LibreOffice 5.3.4, the fourth release for LibreOffice 5.3 family, was announced more than 2 weeks ago. It’s finally made into PPA for Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 16.10, Ubuntu 17.04, and Ubuntu 17.10.
LibreOffice 5.3.4 integrates over 100 patches, with a significant number of fixes for interoperability with Microsoft Office RTF and OOXML documents. See HERE for details.
Install LibreOffice 5.3.4 via PPA in Ubuntu:
1. Open terminal via Ctrl+Alt+T or by searching for “terminal” from app launcher. When it opens, run command to add the PPA:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa
Type in your password (no visual feedback when typing due to security reason) when prompts and hit Enter.
2. Then launch Software Updater and upgrade LibreOffice after checking for updates:
How to restore:
To revert back to the stock version of LibreOffice in your Ubuntu, purge the PPA via command:
The Hugin panorama photo stitcher has reached the 2017.0.0 release. The official Ubuntu binary packages are now available via its PPA repository for Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 16.10, Ubuntu 17.04, Ubuntu 17.10, and derivatives.
Hugin is an easy to use cross-platform panoramic imaging toolchain based on Panorama Tools. With it, you can assemble a mosaic of photographs into a complete immersive panorama, stitch any series of overlapping pictures and much more.
The latest version 2017.0.0 is mainly a bug fix release. Changes include:
Several fixes for working with HDR images
Fixes handling of masks in cpfind when images needs remapping for cp finding.
Sometimes unsaved changes were disregarded without asking the user. Unsaved changes should now always require user confirmation.
Added special assistant variant for single image projects.
Display of final panorama dimensions on stitcher tab.
Extended the user defined output sequences
Use wxWidgets help windows instead of default browser
Other small improvements and translation updates.
How to install Hugin 2017 via PPA in Ubuntu:
1. Open terminal via Ctrl+Alt+T or by searching for “Terminal” from app launcher. When it opens, run command to add the official PPA:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:hugin/hugin-builds
Type in your password when prompts and hit Enter
2. Then launch Software Updater and upgrade the software after checking for updates.
How to Restore:
To revert back to the stock version of Hugin packages in your Ubuntu, purge the PPA via command:
MusicBrainz Picard is an open-source cross-platform music tagger written in Python. While Ubuntu repositories provide an old version of the software, here’s how to install the latest release (Picard 1.4.2 so far) in Ubuntu 16.04, and higher.
MusicBrainz Picard has an official Ubuntu PPA repository, however, it’s not been updated for more than a year. It now publishes the official Linux binaries only through Flathub repository.
1. Install Flatpak (Ubuntu 16.04 only).
While Ubuntu 16.04 does not ship Flatpak in the default repositories, open terminal via Ctrl+Alt+T and run commands to install it from the PPA.
Add the flatpak PPA via command (type your password when prompts and hit enter):
This quick tutorial is going to show you how to install the latest Python 3.6.1 in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS via PPA.
Ubuntu 16.04 comes with both Python 2.7 and Python 3.5 by default. You can install Python 3.6 along with them via a third-party PPA by doing following steps:
1. Open terminal via Ctrl+Alt+T or searching for “Terminal” from app launcher. When it opens, run command to add the PPA:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jonathonf/python-3.6
Type in your password (no visual feedback due to security reason) when it asks and hit Enter.
2. Then check updates and install Python 3.6 via commands:
I’ve been running into desktop shortcut key issue recently in my Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. When I trying to launch a terminal or take a screenshot, there will be more than 20 seconds delay after pressing Ctrl+Alt+T or PrintScreen on keyboard.
This happened after installed some Gnome related application libraries. And I found this BUG after doing a little search. A workaround is to restart the gnome-keyring-daemon service.
1. Launch terminal from Unity Dash, Gnome launcher, or other app launcher.
When it opens, run command to kill the service:
sudo killall gnome-keyring-daemon
The service starts automatically after you killed it, and that fixes the shortcut delay issue until reboot.
2. Until Gnome Team fixed the issue, you have to run the command automatically on startup by doing following steps:
Launch Startup Applications utility, click Add button and type:
The 4.12 Linux Kernel was finally released earlier today. Linus Torvalds announced in
Things were quite calm this week, so I really didn’t have any real reason to delay the 4.12 release.
As mentioned over the various rc announcements, 4.12 is one of the bigger releases historically, and I think only 4.9 ends up having had more commits. And 4.9 was big at least partly because Greg announced it was an LTS kernel. But 4.12 is just plain big.
There’s also nothing particularly odd going on in the tree – it’s all just normal development, just more of it that usual. The shortlog below is obviously just the minor changes since rc7 – the whole 4.12 shortlog is much too large to post.
In the diff department, 4.12 is also very big, although the reason there isn’t just that there’s a lot of development, we have the added bulk of a lot of new header files for the AMD Vega support. That’s almost exactly half the bulk of the patch, in fact, and partly as a result of that the driver side dominates everything else at 85+% of the release patch (it’s not all the AMD Vega headers – the Intel IPU driver in staging is big too, for example).
But aside from just being large, and a blip in size around rc5, the rc’s stabilized pretty nicely, so I think we’re all good to go.
Go out and use it.
Kernel 4.12 top features:
initial GeForce GTX 1000 series 3D accelerated support on Nouveau driver stack
Intel’s DRM driver has turned on atomic mode-setting by default
Initial Radeon RX Vega support on AMDGPU DRM driver
A USB Type-C port manager
KASLR enabled by default for x86 systems.
BFQ and Kyber now mainline as two new I/O schedulers.
Continued power management tuning.
How to Install Kernel 4.12 in Ubuntu / Linux Mint:
The mainline kernel PPA has made the binaries for the new kernel release, available for download at the link below:
Depends on your OS type, download and install the packages in turns:
Select generic for common system, and lowlatency for a low latency system (e.g. for recording audio), amd64 for 64bit system, i386 for 32bit system, or armhf, arm64, etc for other OS types.
To get the Kernel 4.12 from the command console, run the commands below one by one:
Start/restart your machine and select boot with the previous kernel in Grub2 -> Advanced menu. Then use Ubuntu Tweak, or other system tool to remove the Kernel 4.12, or you may see this how to remove old kernels tutorial.
A new update of the free and open-source LiVES video editor and VJ tool was released a few days ago with bug-fixes and some improvements. Here’s how to install or upgrade it in Ubuntu via PPA.
LiVES is a Video Editing System designed to be simple to use, small in size, yet powerfull with many advanced features. The latest LiVES 2.8.7 was released 2 days ago with following changes:
Remove glad.h dependence on khr.
Prompt for clip name when rendering to new clip.
Fix autolives toy.
Increase default frame size to 1024×768 for new installs.
Allow override of frame size when encoding to ffmpeg / h264 format.
Fix breakage in the threaded progress window.
Updated Ukrainian translation (Yuri).
How to Install LiVES 2.8.7 in Ubuntu:
Besides building the software from source, you can install it from unofficial PPA in Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 16.10, Ubuntu 17.04, Linux Mint 18.x and their derivatives by following steps:
1. Open terminal via Ctrl+Alt+T and run command to add the PPA:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/lives
Type in your password (no visual feedback while typing due to security reason) when it asks and hit Enter.
2. Then upgrade the software from an existing release via Software Updater:
or simply run commands in terminal to install or upgrade LiVES:
The first alpha of Ubuntu 17.10 Artful Aardvark was released earlier today. It features images for Lubuntu, Kubuntu, and Ubuntu Kylin.
The pre-release uses the kernel and graphics stacks of Ubuntu 17.04, which include Linux Kernel 4.10, X.Org Server 1.19.3 display server, and Mesa 17.1.2 3D Graphics Library. The systemd init system, however, was upgraded to the latest systemd 233.
Download Ubuntu 17.10 Alpha 1:
NOTE the pre-release images are not recommended for anyone who need a stable system. However, they are recommended for developers or users who want to test by finding, reporting, and/or fixing bugs, or people want to see how the current snapshot of Ubuntu 17.10 will look and behave.