HPLIP, HP Linux Imaging and Printing, just reached the 3.16.9 release a few hours ago with new printers support.
HPLIP is a free, open-source HP-developed solution for printing, scanning, and faxing with HP inkjet and laser based printers in Linux. While Ubuntu 16.04 offers HPLIP 3.16.3, the latest 3.16.9 has been released with following new printers support:
HP OfficeJet Pro 8732M All-in-One Printer
HP OfficeJet 8702 All-in-One Printer
HP OfficeJet 6960 All-in-One Printer
HP PageWide 377dw Multifunction Printer
HP PageWide 352dw Printer
HP PageWide Managed Color MFP E58650 series
HP PageWide Managed Color E55650 series
How to install HPLIP 3.16.9 in Ubuntu:
1. Download the installer (hplip-3.16.9.run) from the link below:
2. Open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run:
cd ~/Downloads/ && chmod +x hplip-*.run && ./hplip-*.run
Then command navigates to the Downloads folder, give permission to run the installer, and finally start the installer.
3. Follow on screen prompts and restart your computer or re-plug your printer when everything’s done.
Controls that allow users to adjust the width and line spacing of text
Narrate, which reads the content of a page out loud
Improved video performance for users on systems that support SSSE3 without hardware acceleration
Added context menu controls to HTML5 audio and video
Other Windows, Mac improvements and various security fixes.
How to upgrade to Firefox 49 in Ubuntu:
For all current Ubuntu releases, including Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 12.04, and their derivatives. The new firefox release will be made into the official Ubuntu updates & security repositories, check the launchpad page.
At that time, you can easily upgrade Firefox browser using the Software Updater (or Update Manager in Mint) utility:
The first release candidate for the new stable Liferea 1.12 (Linux Feed Reader) has been released. The new series of the open-source news aggregator now switches to WebKit2.
Main changes since Liferea 1.10 series:
Switch to Webkit2
Support for Do-Not-Track
Improved trayicon plugin
Support for Reedah and InoReader.
Support for categories in TheOldReader
Simplified handling of external browsers
In addition, the RC release adds support for downloading content that cannot be displayed by HTML widget (e.g., PDFs), shows new items count in tray icon and minimize to system tray (Gnome Classic) on window close, there are also some bug fixes and translation updates.
How to install Liferea 1.12 rc1 in Ubuntu:
Liferea does not provide pre-compiled Linux binaries, however, there are a few unofficial Ubuntu PPAs contain the most recent Liferea packages. And below is how to install Liferea 1.12 rc1 in Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 14.04, or Linux Mint 17, 18 using my personal PPA:
1. Open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run command to add PPA:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/apps
Type in password (no visual feedback, so just type in mind and hit Enter) when it asks and hit Enter.
2. Then launch Software Updater and you’ll be able to upgrade Liferea news aggregator after checking for updates:
Or just run command to install or upgrade to Liferea 1.12 rc1:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install liferea
How to Restore:
To downgrade to the stock version of Liferea in Ubuntu main repository, purge the PPA via ppa-purge:
4. Open terminal and navigate to the “emacs-25.1” folder via command (or select “Open in terminal” from its context menu):
cd ~/Downloads/emacs-25.1
5. In the same terminal window, once you’re in the source folder, run the commands below one by one:
For the default GTK version in Ubuntu 16.04, there’s a known bug for multiple displays.
6. Finally use checkinstall command to create .deb and install Emacs 25.1:
sudo checkinstall
While running the command, answer on screen questions, e.g., install docs, type package description, change package name, version, etc.
Once done, Emacs 25.1 is installed on your system and you can remove it anytime by running the command in the prompt with sudo privilege:
In my case it’s:
sudo dpkg -r emacs-25
And the last command create a .deb package in the source folder, and it can be used in another Ubuntu machine to install Emacs 25.1 (need to manually install dependencies via step 2).
Finally, run command emacs to launch the text editor, or launch it from Unity Dash (App Launcher) at next login (or next boot).
Sayonara is a small and lightweight Linux music player written in C++ with Qt5 framework. It uses Gstreamer as audio backend.
Although Sayoanra is considered as a lightweight player, it holds a lot of features like:
Organize even big music collections.
ID3-tag editor
MP3 converter
Stream recorder
Speed adjustment
Dynamic playlists
Radio broadcasting
Audio track bookmarks with optional loop function
Install Sayonara player in Ubuntu:
Sayonara now is at the 0.9.1 release which features cover support in ID3 tag editor, Crossfader support, faster spectrum analyzer, Soma.fm, Last.fm and other improvements, and also lots of bug-fixes.
To install the latest Sayonara 0.9.1 in Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 14.04, Linux Mint 17, 18, do:
1. Open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and add the official Sayonara PPA:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lucioc/sayonara
2. Update and install the player via commands:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install sayonara
For those who don’t want to add PPA, grab .deb package from the PPA file archive.
3. (Optional) If you dislike the player, simply remove it via command:
sudo apt remove sayonara && sudo apt autoremove
And the PPA can be removed via Software & Updates utility under Other Software tab.
qBittorrent has reached the 3.3.7 release a few days ago. Here’s how to install it in Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.10 via PPA.
qBittorrent 3.3.7 brings new keyboard shortcut Shift+Delete to delete torrent and files, removes KickassTorrents and BTDigg search engine, and updates Torrentz search engine. Also following bugs has been fixed in this release:
Fix 6-hour speedplot point push rate.
Avoid spawning a new explorer.exe process when selecting “Open containing folder”.
Fix loading of new geoip db due to an artificial size limit.
Better error handling and logging with smtp communication.
Install qBittorrent 3.3.7 via PPA:
The official PPA has made the binary packages of qBittorrent 3.3.7, available for install/upgrade in Ubuntu 16.10, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 14.04, and derivatives, e.g, Linux Mint 17, 18, Elementary OS Freya and Loki.
1. To add the PPA, open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run:
Wireshark 2.2.0, new stable release of open-source network analyzer, is finally available for install or upgrade via PPA repository, in Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 14.04, and Ubuntu 12.04.
For all current Ubuntu LTS: 16.04, 14.04, 12.04, Linux Mint 17/18, and the old Ubuntu 15.10, Ubuntu 15.04, you can install Wireshark 2.2 from its official PPA by following the steps below one by one:
1. Open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run command to add the PPA:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wireshark-dev/stable
Type in your password when it asks and hit Enter.
2. To upgrade from a previous release, launch Software Updater (or Update Manager for Mint) and install the software updates after checking updates.
Or install / upgrade Wireshark 2.2 from command line:
FreeType, a popular font rendering engine, has reached the 2.7 release with a new default mode for bytecode hinting: Subpixel hinting.
In case you are already using subpixel hinting (for example, by using the ‘Infinality patches’ as provided by some GNU/Linux or BSD distributions, or directly from bohoomil.com), be noted that the new mode might provide subtle differences; the code was simplified to make it much faster. If you are used to the old full-pixel hinting, you will see many rendering changes. If you really dislike them, you can disable them at compile time or using the new FREETYPE_PROPERTIES environment variable.
The new release also has improvements to its smooth rasterizer to make it about 20% faster, fixes to fuzzer, handling of raw CID fonts, and various other bug fixes and improvements. See details at FreeType.org.
Install FreeType 2.7 in Ubuntu 16.04:
The Ubuntu 16.04 build has been made into PPA, available for install/upgrade by following the steps below:
1. Open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run command to add the PPA repository:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:no1wantdthisname/ppa
Type in your password (no visual feedback) when it asks and hit Enter.
2. To upgrade from a previous release, just launch Software Updater and you’ll see the new release available in the update list:
Or run the commands below to install or upgrade it from command line:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install libfreetype6
Simply purge the PPA via ppa-purge will downgrade FreeType to the stock version in Ubuntu 16.04 repository:
The default desktop wallpaper for Ubuntu 16.10 Yakkety Yak has been unveiled. PNG-8, PNG-24, and the same for greyscale, along with mobile formatted ones are available for download.
The new desktop wallpaper looks not all that different from the previous releases’ wallpapers:
Ubuntu 16.10 Wallpaper
Ubuntu 16.10 Wallpaper Gray version
Here are the old releases wallpapers:
Ubuntu 16.04 default wallpaper
Ubuntu 15.10 default wallpaper
Ubuntu 15.04 default wallpaper
All the Ubuntu 16.10 default wallpaper version, provided by Will Cooke, is available for download at Bug #1621413.