HPLIP, an open-source HP developed Linux drivers for HP printers, has reached the 3.17.10 release. Two new scanners and Debian 9.1 are supported in the release.
New scanners supported in HPLIP 3.17.10:
HP Scanjet Enterprise Flow N9120 fn2 Document Scanner
HP Digital Sender Flow 8500 fn2 Document Capture Workstation
Download / Install HPLIP 3.17.10:
To install the software, download the package “hplip-3.17.10.run” from the link below:
Then open terminal via Ctrl+Alt+T or search for “terminal” from app launcher. When it opens, run command:
cd ~/Downloads/ && chmod +x hplip-3.17.10.run && ./hplip-3.17.10.run
Input your password (no visual feedback while typing) when it prompts and hit Enter.
Then follow the terminal outputs, answer some questions to build and install HPLIP on your system. When everything is done, plug/re-plug your printers and enjoy!
Found that your desktop screen recording applications do not launch in Ubuntu 17.10 default Wayland session?
Well, try Green Recorder, the first desktop program to support Wayland display server on GNOME session.
Green Recorder is a GTK+ 3 application written in Python that features:
Record audio and video on almost all Linux interfaces.
Support mkv, avi, mp4, wmv, gif and nut (only WebM for Wayland)
A play button to play last recorded video.
Right-click system tray icon to stop recording.
Choose the audio input source from list.
Run command after recording.
How to Install Green Recorder in Ubuntu 17.10:
The latest Green Recorder 3.0.5 features a lot of small fixes and restrcutered UI. You can install it in Ubuntu 17.10, and Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 17.04 via its official PPA.
1. Open terminal either via Ctrl+Alt+T or by searching ‘terminal’ from app launcher. When it opens, run command to add the PPA:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fossproject/ppa
Input your password (no visual feedback while typing) when it prompts and hit Enter.
2. Then run commands to check repository packages and install the recorder:
Ubuntu 17.10 uses Wayland in the default session and Xorg for optional. However, many graphical applications need to run as root so far does not launch in Wayland.
You’ll get following similar errors while running graphical applications via root:
For some applications, e.g., Synaptic Package Manager, Grub Customizer, Gparted, and Ubuntu Tweak, they does not launch in Wayland.
Or you may get following error when trying to launch them via gksu command:
Failed to run *** as user root. Unable to copy the user’s Xauthorization file.
Starting graphical application via sudo in terminal window will get error:
No protocol specified. Gtk-WARNING **: Cannot open display: :0
The most straightforward workaround is to use xhost to temporarily allow the root user to access the local user’s X session.
To do so, run command:
xhost si:localuser:root
After running the command, these graphical applications can be launched from app launcher or via sudo, gksu, pkexec commands until you log out.
To make this work automatically at login, search for and launch Startup Applications utility, click the “Add” button to run the command at startup:
QupZilla 2.2, the final release series of the cross-platform Qt web browser, is now available.
QupZilla will now get only bug-fix releases, and next major release will be named Falkon as a KDE project.
QupZilla 2.2.0 release highlights:
added back print element background option
added back print preview dialog
added session manager
tab icon is now hidden when page has no icon
improved locationbar completer with search suggestions
improved handling of downloading dependencies in GreaseMonkey scripts
various improvements in TabManager extension
Linux: PulseAudio streams now have QupZilla app name and icon
Install QupZilla 2.2.0 in Ubuntu:
QupZilla 2.2.0 requires Qt 5.9.2. It can’t be built with default Qt libraries in all current Ubuntu releases.
At the moment, you can only download the Appimage, non-install single executable file, from the link below:
Then make it executable via its Properties window, and run the file to launch QupZilla:
Don’t see the “Run” option even after made the appimage executable? Go to file manage menu Edit -> Preferences -> Behavior -> Choose the option says ‘Run executable text files when they are opened’.
Rhythmbox, Ubuntu’s default music playing application, got a new release update after a year of development.
Besides removing visualization plugin, Rhythmbox 3.4.2 features responsiveness improvements during media player sync, better network buffering when crossfading is enabled, and various bug-fixes (or feature request) including:
Critical Assertion Errors
Add --version command option.
Rhythmbox crashed with SIGSEGV during import
Expand playing icon column in entry view
Import hangs for special file
Playqueue UI improvements
Memory leak in error handling of utimes on podcast-timestamp
Open settings crashes the app
build failure with gcc 7.1.1
Keyboard navigation with tab is broken by search entry widget
How to Install Rhythmbox 3.4.2 in Ubuntu:
The project leader for Ubuntu Budgie, fossfreedom, was maintaining PPA with Rhythmbox package and its plugins, though they are not updated for a period of time.
So I uploaded Rhythmbox 3.4.2 into the PPA, available for Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 17.04, and Ubuntu 17.10.
1. Open terminal via Ctrl+Alt+T and run command to add the PPA:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/apps
Input your password (no visual feedback while typing) when it prompts and hit Enter.
2. Then upgrade the music playing application via Software Updater:
or upgrade your system via command:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
How to remove:
To revert back to stock version of Rhythmbox in your Ubuntu, purge the PPA as well as downgrade the player via command:
Yarock, a Qt music player designed to provide a clean music collection based on album cover art, reached 1.2.0 release a few hours ago.
It has been one year since the last update of Yarock music player. And Yarock 1.2.0 features:
Configurable custom cover art size
Redesign player tool bar with expanded tool bar mode
Replace Echonest with Spotify web service for artist image.
Add option to prevent downloading artist image from internet.
Change & fix many lyrics provider services
Changes: Many minors ui changes and improvments
How to install yarock 1.2.0 in Ubuntu:
There are a few third-party PPAs contain yarock packages for Ubuntu. At the moment, you can install the 1.2.0 release via this PPA in Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 17.04, Ubuntu 17.10, and derivatives.
1. Open terminal either via Ctrl+Alt+T or by searching for “terminal” from app launcher. When it opens, run command to add the PPA:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/apps
Input your password (no visual feedback while typing) when it prompts and hit Enter.
2. Then install the player either via Synaptic Package Manager (after clicking refresh), or by running commands:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install yarock
Once installed, launch the music player from your application launcher and enjoy!
How to Remove:
To remove the software, use Synaptic Package Manager or run command:
sudo apt-get remove --autoremove yarock
And remove the PPA by launching Software & Updates utility and navigating to Other Software tab.
Boring with the default purple login screen background in Ubuntu 18.04? Well, here’s how to make a change by hacking the css file.
UPDATE 2024: This tutorial is outdated and only work for old Ubuntu 18.04!! For most recent Ubuntu versions, see this tutorial instead!
Ubuntu since 17.10 switches to Gnome 3 Desktop and GDM display manager. Although there are options to change desktop wallpaper and lock screen background (it’s actually screen saver with date & time displayed), the login screen is always purple.
In the picture above, I’ve changed the login background to the image “Aardvark_Wallpaper_Grey_4096x2304.png” locate in /usr/share/backgrounds.
1. Move your favorite image to /usr/share/backgrounds:
It’s better to move the image you want to set as login background to system pictures folder: /usr/share/backgrounds.
To do so, open terminal via Ctrl+Alt+T, then either run command:
Replace Aardvark_Wallpaper_Grey_4096x2304.png with your picture file name.
Finally save the file and restart your computer to apply changes.
NOTE: these changes may be overwritten in case of an system update with GDM packages. Please let me know if you find a good way to change the GDM3 login background in Ubuntu 17.10.
For notebook or PC with a touchpad, you’ll find that tap clicking function does not work in the GNOME login screen out-of-the-box, either in Ubuntu or other Linux.
You may hit Enter on keyboard to login after typing password. It will however more convenient if tap to click works when trying to select another user, session, or upper right corner menu. And here’s how to enable this function in Ubuntu 22.04 and Ubuntu 20.04.
UPDATE: There’s now graphical GDM-Settings configuration tool, can do the job as easy as few mouse clicks.
Enable Tap Clicking in GDM Login Screen.
Both the System Settings and ‘Dconf Editor’ configuration tool have option to toggle ‘Tap to Click’ in Ubuntu. However, none works for the login screen due to permission issue. You need the gdm system user privilege to do the setting.
1.) Firstly, open terminal by either searching from the overview screen or pressing Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard.
2.) For Ubuntu 22.04, you have to first install the dbus-x11 package for dbus-launch command:
sudo apt install dbus-x11
3.) When terminal opens, run command to add user gdm to the control list:
xhost SI:localuser:gdm
It will indicate that ‘localuser:gdm being added to access control list’.
4.) Finally run gsettings command to enable ‘tap to click’ using gdm user privilege:
sudo -u gdm gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.touchpad tap-to-click true
For Ubuntu 22.04, add dbus-launch flag in command, so it will be:
sudo -u gdm dbus-launch gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.touchpad tap-to-click true
If you want to do more settings about the GNOME login screen, you may first install “Dconf Editor” and launch the tool via gdm system user. To do so, paste the command below into terminal and hit run:
When it opens, navigate to “org/gnome/login-screen“. There you may toggle settings for disable user list, enable fingerprint, smartcard authentications, and more.