Archives For November 30, 1999

BitDefender Anti-virus is available for Linux from its official repository. Here I’ll show you how to install it on Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail.

Ubuntu itself has few virus, you can install anti-virus program on Ubuntu Linux to scan USB devices or Windows NTFS partitions.


  • Install BitDefender on Ubuntu from official repository
  • Enjoy!

To get started, press Ctrl+Alt+T key combination to open terminal, then run below command to add BitDefender official repository for Linux.

sudo sh -c 'echo "deb bitdefender non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bitdefender.list'

Then download and install the key via below command:

wget -O- -q | sudo apt-key add -

After adding the repository, use your package manager to install BitDefender. Or run below commands to update packages list and do install:

sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install bitdefender-scanner-gui

Once installed, run GUI via below command. Read this tutorial to manually add a launcher.



Gmediafinder is a software to search stream and / or download files form youtube, dailymotion, vimeo, and others engines without flash.

It support fullscreen mode (double click on the video or f key/esc), visualisations and use the gstreamer engine to play sounds and videos.

For youtube you can select you prefered resolution and it give priority to webm(vorbis/vp8) and mp4 format for video seeking! (and lower cpu usage than flv…)


  • Install Gmediafinder on Ubuntu 13.04 & 12.10 via PPA
  • Enjoy!

The developer has create a ppa repository to make it easy to install for Ubuntu and Linux Mint users. So far it supports Ubuntu 10.04 and higher.

To get started, press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open terminal. When it opens, run below commands to add the ppa:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:s-lagui/ppa

Then update package lists and install gmediafinder:

sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install -y gmediafinder

Disable Global Menu on Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy

Last updated: October 23, 2013

This tutorial shows how to disable the global menu, so that each application having its own menu bar on Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy.



To do it, press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open terminal. When it opens, run the commands below to disable it.

sudo apt-get remove indicator-appmenu

Restart your computer to apply the changes.

For Firefox, go to Tools –> Add-ons –> Extensions and disable ‘Global Menu Bar integration’.


This simple and brief tutorial will show you how to backup live CD or DVD to iso image on Ubuntu Linux using dd command.

dd is a command on Unix and Unix-like operating systems whose primary purpose is to convert and copy a file. On Unix, device drivers for hardware (such as hard disks) and special device files (such as /dev/zero and /dev/random) appear in the file system just like normal files; dd can also read from (and in some cases write to) these files. As a result, dd can be used for tasks such as backing up the boot sector of a hard drive, and obtaining fixed amount of random data.

To make iso image out of CD or DVD:

Insert your live CD or DVD into computer, then you can check the device name by running below command:

df -lh

You’ll get a similar output. The last line tells the device name /dev/sr0 and mount point /media/handbook/CD-Rom

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda6 92G 47G 41G 54% /
none 4.0K 0 4.0K 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
udev 870M 4.0K 870M 1% /dev
tmpfs 176M 980K 175M 1% /run
none 5.0M 0 5.0M 0% /run/lock
none 878M 3.5M 874M 1% /run/shm
none 100M 56K 100M 1% /run/user
/dev/sr0 807M 807M 0 100% /media/handbook/CD-Rom

Now, use below command to create iso from it:

dd if=/dev/sr0 of=~/backup.iso bs=1000000 count=512 &&sync

Here if reads from file /dev/sr0, of write to file backup.iso, ~/ means user home directory. The value of ‘bs’ means read and write up to 1000000 bytes at a time.

For more, run:

man dd

CherryTree is a hierarchical note taking application, featuring rich text and syntax highlighting, storing data in a single xml or sqlite file.

CherryTree is perfectly suitable not only for taking notes, but also for managing code snippets. The application supports syntax highlighting for many popular programming languages, so you can use the application as a programmer’s scratchpad. You can also insert code snippets directly into notes using so-called code boxes.


  • rich text (foreground color, background color, bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, small, h1, h2, h3, subscript, superscript, monospace)
  • syntax highlighting (only when the rich text is disabled in the current node)
  • images handling: insertion in the text, edit (resize/rotate), save as png file
  • lists handling (bulleted, numbered, to-do and switch between them, multiline with shift+enter)
  • simple tables handling (cells with plain text), cut/copy/paste row, import/export as csv file
  • codeboxes handling: boxes of automatically highlighted text into normal rich text
  • alignment of text, images, tables and codeboxes (left/center/right)
  • hyperlinks (links to webpages, links to nodes/nodes + anchors, links to files, links to folders)
  • intra application copy/paste: supported single images, single codeboxes, single tables and a compound selection of rich text, images, codeboxes and tables
  • cross application copy/paste (tested with openoffice and gmail): supported single images, single codeboxes, single tables and a compound selection of rich text, images, codeboxes and tables
  • copying a list of files from the file manager and pasting in cherrytree will create a list of links to files, images are recognized and inserted in the text
  • print & save as pdf file of a selection / node / node and subnodes / the whole tree
  • export to html of a selection / node / node and subnodes / the whole tree
  • export to plain text of a selection / node / node and subnodes / the whole tree
  • toc generation for a node / node and subnodes / the whole tree, based on headers h1, h2 and h3
  • find a node, find in current node, find in all nodes
  • replace in node names, replace in current node, replace in all nodes
  • iteration of the latest find, iteration of the latest replace, iteration of the latest applied text formatting
  • import from basket, cherrytree, gnote, keepnote, knowit, mempad, notecase, tomboy, treepad lite, tuxcards, zim
  • export to cherrytree file of a selection / node / node and subnodes / the whole tree
  • password protection (using
  • tree nodes drag and drop

Install CherryTree on Ubuntu:

CherryTree is available in Ubuntu’s universe repository since Ubuntu 12.04 Precise. Search for and install it from Ubuntu Software Center.

For the latest version, press Ctrl+Alt+T to open terminal and run below commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:vincent-c/cherrytree

sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install cherrytree

This simple and brief tutorial is going to show you how to speed up your snail-slow laptop by tweaking your Ubuntu system. There’re some tools and apps to improve the overall performance of an Ubuntu powered machine. They are really helpful if you have an old machine with the hardware that are out of date.

Improve Performance with ZRAM on low RAM machines:

ZRAM is a is a module of the Linux kernel that creates a RAM based block device which acts as a swap disk, but is compressed and stored in memory instead of swap disk (which is slow), allowing very fast I/O and increasing the amount of memory available before the system starts swapping to disk.

This gives amazing performance improvements on systems with low RAM. Especially netbooks! Search for and install zram-config from Ubuntu Software Center. Then restart, zram is running silently as a background process.

Speed up application loading time by using Preload

Preload is nice little application that could make your linux system a lot faster. Preload is an adaptive readahead daemon. It monitors applications that users run, and by analyzing this data, predicts what applications users might run, and fetches those binaries and their dependencies into memory for faster startup times.

Preload is available by default in Ubuntu Software Center. Just search for and install it, then it’ll run silently as a background process. If you want to further tweak Preload, conf file is available at /etc/preload.conf.

Speed up Unity desktop by disable graphics effect:

Unity 2D has been dropped since Ubuntu 12.04, it’s no longer available in higher editions. If you’re using Ubuntu with Unity as its desktop environment, you can turn off the graphics effect to get a better experience.

To do so, create file .xprofile on user Home folder and open it with text editor (You may check if it already exist by press Ctrl+H to view hidden files). Add below line and save it:


That’s it. Hope this tutorial may help you!

In this tutorial I’ll show you a lightweight sticky notes software for Ubuntu users. It’s indicator-stickynotes which allows you to jot down thoughts, lists, and reminders on your desktop. This simple tool works on Unity, Gnome Shell, XFCE/Xubuntu, with partial support for KDE/Kubuntu and Linux Mint (MATE and Cinnamon).


  • Install Indicator Stickynotes on Ubuntu and Linux Mint.
  • Enjoy!

To get started, add the ppa repository which supports Ubuntu 13.04 Raring, 12.10 Quantal, 12.04 Precise and Linux Mint 13 Maya, 14 Nadia, 15 Olivia. To do so, press Ctrl+Alt+T to open a terminal window, run below commands:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:umang/indicator-stickynotes

Then update the package lists and install the software:

sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install indicator-stickynotes


As you may know, RemoteBox is an open source VirtualBox Client with Remote Management feature. It allows you to administer an installation of VirtualBox residing on another machine such as a server, as if it was installed locally. You can also interact with the displays of the guests. This allows you to treat VirtualBox much more like an installation of Xen, KVM or VMware ESX. A summary of some of the features of RemoteBox are listed below.

In this brief tutorial I’ll show you how to install RemoteBox 1.5 on Ubuntu 13.04 Raring or Linux Mint.

To get started, press Ctrl+Alt+T to open a terminal window for running commands:

Then run commands to install required packages:

sudo apt-get install libgtk2-perl libsoap-lite-perl rdesktop

Then download RemoteBox 1.5 (VirtualBox 4.2.X required):


Decompress the downloaded package, and it should result a new folder called RemoteBox-1.5. In terminal, navigate to this folder:

cd ~/Downloads/RemoteBox-1.5

Then start RemoteBox:


You can right-click on the icon from Unity Launcher and choose ‘Lock to Launcher’ to make it easy to launch next time. Or you can manually add it into Unity Dash.

This is the main window of RemoteBox:

VDrift is an open source driving simulation made with drift racing in mind. It’s available for Ubuntu and Linux Mint users from PlayDeb repository.

PlayDeb is an unofficial project that provides the latest open source and free games for the current Ubuntu Linux release, in an easy to install manner. It’s safe to add it to your system.


  • Install VDrift on Ubuntu and Linux Mint
  • Enjoy!

To get started, add the playdeb repository to your system.

For Ubuntu users, download the below package and double-click to install via Ubuntu Software Center.

Download GetDeb package

For Linux Mint users, go to Start Menu -> search Software Source -> Additional Repositories, turn on the line which says ‘’. Finally click ‘update the cache’.

Now install VDrift. For Ubuntu users, press Ctrl+Alt+T and run below commands in terminal:

sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install -y vdrift

For Linux Mint users, open Software Manager search for and install vdrift.


Tooltips on Ubuntu Unity by default is white on black. This tutorial shows how to easily change the both background and foreground colors.


  • Change default tooltip background and foreground colors
  • Enjoy!

To get started, install the simple tool Gnome Color Chooser from Ubuntu Software Center.

Open it from the Unity Dash. Navigate to Specific tab, there you’ll find the option to tweak the tooltips colors.

That’s it. Enjoy!