Archives For Gnome Classic

This simple tutorial shows how to install and enable the Classic Gnome 2 style desktop session in Ubuntu 22.04 and/or Ubuntu 24.04.

Though the title said for Ubuntu, this tutorial also works in Debian 12 & 11. Fedora, Arch, and their based systems also have corresponding packages for the similar job.

As far as I know, there are 3 ways to get back the classic Gnome 2 layout. They include:

  • Option 1: gnome-flashback -traditional desktop session based on GNOME technologies.
  • Option 2: gnome-shell-extensions – Classic Gnome 2 layout through some Gnome Shell extensions.
  • Option 3: MATE Desktop – a free open-source fork and continuation of Gnome 2 Desktop.

Option 1: Gnome Flashback

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Install Gnome Classic Desktop in Ubuntu 14.04

Last updated: April 20, 2014


This simple tutorial is going to show you how to install the Gnome Classic desktop environment in Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Thar.

Ubuntu 14.04 gets new window decorations inside Unity and so far it does not support changing window control buttons to the right of title bar. So if you want your window buttons on the right, you may switch to the Gnome Classic desktop.

Alt + right-click

Install Gnome Classic:

Press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open the terminal. When it opens, paste the command below and hit run. Type in your password when prompt.

sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback

Once installed, log out the current session. When you’re in log-in screen, click the logo icon and select log in to Gnome Flashback (Compiz) or Gnome Flashback (Metacity).

Gnome 2 Desktop was the default in Ubuntu (10.04 Lucid and earlier). If you would like to install this classic DE in Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy, try MATE, which is a fork of GNOME 2, aims to preserve the classic desktop metaphor.

NOTE: If you just want a classic Gnome style panel and app menu, search for and install gnome-session-fallback in Ubuntu Software Center and log out and back in with Gnome Flashback session.

First take a look at MATE 1.6:

MATE calssic gnome 2 menu

MATE gnome 2 panel items

To install MATE desktop environments in Ubuntu 13.10, follow the steps below:

1. Press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open terminal. When it opens, run commands to add MATE repository:

sudo add-apt-repository "deb saucy main"

2. Update package lists and get the keyring:

sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install mate-archive-keyring

3. Update and install the DE:

sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install mate-core mate-desktop-environment

Once installed, log out current session and choose to login with MATE from LightDM:

This quick tip is going to show you how to install the Classic Gnome Desktop Environment in Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander.

It’s quite easy to do it, just install the Gnome fallback session package and then you get the Gnome Classic in Login menu at next time.

To install the package, press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open terminal. When it opens, run below commands in terminal:

sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback

Or you can search for and install gnome-session-fallback in Ubuntu Software Center.

After that, log out and select the Classic session to log back.