Archives For jimingkui

Install Intel Graphics Installer in Ubuntu 15.10

Last updated: November 20, 2015

Intel graphics installer

Intel has announced a new release of its Linux graphics installer recently. Ubuntu 15.10 Wily is required and support for Ubuntu 15.04 is deprecated in the new release.

The Intel® Graphics Installer for Linux* allows you to easily install the latest graphics and video drivers for your Intel graphics hardware. This allows you to stay current with the latest enhancements, optimizations, and fixes to the Intel® Graphics Stack to ensure the best user experience with your Intel® graphics hardware. The Intel® Graphics Installer for Linux* is available for the latest version of Ubuntu*.


How to Install:

1. Download the installer from the link page. The current is version 1.2.1 for Ubuntu 15.10. Check your OS type, 32-bit or 64-bit, via System Settings -> Details.


2. Once the download process finished, go to your Download folder and click open the .deb package with Ubuntu Software Center and finally click the install button.


3. In order to trust the Intel Graphics Installer, you will need to add keys via below commands.

Open terminal from Unity Dash, App Launcher, or via Ctrl+Alt+T shortcut key. When it opens, paste below commands and run one by one:

wget --no-check-certificate -O - | sudo apt-key add -

wget --no-check-certificate -O - | sudo apt-key add -

NOTE: While running the first command, if the cursor is stuck and blinking after downloading the key, as above picture shows, type your password (no visual feedback) and hit enter to continue.

Finally launch Intel Graphics Installer via Unity Dash or Application launcher.

FeedReader is a modern desktop client for popular RSS-Web-Services such as TinyTinyRSS, ownCloud News or Feedly.

The application features:

  • Desktop notifications
  • Fast search and filters
  • Full articles instead of previews for known sites
  • Tagging (plugin needed for Tiny Tiny RSS)
  • Sharing to “read-it-later” services like Pocket and Instapaper
  • Handy keyboard short-cuts
  • Keep all your old articles as long as you like
  • Consistent formating of articles
  • automatically saved state of the UI

The application requires at least GTK+ 3.12. So only elementary OS Freya or Ubuntu 15.04 and higher are supported at the moment.

The most recent release is FeedReader 1.4, features ownCloud News support, memory leaks fixes, sync and other improvements.

How to Install FeedReader via PPA:

Open terminal from App Launcher. When it opens, run below command to add PPA:

add-apt-repository ppa:eviltwin1/feedreader-stable

After that, refresh your system repository cache and install the client by running below commands one by one:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install feedreader

For those who don’t want to add PPA, grab the the .deb package in Trusty series from the PPA web page.


Flatabulous – Best Flat Theme for Ubuntu

Last updated: May 27, 2016

Flatabulous is a new GTK theme said to be the best flat theme for Ubuntu and other Gnome based Linux Systems.

The theme is based on the Ultra-Flat theme. It was designed specially for the Unity environment on Ubuntu. Here are some screenshots:

Like the theme? Below is how to install the GTK theme as well as Ultra-Flat icon theme:

1. Download the GTK theme from the link below:

Flatabulous Theme Zip

Then extract the archive so that you have the result folder shown below:

2. Open a new Nautilus (file browser) window. Press Ctrl+H to view hidden file folders, and create .themes folder under user’s Home directory if not exist.

3. Move Flatabulous-master folder from the Downloads folder to .themes folder.

OK, now apply the theme by launching Unity Tweak Tool (available in Software Center) and navigate to Theme page.

For the Icon Theme, go to:

noobslab icon repository page

Select download .deb package for ultra-flat-icons, ultra-flat-icons-green, or ultra-flat-icons-orange. Finally install it via Ubuntu Software Center.

For those who prefer adding a PPA, open terminal and run below commands one by one to get the icon theme:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/icons

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install ultra-flat-icons ultra-flat-icons-green ultra-flat-icons-orange

Also apply the icons via Unity Tweak Tool -> Icons page.


Komodo IDE finally reached the 9.3 release with language updates, new features and tons of improvements. Here’s how to install its free and open-source counterpart Komodo Edit using PPA.

Komodo 9.3 added support for PHP 7 and Python 3.5, syntax highlighting & checking support for Lua, syntax highlighting support for Swift, Mustache, R Lang.

The new release also features:

  • CSS, LESS, and SCSS auto-completions and code browsing
  • A new Console pane
  • Auto multi-caret for HTML/XML tags
  • Support for Elastic Tabstops. (disabled by default)
  • Package Manager 2.0 with more functionality, ie. uninstall, update, etc.
  • Quick Bookmarks
  • Auto-wrap delimiters while having text selected.
  • In-line Syntax Checking
  • updated language icons.
  • quick start options on new tab
  • and much more at the release page.

How to Install Komodo Edit 9.3 in Ubuntu:

Mystic Mirage is maintaining a PPA with most recent Komodo Edit packages well integrated with the default Unity Desktop. Ubuntu 15.10, Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 15.04, Ubuntu 12.04 are supported so far.

1. Add Komodo Edit PPA.

Open terminal from Unity Dash, App launcher, or via Ctrl+Alt+T shortcut key. When it opens, run command:

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:mystic-mirage/komodo-edit

Type your password in mind when it asks, since there’s no display due to security reason.

2. Install the editor in below ways.

After adding the PPA, you can install or upgrade Komodo Edit by:

  • Synaptic Package Manager:

  • Software Updater if a previous release installed.
  • running below commands one by one:
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install komodo-edit

For those who don’t want to add PPA, grab the .deb installer directly from THIS PAGE.


Remove the PPA by launching Software & Updates and navigating to Other Software tab.

Remove the editor using Synaptic Package Manger, or by running apt-get command with remove option:

sudo apt-get remove komodo-edit && sudo apt-get autoremove

MuPDF, a free, open-source, and lightweight PDF and XPS viewer, now reaches the 1.8 release with new features, improvements and various fixes.

MuPDF is a lightweight PDF viewer and toolkit written in portable C, which also reads XPS, OpenXPS and EPUB documents. It works on Windows, Android, and Linux.

The renderer in MuPDF is tailored for high quality anti-aliased graphics. It renders text with metrics and spacing accurate to within fractions of a pixel for the highest fidelity in reproducing the look of a printed page on screen.

What’s New in MuPDF 1.8:

Headline changes:

  • New OpenGL-based barebones desktop viewer.
  • New URW fonts with greek and cyrillic.
  • 64-bit file support.
  • Ghostscript proofing mode (source only; not in shipped binaries).

EPUB improvements:

  • User style sheets.
  • GIF images (also for CBZ).
  • Table of contents.
  • CJK text.
  • Page margins.
  • Many bug fixes.

Bug fixes:

  • Updated FreeType to version 2.6.1.
  • Various font substitution bug fixes.
  • Fix setjmp/longjmp behaviour which could cause optimizing compilers to misbehave.

In addition, mudraw has been merged into mutool, use mutool draw to use mudraw.

How to Install MuPDF 1.8 in Ubuntu:

There are Android, Windows installers, and source tarball available in its official download page.

For Ubuntu and derivatives, you can either build the viewer from the source or use my personal binaries in PPA.

Method 1:

Open terminal from Unity Dash, App Launcher, or via Ctrl+Alt+T shortcut key. When it opens, run below commands one by one to add my PPA and install MuPDF:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/apps

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install mupdf mupdf-tools

Method 2 For those who don’t want to add PPA:

Depends on your Ubuntu edition (e.g., 15.10, 15.04, 14.04, and 12.04), and OS type (i386.deb for 32-bit and amd64.deb for 64-bit)

select download the .deb packages for mupdf and mupdf-tools from the link below:

MuPDF in PPA page

Finally click install the packages via Ubuntu Software Center.

How to Use:

The PDF viewer doesn’t have a launcher. To use it, right-click on the file and select it from the “Open With” option.

To set default, go to file’s context menu -> Properties -> Open With tab -> select MuPDF from list -> finally click ‘Set as default’ button.

For mouse behavior and key bindings run man mupdf command in terminal.


You may remove the PPA by launching Software & Updates and then navigate to Other Software tab. Also remove MuPDF via Ubuntu Software Center if you want.

Audacious, an open-source descendant of XMMS audio player, has reached a new stable 3.7 series with some new features and various bug-fixes.

New features in Audacious 3.7:

  • Playlists can be shuffled by whole albums rather than single tracks.
  • Internet streams can be recorded while playing via a simple record button (GTK+ only).
  • The playlist export window displays supported formats in a drop-down list (GTK+ only).
  • A new, unified window has been added for managing equalizer presets (GTK+ only).
  • The user interface automatically adjusts to be more usable on high-resolution screens (GTK+ only).
  • An “Edit Lyrics” option has been added to the LyricWiki plugin, which opens the edit page for the current song.
  • Guessing of missing tag fields can be disabled.
  • Decoding and playback of standard input is possible with e.g. echo file.mp3 | audacious –
  • QT interface:
    • several new appearance settings, many other small fixes and improvements
    • Plugins port to QT: Winamp Classic Interface, Playlist Manager, Search Tool, Status Icon.

There are also various bugfixes and other changes in the new release, see the release note for details.

Audacious default interface

audacious winamp interface

How to Install / Upgrade Audacious in Ubuntu:

Webupd8 Team is maintaining a PPA with latest audacious packages for all current Ubuntu releases (Ubuntu 15.10, Ubuntu 15.04, and Ubuntu 14.04), and their derivatives.

1. Add the PPA repository.

Open terminal from Unity Dash, App Launcher, or via Ctrl+Alt+T shortcut key. When it opens, run command:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8

Type in your password when it asks (type in mind and hit enter, there’s no display when typing password).

2. After added PPA.

Launch Software Updater if you have a previous release installed, you’ll see Audacious 3.7 in the update list after checking for updates.

Or, run below commands one by one in terminal to check for updates, and install the player:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install audacious

Once installed, launch audacious GTK 2 or Qt version from the Dash.

3. (Optional) To remove the PPA, launch Software & Updates and then go to Other Software tab. And use Ubuntu Software Center to remove audacious player if you want.

Unsettings is another graphical configuration tool for the default Unity Desktop. It can be used as a complement to System Settings and Unity Tweak Tool.

Unsettings 0.11 was released recently with Ubuntu 15.10 support and new settings:

  • New keyboard settings: “Shift key behaviour”, “Caps Lock key behaviour”, “Alt/Win key behaviour”, “Numpad delete key behaviour”
  • New Fonts setting: “Scale factor”
  • Added “User folders” tab
  • Fixed bug with Unity version detection
  • Added Czech, English (United Kingdom) translations

Install Unsettings in Ubuntu:

Download the installer “unsettings_x.xx_all.deb” at the bottom of its official web page:

Unsettings Home Page

Then click install it via Ubuntu Software Center, Gdebi, or dpkg command.

Once installed, launch it from Unity Dash or from-in System Settings at next login.

Blender, a professional free and open-source 3D graphics software, has reached the 2.76b release. The ‘b’ release brings a few bugfixes to the 2.76 release which was released a month ago.

For Blender 2.76 new features see HERE, and the 2.76b fixed:

  • Crash generating previews
  • crash with metas & particles
  • Select linked crash with wire seam edges

Install / Upgrade Blender via PPA:

Besides installing from the official binary manually, you can install Blender and receive future updates using a PPA repository.

Thomas Schiex is maintaining a PPA with latest Blender packages, support for Ubuntu 15.10 and Ubuntu 14.04 so far. Follow below steps to add PPA and install/upgrade Blender.

1. Add PPA.

NOTE: As an unofficial PPA, you may first check the PPA page for the current Blender packages and supported Ubuntu editions.

Open terminal from Unity Dash, App Launcher, or via Ctrl+Alt+T shortcut key. When it opens, run below command to add PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:thomas-schiex/blender

Type your password when it asks (type in mind and hit enter, there’s no display when typing password).

2. If you have a previous installed via Ubuntu Software Center or PPA, launch Software Updater and upgrade Blender after checking for updates.

Or, install it via Software Center (check updates needed), Synaptic Package Manager, or via commands:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install blender

Mozilla Firefox 42.0 was finally released one day ago. Now it’s available in Ubuntu official repositories for Ubuntu 15.10, Ubuntu 15.04, Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 12.04, and their derivatives, e.g., Linux Mint 13/17, and Elementary OS Freya/Luna.

Firefox 42.0 features:

  • Private Browsing with Tracking Protection blocks certain Web elements that could be used to record your behavior across sites
  • Control Center that contains site security and privacy controls
  • Indicator added to tabs that play audio with one-click muting
  • WebRTC improvements:
    • IPV6 support
    • Preferences for controlling ICE candidate generation and IP exposure
    • Hooks for extensions to allow/deny createOffer/Answer
    • Improved ability for applications to monitor and control which devices are used in getUserMedia
  • Login Manager improvements:
    • Improved heuristics to save usernames and passwords
    • Edit and show all logins in line, Copy/Paste usernames/passwords from the Context menu
    • Migration imports your passwords to Firefox from Google Chrome for Windows and Internet Explorer; import anytime from the Login Manager
  • Improved performance on interactive websites that trigger a lot of restyles
  • HTML5
    • Implemented ES6 Reflect
    • Support ImageBitmap and createImageBitmap()
    • Media Source Extension for HTML5 video available for all sites
    • View HTML source in a tab
    • Remote website debugging over WiFi (no USB cable or ADB needed)
    • Asynchronous call stacks now allow web developers to follow the code flow through setTimeout, DOM event handlers, and Promise handlers.
    • Configurable Firefox OS Simulator in WebIDE, to simulate reference devices like phones, tablets, even TVs
      CSS filter presets in the Inspector
    • Ability to save filter presets inside CSS Filter Tooltip
  • And also various security fixes.

How to Upgrade Firefox:

To upgrade the browser in Ubuntu, just launch Software Updater (or Update Manager for Linux Mint).

After checking for updates, you should see Firefox Web Browser available in the list.

Install it and done!

PyAudioSelector, an open-source project written in Python, is a GTK3 indicator applet for Ubuntu users to easy switch between audio devices for all or some of the audio sources.

With the indicator applet, you can even set the different audio sources to different output devices.

How to Install:

The project is now under early development stage. An Ubuntu PPA will be created to make it easy to install. And before that, follow below steps to install a git release.

Open terminal from the Unity Dash, App Launcher, or via Ctrl+Alt+T shortcut key. When it opens, run below commands one by one:

1. Install git if you don’t have it.

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install git

2. Grab the source:

cd /tmp/ && git clone

3. Navigate to the source folder and run the install script:

cd /tmp/PyAudioSelector && sudo sh

Once installed, it starts automatically at next login.

How to Uninstall:

There is not an uninstall script at the moment, but you can easily remove the applet by running below commands one by one:

1. Remove the python script:

sudo rm /usr/local/bin/PyAudioSelector/

2. Remove the config file:

sudo rm /usr/share/PyAudioSelector/config.ini

3. Finally remove the autostart file:

rm ~/.config/autostart/PyAudioSelector.desktop

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