Archives For Wunderlist 2

Want to install Wunderlist 2 on Ubuntu or Linux Mint Desktop? Well, here I’ll show you how to do it via fogger, which will install the Wunderlist 2 web app on your desktop.

Wunderlist 2 in Ubuntu

UPDATE: It seems that the Wunderlist 2 is not working properly with fogger now, you may use Wunderlist 2 with your web browser by visiting

Fogger is a simple application which turns your web apps into into regular Linux desktop apps. It’s kinda similar to Unity Webapps. Fogger uses WebKitGtk as its web interface. It acts as a bridge between web applications and the linux desktop. It exposes an easy to use JS API to webapps which can be used to interact with the host desktop environment. It can also be used to write basic desktop apps for linux in pure web style.

Install Fogger:

Fogger is available for Ubuntu 13.10, Ubuntu 13.04, Ubuntu 12.04 and Linux Mint 13, 15, 16 via its PPA.

Press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open terminal. When it opens, run below 3 commands one by one. Copy the codes via Ctrl+C and paste in terminal via Ctrl+Shift+V:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:loneowais/fogger

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install fogger

Install Wunderlist 2

Search fog app from Unity Dash home and open Create a new fog app,

Create Wunderlist 2 desktop app

Copy and paste below line into URL, and type Wunderlist in Name area.

Click Create. After that, you can launch Wunderlist 2 from Unity Dash Home. For first time, you need to type username and password to login.

Wunderlist in Ubuntu Unity