Archives For error reporting

disable error reporting

On the new released Ubuntu 16.04 desktop, you may get a few error popups that asks you to report problems. Some popups has already been reported so you may want to disable these error popups before they are fixed by upstream.

Ubuntu Error Popups

To do so, you can either temporarily stop the Apport service on current boot, or manually edit the config file to disable error reporting system permanently

1. To stop the Apport service, open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run command:

sudo service apport stop

Type in password when it asks and hit Enter. There’s no visual feedback while typing your password.


2. To disable the apport system so you’ll never see the error popups, run command to edit config file:

sudo gedit /etc/default/apport

When the file opens, change the value to 0 and save it.


That’s it. Enjoy!

Ubuntu error reporting

If something goes wrong in Ubuntu Unity, you usually get the error dialog which says ‘Sorry, Ubuntu 13.10 has experienced an internet error’

This helps Ubuntu gather information about issues and create a fix for them. If it annoys you, this tutorial will show you how to easily turn it off.

Ubuntu Error Reporting

To get started, press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open terminal. When it opens, run command to edit the config file:

sudo gedit /etc/default/apport

Change the value to 0 to disable (1 to enable) this feature.

disable error reporting

That’s it. Enjoy!