Archives For November 30, 1999

Firefox 25

Mozilla Firefox 25 has been released with new features, improvements and bugfixes. See What’s New in Firefox 25:

  • Web Audio support
  • The find bar is no longer shared between tabs
  • If away from Firefox for months, you now will be offered the option to reset it to its default state while preserving your essential information
  • Resetting Firefox no longer clears your browsing session
  • CSS3 background-attachment:local support to control background scrolling
  • Many new ES6 functions implemented
  • iframe document content can now be specified inline
  • Blank or missing page thumbnails when opening a new tab
  • Security fixes can be found here

Firefox 25 has been made into Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy, Ubuntu 13.04 Raring, Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal, Ubuntu 12.04 and their derivatives.

To upgrade to Firefox 25:

1. First install Synaptic Package Manager from Ubuntu Software Center.

2. Open Synaptic and Click Reload button to update package lists.

3. Search firefox and choose it from the list, click “Mark for Upgrade” in its context menu.

4. Finally click Apply button.

upgrade to firefox 25

This tutorial show you how to install LAMP in Ubuntu 13.10 Server. LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. It is a combination of these 4 that suitable for building high-availability heavy-duty dynamic web sites.

Linux is a Unix-like and POSIX-compliant operating system. Ubuntu is one of popular Linux distributions.

Apache is a HTTP web server, the most popular in use. It serves webpages when they’re requested by the web browsers. When you type an URL on your web server and press Enter, the pages you see on screen is most likely served by Apache webserver.

MySQL is a database management system now owned by Oracle Corporation. It stores and organizes references to the information the webserver needs.

PHP is a reflective programming language, which makes it possible for all these different parts to work together.

Tutorial Objectives:

  • Install LAMP Stack in Ubuntu 13.10 Server
  • Enjoy!

To get started, run single command below to install them:

sudo apt-get install lamp-server^

While the installing process, you’ll be prompt to set a password for MySQL root user.

To check out if Apache is working, type http://ubuntuserverip in client web browser or localhost in the local browser:

apache is working

To check out if PHP is working, run command below to create a test php file in root of Apache webserver directory:

sudo vi /var/www/info.php

Press i to start editing, and type in following lines:


After that, press Esc to exit editing. Press Shift + : and followed by wq and Enter to save the changes.

Now, type http://ubuntuserverip/info.php in client’s browser or localhost/info.php in local browser, you’ll see:

php & mysql is working

Scroll down to find out if there’s a section about Mysql, it means that Mysql is working too!

Now your LAMP server is up and working, see how to install wordpress in Ubuntu 13.10.

How to Install WordPress in Ubuntu 13.10 Server

Last updated: October 29, 2013

If you’ve already installed LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) or LNMP in Ubuntu Server, now it’s time to install wordpress on Ubuntu and get your site running!

WordPress is a popular blogging tool and a content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL. It’s free and open-source. In the steps below the lines that the user needs to enter or customize will be in red in this tutorial!

1. Create MySQL Database and User for WordPress

If you’re using LAMP, install PhpMyAdmin to get a graphical way setting your MySQL Database.

To install PhpMyAdmin, run command below in Ubuntu server:

sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin

Choose apache2 webserver while the installing process and say NO to “Configure database for phpmyadmin with dbconfig-common?”

Once installed, run commands below to get it working:

sudo sh -c 'echo "Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf" >> /etc/apache2/apache2.conf' && sudo service apache2 restart

Now, go to http://UBUNTUSERVERIP/phpmyadmin/ in your client’s browser and type in root and the password you set when MySQL was installed to login.

phpmyadmin login

Follow the steps below to create Database and user:

Step 1 – Click on Users then click Add User.
Step 2 – Type in your desired User name (wordpress is a good one) and ensure Use text field is selected. Ensure Host is set to Local from the drop down list and the text box will change to localhost and enter a Password and then confirm it in the Re-type box. Ensure the Password Use text field is also selected.
Step 3 – Click on Create database with same name and grant all priviliges.
Step 4 – Click on Go.

phpmyadmin create user and database

If you’re using LNMP (Linux, Nginx, MySQL, PHP), follow the steps below to create user & database (both are wordpress in commands below).

Step 1 – Run command in Ubuntu Server to log into MySQL Shell with MySQL root password:

mysql -u root -p

Step 2 – Create database, here I named it wordpress:


Step 3 – Create a new user also named wordpress:

CREATE USER wordpress@localhost;

Step 4 – Set a password for this user:

SET PASSWORD FOR wordpress@localhost= PASSWORD("12345678");

Step 5 – Grant all privileges to the new user:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON wordpress.* TO wordpress@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '12345678';

Step 6 – Refresh MySQL:


Exit MySQL shell:


2. Download WordPress

On Ubuntu Server, run command below to download the latest wordpress package from its official site:

cd && wget

Then uncompress it via command below:

tar -xzvf latest.tar.gz 

3. Setup WordPress Configuration

First copy the sample wordpress configuration file into a new config file:

cd && cp wordpress/wp-config-sample.php wordpress/wp-config.php

Then edit the file with command below:

vi wordpress/wp-config.php

Find the section that contains the field below and substitute in the correct name for your database, username, and password:

// ** MySQL settings – You can get this info from your web host ** //
/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘wordpress‘);

/** MySQL database username */
define(‘DB_USER’, ‘wordpress‘);

/** MySQL database password */
define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘12345678‘);

Press i to start editing, and Esc to end editing. Finally press Shift+: followed by wq and Enter to save and exit the file.

4 Copy the files

Now move WordPress files to webserver root directory:


cd && sudo rsync -avP wordpress/ /var/www/


cd && sudo rsync -avP wordpress/ /usr/share/nginx/html/

Give ownership of the directory to the apache/nginx user:

cd /var/www/  ###For nginx: cd /usr/share/nginx/html/

sudo chown www-data:www-data * -R 

sudo usermod -a -G www-data www-data

5. Install WordPress:

Now in your client’s web browser go to http://UBUNTUSERVERIP/wp-admin/install.php and install your wordpress site:

installing wordpress

Once done, if you still get “It Works!” Apache page. Run command below to edit dir.conf:

sudo vi /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dir.conf

You will see a line of index files (index.html, index.php, index.cgi, etc) under the DirectoryIndex setting. Add index.php as the first item in the list.

After that, restart Apache server by:

sudo service apache2 restart

Now you can access your new website:

wordpress site

Mixxx is a digital DJ system, where Wave, Ogg, FLAC and MP3 files can be mixed on a computer for use in live performances. Filters, crossfader, and speed control are provided. Mixxx can sync the 2 streams automatically, using an algorithm to detect the beat.

The default Mixxx in Ubuntu repository is v1.10 while the latest has reached v1.11.0 with many great new features, bug fixes and performance improvements! This tutorial shows you how to install Mixxx 1.11.0 in Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander or Linux Mint 16 Petra via PPA.

Here’s the skinny on all the new features in Mixxx 1.11.0:

  • Colored, 3-band Waveforms
    • Don’t miss a beat. These waveforms make every kick, snare, and thumping beat stand out.
  • Brand New Beat Detector
    • With a brand new beat detection system based on the latest academic research at Queen Mary University, Mixxx’s beat detection is now deadly accurate. This means your loops, hotcues, and beatsyncing will be spot-on.
  • HID and Bulk Controller Support
    • Mixxx now supports non-MIDI devices using its powerful scripting system.
    • Mixxx 1.11.0 comes with HID presets for the following devices:
      • EKS Otus
      • Traktor Kontrol F1
      • Hercules DJ Console Mk1
      • Hercules DJ Console Mk2
      • Hercules DJ Control MP3 e2 (driver no longer necessary on Linux)
      • Nintendo Wiimote
      • Pioneer CDJ 850/900/2000
      • Sony SixxAxis
  • Session History
    • Whether you need to report your setlists to ASCAP or just remember the tracks you played last night, the new Session History feature keeps track of every tune you drop so that you don’t have to.
  • Beatloop Rolls
    • This stunning new effect works just like a beatloop except when you release the button the deck jumps to where it would have been if you hadn’t started the loop. Try it out by right-clicking on a beat-loop button.
  • Preview Deck
    • A highly-requested feature, the new preview deck allows you to preview tracks in your headphones without having to load them into a main deck. Just click preview on any track in the library and it will start to play in your headphones.
  • Advanced Search
    • The library search box received some much-needed love. Try out these example queries:
      • bpm:100-120 rating:>4
        • All tracks between 100 and 120BPM with rating greater than 4.
      • artist:”Aphex Twin”
        • All tracks with “Aphex Twin” in the artist column.
      • genre:electro bpm:>115
        • All Electro tracks with BPM greater than 115.
    • For full details, see the Mixxx manual.
  • Improved AutoDJ
    • Now you can customize the crossfade period, re-queue tracks instead of removing, and more.
  • Point-and-Click MIDI Mapping
    • Getting your controller mapped is now easier than ever. Just click on the button or knob you want to map in Mixxx and then wiggle the control on your MIDI controller to wire it up.
  • New Sample Grid skin
    • With 16 sample decks, this skin is perfect for radio DJs and advanced beat-jugglers alike.
  • Time Widgets
    • Skins now show the time so you can keep your eye on the clock while in full-screen.
  • Sample Deck Improvements
    • Sample decks now have sync buttons.
    • When there is room skins now include more sample decks.
  • New and Improved User Manual
  • New Controller Support
    • Mixxx Certified Support
      • Allen & Heath Xone K2
      • EKS Otus
      • Keith McMillen Instruments QuNeo
      • Vestax VCI-400
    • Mixxx Community Support
      • Akai LPD8
      • American Audio VMS2
      • Behringer BCD2000
      • DJ-Tech CDJ-101
      • DJ-Tech DJM-101
      • DJ-Tech Mixer One
      • DJ-Tech Kontrol One
      • Gemini FirstMix
      • Hercules DJ Console Mk1
      • Hercules DJ Console 4-Mx
      • Hercules DJ Control AIR
      • Hercules DJ Control Instinct
      • Kontrol Dj KDJ500
      • Korg nanoKONTROL
      • Korg nanoKONTROL 2
      • Korg nanoPAD2
      • MixVibes U-Mix Control 2
      • MixVibes U-Mix Control Pro 2
      • Nintendo Wiimote
      • Novation Dicer
      • Novation Launchpad
      • Numark DJ2Go
      • Numark MIXTRACK Pro
      • Numark N4
      • Numark Omni Control
      • Numark V7
      • Reloop Terminal Mix 4
      • Sony Sixxaxis
      • Traktor Kontrol F1
      • Vestax VCI-100 3DEX Edition
      • Vestax VCI-300
  • Other Highlights
    • Hamster / Reverse mode for the crossfader now supported.
    • Track analyzer has better prioritization of work and feedback.
    • Controller presets now include wiki/forum links, authorship info and a description.
    • The View menu toggles for skin elements (Vinyl Control, Microphone, Samplers, etc.)
    • View settings are now saved across restarts.
    • New latch mode for microphone talk-over button and kill switches.
    • Removed tracks now appear in the “Hidden Tracks” section of the library.
    • Locale selectable via preferences.
    • MixVibes support for Vinyl Control.
    • Quick Links section in Browse mode allows you to save favorite browse locations.
    • The –controllerDebug command-line option auto-reloads controller scripts when they change.
  • Hundreds of bug fixes and performance improvements!

Install Mixxx:

Press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open terminal. When it opens, run commands below one by one:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mixxx/mixxx

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install mixxx

These commands also install latest mixxx in Ubuntu 13.04, Ubuntu 12.10, Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 10.04 and their derivatives.

Nvidia has released the Beta driver 331.17 for Linux with bug fixes and new NVIDIA Unified Memory kernel module which provides support for the new Unified Memory feature in an upcoming CUDA release.

What’s New in Nvidia 331.17:

  • Fixed a bug that prevented configuration files containing application profiles from being loaded when directories were present in the application profile configuration search path.
  • Deferred initialization of libselinux in the NVIDIA OpenGL driver, in order to avoid a problem where libselinux might not be ready when the NVIDIA libGL shared library is first loaded.
  • Added nvidia-uvm.ko, the NVIDIA Unified Memory kernel module, to the NVIDIA Linux driver package. This kernel module provides support for the new Unified Memory feature in an upcoming CUDA release.

How to install Nvidia 331.17

For Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 13.10, Ubuntu 13.04, Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 12.10 and Linux Mint users, you can easily install this driver from Xorg edge PPA.

Press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open terminal. When it opens, run commands below one by one:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install nvidia-331

For other Linux distributions, such as Fedora, OpenSUSE, etc. You can download and install it from the official installer. Here are the links from Nvidia website:

Nvidia 331.17 For 32 bit Linux

Nvidia 331.17 for 64 bit Linux

For Ubuntu and its derivatives, follow the steps below to install this driver provided by Nvidia:

1. Press Ctrl+Alt+F1 to switch to command console. Login with your username and password.

2. Stop the graphics session in order to start the installation.

For default Unity’s display manager:

sudo service lightdm stop

For Gnome:

sudo service gdm stop

For Linux Mint mdm:

sudo service mdm stop

3. Give permission to execute the downloaded installer.

chmod +x ~/Downloads/NVIDIA-Linux-*

4. Start the installer and follow on screen prompts:

sudo sh ~/Downloads/NVIDIA-Linux-*

This tutorial shows how to install Polly Twitter Client via PPA in Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 13.10, Ubuntu 13.04, Ubuntu 12.04, Linux Mint 13/14/15/16 and Elementary OS.

Polly is an open source Linux Twitter client designed for multiple columns of multiple accounts. It is now at version 0.93.11 (pre-alpha 3.11).

Most notable in this release is the addition of the beautiful Numix icon theme, but there are also fixes for Fedora packaging, some link optimizations, and the addition of an internal keyring module to avoid incompatibility with recent distros.

Install Polly via PPA:

Press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open terminal. When it opens, run command below to add the Polly PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:conscioususer/polly-daily

After that, update package lists and install this client:

sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install -y polly

Once installed, open polly from Unity Dash.

Polly Twitter Client in Ubuntu 13.10 with Numix theme

Cinelerra, a professional video editing and compositing software designed for the GNU/Linux now reached v4.5. Here’s how to install it in Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy, Ubuntu 13.04 Raring, Ubuntu 12.04 Precise, Ubuntu 12.10 and Linux Mint.

What’s New in Cinelerra 4.5:

  • Speed curves mainly for video & in degraded quality for audio.
  • Some control over whether automation follows edits.
  • Ability to transfer keyframes between audio and video tracks.
  • Motion temporaries are stored in /tmp/m and /tmp/r files.
  • Time Avg clears the accumulator on keyframes.

Install Cinelerra 4.5:

The DEB installer for Ubuntu is available at this page. Download & installed the cinelerra-data_4.5-dmo1_all.deb & cinelerra_4.5-dmo1_amd64 (or i386).deb

You can also download and build the source code.

If you’d like to install Cinelerra CV (community version of Cinelerra which adds new enhancements to the official source code.), run commands below in terminal one by one (Ctrl+Alt+T):

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cinelerra-ppa/ppa

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install cinelerra-cv

I’ve written about how to install Ubuntu 13.10 Server. If you’re not familiar with command console you can install GUI on Ubuntu Server:

  • Desktop Environment on local server
  • Webmin on remote server.

Install Desktop Environment in Ubuntu 13.10 Server:

Before getting started, update system package lists by running the command below:

sudo apt-get update

1. To install Ubuntu Unity Desktop, run:

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop

For ‘minimal’ install without all the desktop add-on and other things that come with Ubuntu Desktop Edition, run:

sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends ubuntu-desktop

Once installed, restart Ubuntu server and you’ll see the graphical login screen. Or run command below to start without reboot:


2. To install the light weight desktop Xfce, run:

sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop

3. To install KDE, run:

sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop

Install Webmin in Ubuntu 13.10 Server:

Webmin is a web-interface for remote users to configure Apache, DNS, FTP, and others on your Ubuntu server.

To install Webmin in Ubuntu server, run command below to download the DEB package:


Then install it as well as the dependencies:

sudo dpkg -i webmin_1.660_all.deb; sudo apt-get -f install

Once installed, go to https://your-ubuntu-serverip:10000 on your client PC’s web browser and login with Administrator account:

This is a step by step guide for beginners how to create bootable Ubuntu 13.10 Server USB and install it on your computer.


  • A Windows, Linux or Mac OS PC for burning the iso into USB
  • 1GB+ USB stick
  • Ubuntu 13.10 Server ISO downloaded from

How to Create Bootable Ubuntu Server USB

First download Unetbootin executable, a simple tool to install Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive. It works on Windows, Linux and Mac.

Insert USB stick to computer and format (don’t use’Quick format’) to FAT. Open Unetbootin, in the picture below choose the Ubuntu 13.10 Server iso and your usb device and finally click OK to start the burning process.

create bootable ubuntu server usb

Once finished, connect the USB to the machine which you want to install Ubuntu Server on. Boot from the USB and you’ll see a screen with list of options include ‘Install Ubuntu Server’

Install Ubuntu 13.10 Server

Select ‘Install Ubuntu Server’ from the Unetbootin boot screen, then select your desired language in the screen below:

Ubuntu 13.10 Server select language

Click Install Ubuntu Server

install ubuntu 13.10 server

Choose the language for installation process and installed system:

Ubuntu 13.10 server installation language

Select your Country which will used to set your time zone:

Ubuntu 13.10 Server select location

Choose your locale settings. Then select YES to detect keyboard layout or NO to select from list.

Setup the hostname (Computer name).

Ubuntu 13.10 Server hostname

Enter your username and password to create an Administrator account. You can login with this user after installation:

Ubuntu 13.10 Server create user

Encrypt previous created user’s home directory or not:

Ubuntu 13.10 Server encrypt home directory

Select the partitioning method:

  • Guided – use the entire disk: it will automatically create the main EXT4 partition and swap area for Ubuntu using all disk storage.
  • Guided – use the entire disk and setup (encrypted) LVM: it will use the whole disk storage and you need to manually create EXT partition and Swap for Ubuntu Server.
  • Manual: If you have a dual-boot system or you want to keep a non-system partition on the disk, do it manually.

Ubuntu 13.10 Server partition

Confirm the partition and the installation will begin:

Ubuntu 13.10 Server installing process

Input HTTP proxy server IP. Leave it empty if you don’t have one.

Ubuntu 13.10 Server HTTP setup

It’ll take a few minutes configuring apt. If want, cancel it and do it afterwards.

Ubuntu 13.10 Server configure apt

In order to keep your system security, select ‘Install security updates Automatically’ in next screen:

Ubuntu 13.10 Server security updates

Now you can select to install OpenSSH server, DNS, LAMP, MAIL, PostgreSQL, Print, Samba, Tomcat, Virtual Machine Host from the list. Use arrow keys to highlight and Space to select, finally press Enter to go on.

Ubuntu 13.10 Server install software

Select to install Grub boot loader and finish the installation. Restart and login with the username and password you created:

Ubuntu 13.10 server login

Your Ubuntu 13.10 server is running now!

How to Install Super Boot Manager in Ubuntu 13.10

Last updated: October 26, 2013

Super Boot Manager is a simple tool to configure Grub, Burg, and Plymouth. This interface also allows the installation of Burg, the installation of many graphic themes for Burg and Plymouth and it allows the creation of customized themes.

The Super Boot Manager PPA is not ready for Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander. So here’s how to install it using the Raring DEBs. It works great in my Ubuntu 13.10 64-bit machine.

Tutorial Objectives:

  • Install Super Boot Manager in Ubuntu 13.10
  • Enjoy!

To get started, press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open terminal. When it opens, run command below to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ingalex/super-boot-manager

After added the PPA, open Software & Updates from Unity Dash. Under Other Software tab, find out the line says ‘ saucy main’. Edit and change the distribution from saucy to raring.

Now you can install the Super Boot Manager as well as buc by running below 3 commands one by one:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install super-boot-manager

sudo apt-get -f install

Once installed, launch it from Unity Dash (need a restart) or run command below:



super-boot-manager main window

burg manager

grub manager

plymouth manager