Archives For Ubuntu Server

This is a step by step guide for beginners how to create bootable Ubuntu 13.10 Server USB and install it on your computer.


  • A Windows, Linux or Mac OS PC for burning the iso into USB
  • 1GB+ USB stick
  • Ubuntu 13.10 Server ISO downloaded from

How to Create Bootable Ubuntu Server USB

First download Unetbootin executable, a simple tool to install Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive. It works on Windows, Linux and Mac.

Insert USB stick to computer and format (don’t use’Quick format’) to FAT. Open Unetbootin, in the picture below choose the Ubuntu 13.10 Server iso and your usb device and finally click OK to start the burning process.

create bootable ubuntu server usb

create bootable ubuntu server usb

Once finished, connect the USB to the machine which you want to install Ubuntu Server on. Boot from the USB and you’ll see a screen with list of options include ‘Install Ubuntu Server’

Install Ubuntu 13.10 Server

Select ‘Install Ubuntu Server’ from the Unetbootin boot screen, then select your desired language in the screen below:

Ubuntu 13.10 Server select language

Click Install Ubuntu Server

install ubuntu 13.10 server

Choose the language for installation process and installed system:

Ubuntu 13.10 server installation language

Select your Country which will used to set your time zone:

Ubuntu 13.10 Server select location

Choose your locale settings. Then select YES to detect keyboard layout or NO to select from list.

Setup the hostname (Computer name).

Ubuntu 13.10 Server hostname

Enter your username and password to create an Administrator account. You can login with this user after installation:

Ubuntu 13.10 Server create user

Encrypt previous created user’s home directory or not:

Ubuntu 13.10 Server encrypt home directory

Select the partitioning method:

  • Guided – use the entire disk: it will automatically create the main EXT4 partition and swap area for Ubuntu using all disk storage.
  • Guided – use the entire disk and setup (encrypted) LVM: it will use the whole disk storage and you need to manually create EXT partition and Swap for Ubuntu Server.
  • Manual: If you have a dual-boot system or you want to keep a non-system partition on the disk, do it manually.

Ubuntu 13.10 Server partition

Confirm the partition and the installation will begin:

Ubuntu 13.10 Server installing process

Input HTTP proxy server IP. Leave it empty if you don’t have one.

Ubuntu 13.10 Server HTTP setup

It’ll take a few minutes configuring apt. If want, cancel it and do it afterwards.

Ubuntu 13.10 Server configure apt

In order to keep your system security, select ‘Install security updates Automatically’ in next screen:

Ubuntu 13.10 Server security updates

Now you can select to install OpenSSH server, DNS, LAMP, MAIL, PostgreSQL, Print, Samba, Tomcat, Virtual Machine Host from the list. Use arrow keys to highlight and Space to select, finally press Enter to go on.

Ubuntu 13.10 Server install software

Select to install Grub boot loader and finish the installation. Restart and login with the username and password you created:

Ubuntu 13.10 server login

Your Ubuntu 13.10 server is running now!

Want to build a website? Then you need to setup a web server! Here I’ll show you how to install and setup LAMP pack on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Server.

LAMP is a combination of Linux (OS), Apache HTTP Server, PHP (open-source scripting language), and MySQL (database software).

In this tutorial I use the hostname with the IP address as example.

1.) Login or Remote access your server as root, or run command to get root privileges.

sudo su

2.) Install Mysql:

apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client

You’ll be asked to set a password for root user of Mysql.

3.) Install Apache2:

apt-get install apache2

After installed, test if it works by going to in your web browser. Remember change the IP to yours.

The default default document root is /var/www/, and the configuration file is /etc/apache2/apache2.conf.

4.) Install PHP5:

apt-get install php libapache2-mod-php

Restart Apache2 service to get it works with PHP:

systemctl restart apache2

5.) To test if PHP works, create info.php in the root directory “/var/www/”:

nano /var/www/info.php

Then insert following lines:


Then press Ctrl+S to save file and Ctrl+X to exit. Then in browser go to (replace ip to yours)

6.) To get Mysql support in PHP, install following packages:

apt-get install php-mysql php-curl php-gd php-intl php-pear php-imagick php-imap php-memcache php-ps php-pspell php-snmp php-sqlite3 php-tidy php-xmlrpc php-xsl

Then restart Apache2 service:

systemctl restart apache2

Go to or reload in your browser:

7.) (Optional) Install phpMyAdmin, a web interface to manage Mysql Databases:

apt-get install phpmyadmin

After installed, go to, login with root and password you set in step 2.