Archives For November 30, 1999

HDR raw merging app in Uubntu

HDRMerge is an open source tool that makes merging raw images really simple. It fuses two or more raw images into a single raw with an extended dynamic range. It can import any raw image supported by LibRaw, and outputs a DNG 1.4 image with floating point data. The output raw is built from the less noisy pixels of the input, so that shadows maintain as much detail as possible.

To use this HDRMerge, source images must be made with the same camera. Once the input images are loaded, the interface presents you with a 100% preview of the result. The selected pixels from each input image are painted with a different color. You can then pan the result to inspect it.

This tool also offers a bottom toolbar that allows to remove ‘ghosts’ from the resulting image. Once the preview is satisfactory, the Save HDR option of the File menu generates the output DNG file.

Install HDRMerge in Ubuntu 14.04:

Press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open terminal. When it opens, run the commands below one by one to install from PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dhor/myway

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install hdrmerge

Once installed, start the GUI via command:


via: github page

Linux Mint 17 Qiana, a long term support release which will be supported until 2019, is finally available for download for both the Cinnamon and the MATE flavors.

Linux Mint 17 “Qiana” is based on Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr LTS and all future Mint releases will be based only on Ubuntu LTS.

The first flavors released are Cinnamon and MATE and the ISOs come before the official announcement, available for download at Irish mirror:

The official announcement is coming soon, be sure to check out release details at

Pinta, an open-source, bitmap image drawing and editing program inspired by Paint.NET, has reached release 1.5 with many new features, improvements. Add-in support is one of the great new features.

As you may know, Pinta is a bitmap image editor with many features typical of image editing software including drawing tools, image filters and color adjustment tools. It features unlimited undo history, unlimited Layers, and multiple language support.

Th latest Pinta 1.5 was released on May 24 which brings following new features and improvements:

  • Re-editable text
  • Mouse cursors now resize based on the active brush size.
  • The Move Selection and Move Selected tools can now rotate the selection using the right mouse button.
  • Added an Invert Selection command.
  • New or redesigned mouse cursors for every tool.
  • Improved OSX integration (file associations and improved dock integration)
  • Redesigned Windows installer, which automatically downloads and installs the correct version of GTK# and the .NET Framework if necessary
  • Improved JPEG Compression Dialog (remembers previous settings and has the OK button as the default control)
  • The Open File dialog now shows image previews for ORA files, as well as any file formats provided by add-ins.

User can now use the Add-in Manager (under the Add-ins menu) to browse and install add-ins.The developers are in the process of setting up a community add-in repository which will be included by default in future Pinta releases.

Also, there are a lot of bug-fixes. See the release note for details.

Install Pinta 1.5 in Ubuntu:

The latest release has been made into the official PPA for Ubuntu 14.10 Utopic, Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty LTS, Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy and Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal.

To install it, press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open the terminal. When it opens, run the commands below one by one:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pinta-maintainers/pinta-stable

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install pinta

(Optional) To remove this app as well as the PPA repository, run:

sudo apt-get remove pinta

sudo add-apt-repository -r ppa:pinta-maintainers/pinta-stable

sudo apt-get update

CopyQ, an advanced clipboard manager with searchable and editable history, has reached release 2.2.0 which brings some new features, GUI improvements and bug fixes.

As you may know, CopyQ is a cross-platform clipboard manager with support for HTML, images, command line control and more. It runs on Linux, Windows and features:

  • Store text, HTML, images and any other custom format.
  • Customize tray menu.
  • Save items in new tabs.
  • Quickly browse through items (fast navigation, filtering with matched text highlighting).
  • Sort items, create new, remove, copy/paste to different tab.
  • Variety of system-wide shortcuts (e.g. show main window or tray, edit clipboard, copy next/previous item, paste as plain text).
  • Immediately paste to focused window from tray or main window.
  • Fully customizable appearance (colors, fonts, transparency).
  • Advanced command-line interface and scripting.
  • Ignore clipboard copied from some windows or containing some text.
  • Apply custom commands on selected items or automatically when new matching clipboard content is available.

The latest release CopyQ 2.2.0 brings below new features, improvements and bug fixes:

  • Custom system shortcuts for any user command
  • Drag’n’drop items to tabs
  • Options to set position and maximum size for notifications
  • Option to open windows on same desktop
  • Weblate service for translations (
  • Commands input and output is UTF-8 only (this fixes encoding issues on Windows)
  • Scripting engine improvements
  • Various GUI improvements and fixes
  • Fix main window position in various X11 window managers
  • Fix crashing with Oxygen GUI style
  • Fix storing images from clipboard on Windows
  • Various GUI improvements and fixes

How to install:

Check out your system type 32 bit (i386) or 64 bit (amd64) by going to System Settings -> Details. Then download and install the package from:

QuiteRSS is an open-source RSS/Atom feed reader aims to be quite fast and comfortable to user. It’s written in Qt/С++, available for Linux, Windows, OS X, OS/2.

The latest QuiteRSS 0.16.0 was released on May 24th with following new features added:

  • Case-insensitive filters, news searching and feed sorting
  • Regular expressions support in user’s filters
  • Multiselect feeds
  • Ability to set style table for news (Options->Feeds)
  • News style “Rstyle_v1.2.css”
  • Button “Share” in browser toolbar
  • Option “View->Show/Hide->Status panel”
  • Feed option “RTL” (“Display” tab)
  • Feed option “Enable JavaScript” (“Display” tab)
  • Ability to add action “Create backup” to toolbar
  • Shortcut and button “Save page to DB instead of news description”

The new release also did some visual tweaks on UI and now it saves path to folder of the last backup. According to the changelog, there are some bug-fixes:

  • Data loss
  • Opening links in external browser (Unix)
  • Displaying incorrect time with consideration of local time
  • Application autostart (PortableApps)
  • Processing some feeds when authorizing using cookie

Install QuiteRSS in Ubuntu:

The new release will be available in the maintainer’s PPA for Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 13.10, and Ubuntu 12.04.

To install it, press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open the terminal. When it opens, run the commands below one by one:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:quiterss/quiterss

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install quiterss

The latest proprietary driver Nvidia 331.79 for Linux has been announced. According to the changlog, the new release only fixed below bugs:

  • Fixed a bug that caused nvidia-installer to crash in environments where /proc is not mounted.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented module signing from working correctly for the NVIDIA Unified Memory kernel module when using module signing keys generated by nvidia-installer.
  • Fixed a bug that caused blank screens and flickering when rotating displays in a Base Mosaic layout.
  • Fixed a bug that caused BadRRCrtc or BadRROutput errors for big-endian X11 clients making certain XRandR requests.
  • Fixed a bug that corrupted certain software rendering, notably the stippled text used to represent disabled entries in xterm’s pop-up menus.

Below is how to install this driver in Ubuntu 14.04 or Ubuntu 12.04:

1. It’s recommended to remove previous installed proprietary driver and install the latest updates-dev package before getting started.

To do that, press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open terminal. When it opens, run the commands below one by one:

sudo apt-get purge nvidia*

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install nvidia-331-updates-dev

2. Restart your computer.

3. Download the official Nvidia packages: 32 bit Linux | 64 bit Linux | 32 bit ARM

4. Press Ctrl+Alt+F1 (or F2 ~ F6) on keyboard to switch to command console and login.

5. Stop the graphical session:

sudo service lightdm stop

For Gnome GDM or Linux Mint MDM, you may replace lightdm with gdm or mdm in the command.

6. Now give executable permission and run the official package to start installing Nvidia 331.79:

chmod +x ~/Downloads/NVIDIA-Linux-* && sudo sh ~/Downloads/NVIDIA-Linux-*

Tips:You may keep the installer file so that you can remove this driver via below command if for some reason it does not work properly:

sudo sh ~/Downloads/NVIDIA-Linux-* --uninstall

Kingsoft Office (KSO or KSOffice) is an office suite for Windows, Linux, iOS and Android, developed by now Zhuhai based Chinese software developer Kingsoft.

The office suite includes: Kingsoft Writer, Kingsoft Presentation and Kingsoft Spreadsheet. The user interface is similar to that of the Microsoft Office products, and supports its documents besides its native format.

Below is how to install Kingsoft Office in Ubuntu:

1. The office suite is available for download as .deb, .rpm, and source packages in the link below:

Download Kingsoft Office

2. Press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open the terminal via gdebi. When it opens, run the commands below to install the downloaded package:

sudo apt-get install gdebi && sudo gdebi kingsoft-office_*.deb

Transmission, the default bittorrent client comes with Ubuntu installation, gets a new release with various bug fixes, libraries updates and some new features.

Changes in Transmission 2.83:

All Platforms

  • Licensing change: the GNU GPLv2 code can now be used under GNU GPL v2 or v3
  • Fix network hanging issues that could occur when both UTP and DHT were enabled
  • Fix 2.82 file descriptor leak when importing a blocklist
  • Disallow torrents that contain “/../” in the path
  • Fix 2.82 bug that didn’t retain peers between sessions
  • Fix potential dangling memory error in UDP tracker DNS lookups
  • Remember a torrent’s “queued” state between Transmission sessions
  • Updated third party libraries: DHT updated to v0.22; miniupnpc updated to v1.9
  • Autoconf script fixes: better detection of ccache, minupnpc
  • Fix the X-Transmission-Session-Id header to be valid with the SPDY protocol
  • Fix thread safety bugs in the tr_list datatype
  • When determining free disk space on NetBSD>=6, support its Quota feature
  • Windows portability improvements

GTK+ Client

  • Fix threading issue on shutdown

Qt Client

  • Fix toggle-downloading-by-pressing-spacebar in the file list
  • Fix “Open URL” crash from dangling pointer
  • Support launching downloaded files from inside Transmission
  • On Windows, use native Windows icons
  • Improved network status info and tooltip in the status bar
  • Fix “Open Torrent” dialog crash in Qt 5.2


  • On systemd systems, fix config reloading via ‘systemctl reload’
  • Use libevent’s event loop
  • Fix discrepancy in curl SSL setup between tr-daemon and tr-remote
  • Fix broken OS X build

Install / Upgrade

The update is not available in Ubuntu’s default repositories at the moment. Can’t wait? you can install it from a third-party PPA, available for Ubuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu 12.04. Press Ctrl+Alt+T to open terminal and run:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ricotz/unstable

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install transmission transmission-qt

If you don’t want to keep the PPA, remove it after the app installed:

sudo add-apt-repository -r ppa:ricotz/unstable

Desurium PPA Adds Support for Ubuntu 14.04

Last updated: May 20, 2014

Desurium, the free and open source Desura game client, now is available in its PPA for Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr LTS.

As you may know, Desura is a gaming client that allows users to one click download and install games and game modification. It has a free and open source client know as Desurium.


The PPA was updated just one hour ago added support for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. To add the PPA, press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open the terminal. When it opens, run:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:makson96/desurium-stable

Then update package lists and install the game client via:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install desurium

That’s it. Enjoy!