Stunt Rally, an open-source rally game with Stunt elements, finally reached the 2.6 release with new tracks, cars and other improvements.
Now this VDrift and OGRE based racing game features 172 tracks in 31 sceneries, 20 cars and a Track Editor. See the changelog of Stunt Rally 2.6.
How to Install / Upgrade Stunt Rally in Ubuntu:
PlayDeb repository is currently building the game binaries for Ubuntu 15.04, Ubuntu 14.04 and their derivatives. Check out its repository page before doing below steps.
1. Add PlayDeb repository:
Open terminal from the Dash, App Launcher, or via Ctrl+Alt+T shortcut key. When it opens, run command:
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb trusty-getdeb games" >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/playdeb.list'
For Ubuntu 15.04, replace trusty with vivid in the code.
For Linux Mint, you may use Synaptic Package Manager instead to install it.
For those who don’t want to add PlayDeb repository and know a little about how to install a .deb binary and manually fix dependency issue, download the packages for stuntrally and stuntrally-tracks.
Skype native client available in Ubuntu partner repository sucks? Try this unofficial client based on Skype Web version. .
Microsoft provides a web version of Skype allows users to chat and call friends using a web browser. For Linux, you can run the Skype Web as a desktop application (without browser) via an open source program called skype-unofficial-client.
The project is created two days ago. It’s built on top of node webkit and uses system’s notification.
How to install:
This software works on all Ubuntu releases and other Linux. Just open terminal from the Dash, App Launcher, or via Ctrl+Alt+T shortcut keys.
A new release of Deluge BitTorrent Client was release yesterday with a collection of fixes to keep the 1.3 stable.
Deluge 1.3.12 is the first stable release in 2015. It brings following fixes and improvements:
GTK UI: Add Torrent dialog does not appear
Include fix for Twisted 15.0 URI class rename
Enable lt extension bindings again for versions >=0.16.7 (this disables Tracker Exchange by default)
Backport atomic fastresume and state file saving fixes as another attempt to prevent data loss on unclean exits
WebUI: Fixed i18n issue in Connection Manager which left users unable to connect
WebUI: Increase cookie lifespan for display settings
Console: Fixed ‘set and then get’ in config command
Scheduler Plugin: Show current speed limit in statusbar
Win32 packaging fixes.
How to Install / Upgrade Deluge in Ubuntu:
The new release has been made into Deluge’s official PPA, available for Ubuntu 15.10, Ubuntu 15.04, Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 12.04 and their derivatives (e.g., Linux Mint 13/17, Elementary OS Freya).
1. To add the PPA.
Open terminal from the Dash, App Launcher, or via Ctrl+Alt+T shortcut keys. When it opens, run command:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deluge-team/ppa
2. After that, run commands to update system cache and install Deluge (GTK UI):
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install deluge
You may install the package deluge-web or deluge-console if you want the Web UI or the console UI.
For those who have a previous release installed, Deluge can be upgraded directly via Software Updater.
LiVEs video editor and VJ tools has reached the 2.4.2 release with various fixes and improvements.
LiVES is an open source video editing system designed to be simple to use, yet powerful. It is small in size, yet it has many advanced features.
It’s the first software that I learned how to package a software into launchpad PPA. Now PPA updates with the new release for Ubuntu 15.10, Ubuntu 15.04, Ubuntu 14.04, and derivatives.
Changes in LiVEs 2.4.2:
Fix crash after recording with pulseaudio external audio.
Fix possible crash when converting from YUV420 to UYVY / YUYV.
Fix memory issue in audio triggered video generators.
Fix buttons issue in the progress dialog (regression).
Fix occasional hang in shutdown via OSC.
Minor fixes for headless (nogui, noplaywin) modes.
Increase size of debug output window when encoding (Regression).
Fix for compiling without jack.
Fix crash in mask_overlay effect.
Fix some threading problems when running audio and video effects together.
Improve OSC responsiveness during playback.
Fixes for beat_detector, edge, vector_visualiser, and kaleidoscope plugins.
Fix latency issue with pulseaudio external input.
Fix for opening unicap device during playback.
Work around gtk+ bug for clips menu.
Implement OSC commands /audio/mute/set, /audio/mute/get, /audio/volume/set, /audio/volume/get and /clip/open/unicap.
Fixes / refactoring for firewire grabbing.
Re-enable button icons (via preference) and clean up stock button code.
How to Install / Upgrade LiVEs via PPA:
Open terminal from the Dash, App Launcher, or via Ctrl+Alt+T combination key. When it opens, run below commands one by one:
1. Add the PPA repository:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/lives
2. Refresh / update your system package cache:
sudo apt-get update
3. Finally install / upgrade the software:
sudo apt-get install lives
Have an previous version installed? you may replace the step 2 & 3 by launching Software Updater and upgrading LiVEs after checking for updates.
Elementary OS Freya provides only 2 themes, the default transparent and Matte, for its Plank dock launcher by default.
For those who want to try more themes, Ken Harkey has made 13 Plank themes into PPA available for Ubuntu 14.04 and Elementary OS Freya. Here are the screenshot for some of them.
Plank Theme Camilaes
Plank Theme Capeos
Plank Theme Chameleon
Plank Theme Cratos Lion
Plank Theme Darktheon
Plank Theme Pantiva
Plank Theme Paperterial
How to install these themes:
Open terminal from the launcher, and run below command to add the PPA:
Qmmp, Qt-based audio player with winamp or xmms like user interface, now is at 0.9.0 release. PPA updated for Ubuntu 15.10, Ubuntu 15.04, Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 12.04 and derivatives.
Qmmp 0.9.0 is a big release with many new features, improvements and some translation updates. It added:
audio-channel sequence converter;
9 channels support to equalizer;
album artist tag support;
asynchronous sorting;
sorting by file modification date;
sorting by album artist;
multiple column support;
feature to hide track length;
feature to disable plugins without qmmp.pri modification (qmake only)
feature to remember playlist scroll position;
feature to exclude cue data files;
feature to change user agent;
feature to change window title;
feature to reset fonts;
feature to restore default shortcuts;
default hotkey for the “Rename List” action;
feature to disable fadeout in the gme plugin;
Simple User Interface (QSUI) with the following changes:
added multiple column support;
added sorting by album artist;
added sorting by file modification date;
added feature to hide song length;
added default hotkey for the “Rename List” action;
added “Save List” action to the tab menu;
added feature to reset fonts;
added feature to reset shortcuts;
improved status bar;
It also improved playlist changes notification, playlist container, sample rate converter, cmake build scripts, title formatter, ape tags support in the mpeg plugin, fileops plugin, reduced cpu usage, changed default skin (to Glare) and playlist separator.
Install Qmmp 0.9.0 in Ubuntu:
New release has been made into PPA, available for all current Ubuntu releases and derivatives.
NaSC (Not a Soulver Clone) is an open source software designed for Elementary OS to do arithmetics. It’s kinda similar to the Mac app Soulver.
Its an app where you do maths like a normal person. It lets you type whatever you want and smartly figures out what is math and spits out an answer on the right pane. Then you can plug those answers in to future equations and if that answer changes, so does the equations its used in.
With NaSC you can for example:
Perform calculations with strangers you can define yourself
Change the units and values (in m cm, dollar euro …)
Knowing the surface area of a planet
Solve of second-degree polynomial
and more …
At the first launch, NaSC offers a tutorial that details possible features. You can later click the help icon on headerbar to get more.
In addition, the software allows to save your file in order to continue the work. It can be also shared on Pastebin with a defined time.
Install NaSC in Ubuntu / Elementary OS Freya:
For Ubuntu 15.04, Ubuntu 15.10, Elementary OS Freya, open terminal from the Dash, App Launcher and run below commands one by one:
Linux Kernel 4.2 was released yesterday, at noon. Linus Torvalds wrote on
So judging by how little happened this week, it wouldn’t have been a mistake to release 4.2 last week after all, but hey, there’s certainly a few fixes here, and it’s not like delaying 4.2 for a week should have caused any problems either.
So here it is, and the merge window for 4.3 is now open. I already have a few pending early pull requests, but as usual I’ll start processing them tomorrow and give the release some time to actually sit.
The shortlog from rc8 is tiny, and appended. The patch is pretty tiny too…
What’s New in Kernel 4.2:
rewrites of Intel Assembly x86 code
support for new ARM boards and SoCs
F2FS per-file encryption
The AMDGPU kernel DRM driver
VCE1 video encode support for the Radeon DRM driver
Initial support for Intel Broxton Atom SoCs
Support for ARCv2 and HS38 CPU cores.
added queue spinlocks support
many other improvements and updated drivers.
How to Install Kernel 4.2 in Ubuntu:
The binary packages of this kernel release are available for download at link below:
NOTE: The kernel binaries are marked as UNSTABLE (see the link url). You may not do this in a production machine, or you have to know what you’re going to do and know about how to restore if something goes wrong (or see the link at bottom).
First check out your OS type, 32-bit (i386) or 64-bit (amd64), then download and install the packages below in turn:
For those who don’t want to add PPA, select download the .deb installer from the link below, easytag_2.4.0-xxx_amd64.deb for 64-bit OS, or easytag_2.4.0-xxx_i386.deb for 32-bit OS.
Finally click to open it via Ubuntu Software Center and install the software.