VideoLAN finally announced the release of VLC media player 2.2.8.
VideoLAN and the VLC development team are happy to publish version 2.2.8 of VLC media player today.
This release fixes a security issue in the AVI demuxer. Additionally, it includes the following fixes, which are part of 2.2.7: This release fixes compatibility with macOS High Sierra and fixes SSA subtitles rendering on macOS. This release also fixes a few security issues, in the flac and the libavcodec modules (heap write overflow), in the avi module and a few crashes.
For macOS users, please note: A bug was fixed in VLC 2.2.7 concerning the update mechanism on macOS. In rare circumstances, an auto-update from older versions of VLC to VLC 2.2.8 might not be possible. Please download the update manually from our website in this case.
The source tarball was available more than a week ago. It’s been made into main repository of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.
VLC is also available as Flatpak for Ubuntu 16.04 and higher. Install latest Flatpak via PPA, then open terminal and run command to install VLC via Flatpak:
The second bug-fix release for QupZilla 2.2 series was release a few hours ago. The new release features following changes:
updated available user agent strings
added support for “font” option in AdBlock
fix build with Qt 5.10
fix build on macOS < 10.12
fix showing irrelevant domain completions in locationbar
fix showing site icons on some systems
fix clearing visited links when clearing history
fix using system network proxy configuration
fix saving window geometry when closing app with Ctrl+Q shortcut
fix various issues with web page not being focused after restoring session
fix AutoScroll plugin not being able to scroll to all directions in some cases
Linux: add StartupWMClass to desktop file
Windows: fix possible isssue with uninstaller removing more files than it should
Download / Install QupZilla 2.2.2 in Ubuntu:
QupZilla can’t be built into .deb packages in all current Ubuntu releases due to outdated Qt5 libraries.
So far, the easiest way to run QupZilla in Ubuntu is to use the Appimage, a non-install single executable file:
Download the file, make it executable from its Properties window, and finally run the Appimage to launch QupZilla web browser:
Don’t see the “Run” option even after made the Appimage executable? Go to file manager’s menu Edit -> Preferences -> Behavior -> Choose the option says ‘Run executable text files when they are opened’.
MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) reached the 0.192 release. Here’s how to install it via PPA in Ubuntu 17.04, Ubuntu 17.10.
MAME is a free and open source emulator designed to recreate the hardware of arcade game systems in software on modern personal computers and other platforms.
The latest MAME 0.192 was release a few days ago with following changes:
Supports Oriental Legend 2 and Knights of Valour 2 New Legend
The MCU for Ping Pong King is simulated
Flower and Taito’s abstract maze game Marine Date are emulated better.
Missing graphics in the Merit Megatouch games fixed.
graphical fixes for FM Towns
heaps of improvements for the Tatung Einstein
No-Slot Clock support for the Apple //e family
support for some Brazilian CoCo clones from Prológica and Codimex.
The ACI Destiny Prodigy, Mephisto RISC 1MB and Mephisto RISC II chess computers are now working.
How to Install MAME 0.192 in Ubuntu:
There’s an unofficial PPA contains the latest packages for Ubuntu 17.04, and Ubuntu 17.10 so far. Unfortunately, Ubuntu 16.04 build is not updated any more since version 0.189.
1. Open terminal either via Ctrl+Alt+T or by searching for ‘terminal’ form app launcher. When it opens, run command:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:c.falco/mame
Input your password (no visual feedback) when it prompts and hit Enter to continue adding the PPA.
2. Then upgrade the emulator via Software Updater utility if you have a previous release installed.
or run commands one by one in terminal to install it:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mame
To remove MAME emulator, run following command in terminal:
sudo apt-get remove --autoremove mame
To remove the PPA, launch ‘Software & Updates’ utility and navigate to Other Software tab.
The open-source Liferea feed reader finally reached the new stable 1.12.0 release after months of development. Here’s how to install it in Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 17.04, Ubuntu 17.10, Ubuntu 18.04.
Jet Brains announced the release of IntelliJ IDEA 2017.3 earlier today. Here’s how to install it in Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 17.10, and Ubuntu 18.04.
IntelliJ IDEA 2017.3 is a new massive release that includes loads of new features and dozens of important bugfixes. See the release note for details.
How to Install IntelliJ IDEA 2017.3 in Ubuntu:
There are a few ways to run the latest release of the Java IDE in Ubuntu desktop. And here are 3 of them:
method 1: Download official Linux package (NON-INSTALL), extract and run the executable to launch the IDE:
method 2: Install the Snap package for Ubuntu 16.04 and higher:
Open terminal via Ctrl+Alt+T or by searching ‘terminal’ from app launcher. When it opens, run command:
Jet Brains announced the release of PyCharm 2017.3 earlier today. Here’s how to install it in Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 17.04, Ubuntu 17.10, Ubuntu 18.04.
PyCharm 2017.3 release highlights:
Performance improvements: Python indexing is twice as fast, JavaScript indexing is up to 40% faster, configuring SSH interpreters is much faster (in some cases over 100x), and more!
The new release makes creating and selecting Python interpreters easier.
A new scientific mode, which puts all the tools you need for data science at your fingertips (professional version only)
An all new HTTP client for those who build (REST) APIs.
Fully supports for Django 2.0 (professional edition only)
Supports running Python modules (python -m )
Supports for SSH config files
How to Install PyCharm 2017.3 in Ubuntu:
You can easily run the new release in Ubuntu via either:
method 1: official Linux binaries. NON-INSTALL version, just extract and run executable file to launch the IDE:
method 2 (recommended): or install the Snap package. WELL integrated with Ubuntu. Support for Ubuntu 16.04 and higher:
Simply open terminal via Ctrl+Alt+T or by searching for ‘terminal’ from app launcher. When it opens, run command:
sudo snap install pycharm-community --classic
For sudo prompts, input your password (no visual feedback while typing) when it asks and hit Enter.
For professional edition, run following command instead:
sudo snap install pycharm-professional --classic
Once installed, launch the IDE from your application launcher and enjoy!
To remove the snap packages, either use Ubuntu Software or run command in terminal:
Qmmp, a Qt-based music player with winamp or xmms like interface, reached the new major 1.2.0 (and 0.11.0 for Qt4) release with many new features, improvements, and some bug-fixes.
added feature to disable notifications when another application is in the full screen mode
added cover tab to the track details dialog
added ‘--volume-status‘ and ‘--mute-status‘ command-line option
added feature to change user interface from command line
added parent directory name to the title formatting fields
added cache to the lyrics plugin
added feature to clear window title when playback is finished
added ‘Raise’ method implementation to the mpris plugin
added mount point list to the file dialog (1.2.0 only)
improved plugin API, cover cache, visualization support
improved aac plugin, sndfile plugin, mpeg,plugin, qsui plugin, audio format determination in the ffmpeg plugin
improved m3u, pls and xspf support
improved DirectSound and WASAPI support
added lame header and gapless support
improved file type determination
added quick search to the playlist and the file system browser
added feature to change toolbar icon size
added record button
added cover image alignment
reduced memory usage
improved settings
fixed memory leaks
fixed FVWM support (0.11.0 only)
translation updates
How to Install Qmmp 1.2.0 (0.11.0) in Ubuntu:
Qmmp has an PPA repository that offers the latest packages for Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 17.04, Ubuntu 17.10, and their derivatives.
1. Open terminal via Ctrl+Alt+T or from app launcher, and then run command to add the PPA:
OpenShot video editor reached the 2.4.1 release two weeks ago. Now it’s finally available in PPA for Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 17.04.
OpenShot 2.4.1 release highlights:
Improved image quality.
Improved playback smoothness.
Improved stability (especially for Windows)
New video tutorials
Stability improvements and more. See the release note.
How to Install OpenShot 2.4.1 in Ubuntu:
The PPA does not support Ubuntu 17.10 so far. However, a 64-bit AppImage is available for download at the link below. Just download, make executable and run the file to launch OpenShot:
For traditional packages, OpenShot’s official PPA contains the .deb packages for Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04, and Ubuntu 17.04:
1. Open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run command to add the PPA: