Spotify users? Here’s an extension that can display the current track information in Ubuntu top-bar.
It’s spotify-tray, a free open-source tool available as GNOME Shell Extension, that can show title, artist, and/or album of current playing song or podcast in top-panel.
The extension is very simple and customizable. You can control:
Where (left, center, or right) to display the playback info in top-bar.
What to display, including track, artist, album, custom text, emoji (via built-in selector).
Display in static mode, or horizontally scrolling marquee.
This tutorial shows how to install the popular Spotify music app in Ubuntu 24.04, Ubuntu 24.10 though Snap, Deb, or Flatpak packages.
Spotify supports for Linux officially through Snap package which runs in sandbox environment, and Deb package that’s native in Debian and Ubuntu.
For choice, there’s also a community maintained Flatpak package, which also runs in sandbox environment. All of them is available for only x86_64 (Intel/AMD CPUs) platform so far.
Spotify for Linux packages:
Snap package, runs in sandbox and receives updates automatically.
Deb package, the classic package format runs natively in Debian and Ubuntu.
Flatpak package, unofficial community maintained package, runs in sandbox and works in most Linux desktop.
For those don’t like Electron apps, ‘Psst’ is a new GTK client for the Spotify music service.
Since the official Spotify app for Linux is a web app running via Chromium engine, native Linux apps may be preferred. And ‘Psst’ is a free open-source app written in Rust programming language with GTK framework for user interface. Besides Linux, it also works on Windows and macOS.
The software is in very early development stage. It lacks features and defaults to GTK and pure X11, with Wayland backend in the works. So far, it features:
Dark / Light mode.
Vorbis track playback
Browsing saved albums and tracks
Save / unsave albums and tracks
Browsing followed playlists
Search for artist, albums, and tracks
Audio volume control
Audio loudness normalization
Media keys control
Open Spotify links
Genre playlists and “For You” content
Like ‘Spot’, another GTK client for Spotify, it only works with premium accounts!! Though there’s a hack to make it work with free accounts.
How to Install Psst in Ubuntu:
The app so far provides pre-build binary packages, available to download at the link below:
For Ubuntu based systems, grab the ‘‘, extract and install the .deb package, either by double-clicking or using Gdebi package installer (install Gdebi from Ubuntu Software).
NOTE: The app so far even don’t have a logo icon. When launching from the start menu (‘Show Applications’), it will show a gear icon instead.
Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr, the next Long-term support Ubuntu release is coming soon. This simple tutorial shows you how to install the Spotify Client the official way from its repository.
Spotify is a great way to listen to music by streaming it on your phone, in your browser, or on your Linux desktop. You can stream everything, upgrade and sync tracks and playlists offline, or purchase individual tracks to keep forever.
Spotify has a Linux repository to make it easy to install its client app on Debian/Ubuntu Desktop. Below steps will show you how to add the repository and install the app:
1. Search for and open the “Software & Updates” utility from Unity Dash.
2. Under “Other Software” tab, click the Add button and paste the below line into the pop-up box:
deb stable non-free
Click on Add Source button and then you’ll have Spotify repository in your system.
3. Press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open the terminal. When it opens, paste the command below and hit run to get the keyring:
This tutorial is going to show you how to install the latest Spotify client from its official repository in Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander & Linux Mint 16 Petra.
Spotify is a very popular music streaming service. Its client works on Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Blackberry, web browser, Mac, Windows, and Linux.
The Spotify client for Desktop has reached v0.9.4 with following changes:
A new app for messages!
this is gradually rolling out, so don’t fret if you don’t see a change right away
When re-starting Spotify your last playlist position will now be available
More languages!
Proxy authentication support for views
Linux only: Media key support in Gnome
Coming soon!
Stability and performance fixes
Fixed a lot of crashes, especially on shutdown/log out
Fixed crash when adding tracks to large playlists
Install Spotify in Ubuntu 13.10:
The Spotify client for Linux can be installed on Ubuntu 13.10, Ubuntu 13.04, Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 12.10, Linux Mint 13/14/15/16, Elementary OS Luna. Below steps show you how:
1. Press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open terminal. When it opens, copy and paste below command to add spotify repository:
This simple tutorial will show you how to install the Spotify Client on Linux Mint 13, 14, 15 from the official repository.
Spotify is a digital music-streaming service that gives you on-demand access to millions of songs on all your devices. It works on Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, Windows Phone 7/8 (7 no longer updated), BlackBerry (GSM only), Symbian.
To install it from the official repository, press Ctrl+Alt+T to open terminal.
1.) Run below command to add the repository to Linux Mint: