Archives For 15

How to Install uTorrent on Linux Mint 15

Last updated: July 16, 2013

Here’s a beginner’s guide to install and setup uTorrent server on Linux Mint 15. There’s no command in tutorial, just a few clicks!

1.) First, download uTorrent server for Linux: You may check 32-bit or 64-bit by going to Start Menu -> System Tools -> System Settings -> System Info. Where “Distribution Linux Mint 15: olivia (i686)” means 32-bit. x86_64 means 64-bit system.

2.) Decompress the package in Downloads folder, then navigate to the extracted folder.

3.) Right-click on utserver and goto its Properties window. Make sure “Allow executing file as program” is checked.

4.) Before running the utserver, install ssl share libraries from Start Menu -> Software Manager.

5.) Now double-click on utserver file to start it. That’s right you see nothing happens because the server is running as a background program.

6.) Open your file browser and go to http://localhost:8080/gui/. Type:

username: admin
password: leave password empty


Install Adobe Air on Linux Mint and Ubuntu

Last updated: April 24, 2024

According to this Adobe support page, HARMAN have taken over the development and support for the Adobe AIR SDK, a cross-platform framework used by a wide range of applications and games.

It’s now a free and open-source project, with SDK support for Window, Linux, and macOS, and runtime support for only Windows and macOS.

To download AIR SDK, go to the link page below, accept the term and click download the SDK for Linux:

Then, extract the package, go to bin sub-folder, finally use either adl or adl_linux from terminal (right-click in blank area of that folder and click “Open in Terminal”) to test an AIR application without having to package and install it.

T ocreate an Air native extension, go to this discussion page, try to download and extract the path over the top of the SDK.

for Ubuntu 20 we need to provide a build of curl and to have the runtime know to look for this in the appropriate folder first. Should be able to provide an update for this although with a few other fixes that have gone in to the Linux build just now (crashes when using Worker objects) I’m wondering about creating another release just for the Linux build of the AIR SDK…. we may do a few more bits of real-world testing with applications that folk are sending in…