615, iR-ADV 6575 III, LBP228, iR-ADV C7580/7570 III, iR1643i, iR1643P, LBP621C, iR-ADV 525 III, iPR C710/810/910, LBP852C, iR-ADV C3525/3530 III, iR-ADV 525, LBP222, MF641C, D1600 Series, WG7000Z Series, iR-ADV 6555/6565 III, iR-ADV 715,

How to install the Canon Printer Driver from PPA

1.) Add the PPA repository

Open terminal either by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard or by searching for ‘terminal’ from system application menu. When it opens, run command:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:thierry-f/fork-michael-gruz

Type your password (no asterisk feedback) for sudo prompt and hit Enter to continue.

2.) To install the ScanGear MP driver, run command:

sudo apt install scangearmp2

To install IJ printer driver, run command:

sudo apt install cnijfilter2

3.) To install UFRII or LIPSLX printer driver for Canon LBP/iR printers, install one of following packages for your devices via apt command:

  • cnrdrvcups-lipslx
  • cnrdrvcups-ufr2-uk
  • cnrdrvcups-ufr2-us

There are also a list of PPD (PostScript Printer Description) files available in the PPA, either install one via apt command or use Synaptic to search for your printer.

Mozilla Firefox 76 was released today with improved online account protections and Zoom support.

Firefox 76 features Lockwise password manager improvements, including protection to saved passwords in “Logins and Passwords” page, display vulnerable password alert and website breach alert, and automatically generate secure, complex passwords to more sites.

Other changes include:

  • Picture-in-picture: double-click to go full-screen, again to reduce the video size.
  • Audio Worklets support: allow audio processing like VR and gaming, join Zoom calls without additional downloads
  • WebRender now available by default on modern Intel laptops with a small screen for Windows.
  • And various security fixes. See release note for more.

Download / Install Firefox 76 in Ubuntu:

If you prefer upgrading the pre-installed Firefox package, v76 package will be available in a few days for all current Ubuntu releases. At that time, upgrade Firefox via Software Updater (Update Manager):

And Firefox snap and flatpak packages, both run in sandbox, are now updated for Ubuntu 18.04 and higher.

HandBrake video transcoder 1.3.2 was released a day ago with many improvements and bug-fixes.

According to the release note, HandBrake 1.3.2 release highlights include:

  • Improve support for H.265 video in AVI container
  • Fix point to point end detection
  • Fix QSV HEVC encoder on older Intel hardware.
  • Fix upstream FFmpeg issue where passing through AAC ADTS audio could produce invalid MKV output in rare cases
  • And many fixes for Windows, Mac OS, and Linux.

How to Install HandBrake in Ubuntu:

HandBrake has an official Ubuntu PPA. It is however not updated timely, and Ubuntu 18.04 is no longer supported due to old system libraries.

The github release page offers official flatpak packages that work on 64-bit Ubuntu 18.04 and higher.

Grab the .flatpak and install it via command:

flatpak install /path/to/package_name.flatpak

NOTE: flatpak runs in sandbox and HandBrake flatpak package requires Gnome 3.36 runtime platform. See more at this page.

This quick tutorial shows how to install the latest LMMS music creation tool 1.2.1 in Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 19.10.

LMMS 1.2.1 has been made into Ubuntu 20.04 main repositories. There are also official .appimage package and flatpak package (runs in sandbox) available for most Linux desktop.

For those prefer installing LMMS 1.2.1 native .deb via apt-get, I’ve uploaded the Ubuntu 20.04 package backports into the unofficial PPA for Ubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu 19.10.

1.) Open terminal either by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard, or by searching for ‘terminal’ from your system application menu. When it opens, run command:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/lmms

Type user password (no asterisk feedback) for sudo prompt and hit Enter to continue adding the PPA.

2.) Then run command to refresh system package cache and install LMMS:

sudo apt update

sudo apt install lmms


To remove lmms, run command:

sudo apt remove --autoremove lmms

And remove the PPA either via Software & Updates -> Other Software or by running command:

sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/lmms

This simple tutorial shows how to send application shortcut icons to the desktop in Ubuntu 20.04 Gnome Shell.

Want to put working folders and common used applications on your desktop? It’s easy to do this in the default Gnome desktop via following steps.

Method 1: Copy & Paste .desktop files Manually

1. First open file browser and navigate to Other Locations > Computer > usr > share > applications. The shortcut files of most installed applications are there.

Open another new file browser window, and navigate to Desktop folder.

Now drag and drop desired applications’ .desktop files to the Desktop folder.

2. Then right-click on the desktop icons one by one and select ‘Allow Launching‘.

The icons should change, and will launch the applications once you click on them.

Method 2: Use an extension

There’s now a Gnome extension to make things easier! With it, user can simply search for an application and right-click on its icon, finally select “Add to Desktop” option to do the job.

To install the Extension in Ubuntu 22.04, press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open terminal. Then, run command to install extension manager:

sudo apt install gnome-shell-extension-manager

Next, press Windows/Super key on keyboard and then search for and open the extension manager:

Finally, search for and install “Add to Desktop” extension under ‘Browser’ tab and enjoy!

Ubuntu 20.04 user may install the extension by visiting this gnome web page.

Ubuntu 20.04 Gnome 3.36 brings a little change on the top-right corner system tray menu. Log Out, Switch User, Suspend, and Power Off are now sub-menu options of a new ‘Power Off / Log Out‘ button.

For those don’t prefer the new sub-menu, a Gnome Shell Extension is available to bring out the submenu of ‘Power Off / Log Out‘ and rearrange the order of system menu.

Install the Extension in Ubuntu 20.04

1. Open Firefox or Google Chrome and go to

If you’re first time installing a Gnome Shell extension on your system, you may first click the link text “click here to install browser extension” and follow the pop-ups to install the browser extension:

2. Then open terminal via Ctrl+Alt+T and run command:

sudo apt install chrome-gnome-shell

3. After that, you’re able to install the Gnome Shell extension by going to

If everything’s OK, system tray menu should change. And you can manage the extension either via Extensions utility or Gnome Tweaks.

Install the Gnome Extension in Ubuntu 22.04

Ubuntu 22.04 defaults to Firefox as Snap which does not support installing Gnome Extensions. Besides using another web browser, here’s another way to install the extension to bring out “Power Off / Log Out” sub menu.

1.) Firstly press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open terminal. When it opens, run the command below to install Extension manager:

sudo apt install gnome-shell-extension-manager

2.) Once installed, press Windows/Super key on keyboard or click the top-left “Activities” button. Then search for and launch the tool:

3.) Finally, search for and install the “Bring Out Submenu Of Power Off/Logout Button” extension in ‘Browser’ tab will do the trick in Ubuntu 22.04:

Qmmp, qt-based audio player with winamp like user interface, released version 1.4.0 last night with lots of changes.

Qmmp 1.4.0 is a big release that features YouTube plugin, sleep mode inhibition plugin, socks5 proxy support, and much more other changes including:

  • add feature to auto-hide empty service menus.
  • add option to disable two passes for equalizer.
  • add fast mute function for most output plugins.
  • add shared CUE parser.
  • added feature to transit between playlists.
  • add SOCKS5 proxy support.
  • added Ogg Opus support in the ReplayGain scanner.
  • improve qsui plugin, ffmpeg plugin, lyrics, cdaudio plugin, m3u support.

How to Install Qmmp 1.4.0 in Ubuntu:

The official Qmmp PPA has made the packages for Ubuntu 20.04, Ubuntu 19.10, Ubuntu 18.04, and Ubuntu 16.04.

1. Open terminal either by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard or by searching for ‘terminal’ from app launcher. When it opens, run command to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:forkotov02/ppa

Input your password (no asterisk feedback while typing) and hit Enter to continue.

2. If an old version exists on your system, upgrade Qmmp using Software Updater:

Or run commands to install or upgrade Qmmp and its plugins:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install qmmp qmmp-plugin-pack


You can manage the PPA repository via Software & Updates utility, under Other Software tab.

To remove Qmmp music player, either use your system package manager or run command:

sudo apt-get remove --autoremove qmmp qmmp-*