Archives For November 30, 1999

This tutorial shows how to install Cinelerra video editor in current Ubuntu 22.04 and Ubuntu 24.04.

Cinelerra is a free open-source video editor for Linux. It supports advanced composition operations such as keying and mattes, and many other professional functions depending on the variant.

Cinelerra has a few variants, including GG, CV, HV. The GG variant, which supports up to 8K video, and can also create DVDs and Blu-rays, is presently under active development and the only one that works in my case in current Ubuntu releases.

Download & Install Cinelerra GG

The GG edition now provides the official binary package for AppImage package.

1. Ubuntu does not support AppImage out-of-the-box since 22.04. To enable it, press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open terminal, then run command:

sudo apt install libfuse2

2. Then, select download the latest version of the AppImage from its website:

Scroll down in that page and click download the latest package. At the moment of writing, it’s “CinGG-20240229-x86_64.AppImage” (for modern Intel/AMD CPUs).

3. After downloaded the package, right-click on it in file manager, then click go to its “Properties” dialog.

Next, navigate to Permissions tab and click enable “Allow executing file as program”. Finally, click Run the AppImage file to launch the video editor:

4. Create an App icon for Cinelerra.

If you want to launch the video editor from start menu or Gnome ‘Show Apps’ screen just like other normal apps. Then, click launch text editor first.

When text editor opens, create a new empty file (if it does not open a new one), then write following lines into it:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Cinelerra GG
Comment=MultiMedia Editor

IMPORTANT: In the lines above, you need to replace the value for “Exec”! In my case, I moved the AppImage file into my custom “Apps” folder in user home. So, it’s “/home/username/Apps/file-name.AppImage”. You have to change it to yours!

And for icon, you need to download one from web. Either .png or .svg file. Re-name to Cinelerra.png (or Cinelerra.svg depends on image type), and put it to “.local/share/icons” directory.

When done editing the text file, click “save” (or save as), then select save the file to .local/share/applications directory, whatever name as you want with “.desktop” extension.

If everything’s done properly, you’re able to search for and launch the video editor from menu a few moments later.

Uninstall Cinelerra GG

To uninstall the video editor, just delete the .AppImage file from your file manager. Then, also remove the .desktop file from ‘.local/share/applications’ directory, as well as the icon file from ‘.local/share/icons’.

How to Install WordPress on Ubuntu Server

Last updated: April 22, 2024

Already installed LAMP or LEMP (Nginx with PHP, Mysql) on your Ubuntu Server? This time I’m going to show you how to install WordPress CMS.

WordPress is a popular blogging tool and a content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL. It’s free and open-source.

To install WordPress, first login your Ubuntu Server as root, then follow the steps below:

1.) Create Mysql Database and User for WordPress.

    • First log into Mysql as root user:
      mysql -u root -p

Type in the root password to get past.

  • Create a database. Change database-name in code to whatever you want.
    CREATE DATABASE database-name;
  • Create an user. Change database-user in code to whatever you want.
    CREATE USER database-user@localhost;
  • Give a password to the user just created. Change password-here in code.
    SET PASSWORD FOR database-user@localhost= PASSWORD("password-here");
  • Grant all privileges to the new user.
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON database-name.* TO database-user@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password-here';
  • f.) Finally, refresh Mysql:
  • g.) Exit Mysql sell

2.) Download WordPress and setup the configuration.

  • Download the latest wordpress:

    Then extract:

    tar -xzvf latest.tar.gz
  • Copy the sample configuration file to make a backup.
    cd wordpress && cp wp-config-sample.php wp-config.php
  • Edit the configuration file:
    vi wp-config.php

    Press I to start editing, Esc to stop editing. Press :, then type wq to save and exit, type q! to exit without save.

    Then change the section of database-name, database-user, password-here.

    // ** MySQL settings – You can get this info from your web host ** //
    /** The name of the database for WordPress */
    define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘database-name’);

    /** MySQL database username */
    define(‘DB_USER’, ‘database-user’);

    /** MySQL database password */
    define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘password-here’);

3.) Setup the permissions.

    • Give ownership of the directory to the apache or nginx user by running following commands one by one:
sudo rsync -avP ~/wordpress/ /var/www/
cd /var/www/
sudo chown www-data:www-data * -R 
sudo usermod -a -G www-data username

4.) Finally in your browser go to IP or domain/wp-admin/install.php and start installing.


Want to build a website? Then you need to setup a web server! Here I’ll show you how to install and setup LAMP pack on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Server.

LAMP is a combination of Linux (OS), Apache HTTP Server, PHP (open-source scripting language), and MySQL (database software).

In this tutorial I use the hostname with the IP address as example.

1.) Login or Remote access your server as root, or run command to get root privileges.

sudo su

2.) Install Mysql:

apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client

You’ll be asked to set a password for root user of Mysql.

3.) Install Apache2:

apt-get install apache2

After installed, test if it works by going to in your web browser. Remember change the IP to yours.

The default default document root is /var/www/, and the configuration file is /etc/apache2/apache2.conf.

4.) Install PHP5:

apt-get install php libapache2-mod-php

Restart Apache2 service to get it works with PHP:

systemctl restart apache2

5.) To test if PHP works, create info.php in the root directory “/var/www/”:

nano /var/www/info.php

Then insert following lines:


Then press Ctrl+S to save file and Ctrl+X to exit. Then in browser go to (replace ip to yours)

6.) To get Mysql support in PHP, install following packages:

apt-get install php-mysql php-curl php-gd php-intl php-pear php-imagick php-imap php-memcache php-ps php-pspell php-snmp php-sqlite3 php-tidy php-xmlrpc php-xsl

Then restart Apache2 service:

systemctl restart apache2

Go to or reload in your browser:

7.) (Optional) Install phpMyAdmin, a web interface to manage Mysql Databases:

apt-get install phpmyadmin

After installed, go to, login with root and password you set in step 2.

This simple and brief tutorial is going to show you how to create a bootable Ubuntu live USB. Other than Ubuntu CD, Live USB may be a good choice for installing Ubuntu on your computer.


To get started:

First insert your USB disk, then launch Unetbootin executable. Check “Diskimage” and choose the Ubuntu iso file. You USB drive should be selected automatically.

Click OK to start creating Live USB.

Once finished, you’ll see this:

Insert the USB drive in target computer and boot up, then you might want a step by step guide how to install Ubuntu

Most Linux remembers the commands that you ran in terminal or command console. It’s useful for finding out what you’ve done to the system, especially for server.

For frequently used command with a long code, you don’t need to type all the code again and again. You can re-run then using history commands option, by just a few key presses.

List history commands

To find out what commands you’ve run in your Linux, simply run command:


In the output, you’ll see a large list of commands that you ran before. And, each command has number at its beginning.

If you have too much history commands, it may be hard to browse and find out a certain command. In the case, add grep option to filter. For example, run command below to find out history commands that include apt install.

history | grep "apt install"

For choice, you may also add -E option after grep to filter with regular expressions.

Re-Run a History Command

Once you got the history command, that’s too long or you don’t remember, you can simply re-run it by typing !number, where number is the number in front of that command in history output.

For example, run command below will re-run sudo apt install gimp, according to last screenshot. And, in terminal window it outputs what’s going to run immediately after you hitting Enter. If it’s a sudo command, it will also ask for password authentication.


To avoid careless mistakes, you may use the command below instead by adding :p in end to first preview that history command:


Then re-run !1057 if you confirm it is indeed the command you want.

For the last command, without finding out the history number, just use command below will re-run it:


And, you can use it along with other commands. For example, re-run last command with sudo permission:

sudo !!

Or re-run last command, then poweroff:

!! && poweroff

There are also more choices, for example, re-run the last command start with given string:


The command will re-run the last command start with sudo.

And, all the commands above can follow with :p to preview command before running.