Archives For November 30, 1999

To check system information and hardware details in Ubuntu command console, without confused with various Linux commands, there’s a full featured CLI system information available.

There’s already a great graphical tool Hardinfo available in Ubuntu Software. For the command line tool, inxi is available to check:

  • Audio/sound card(s), driver, sound server.
  • System battery info
  • CPU output
  • Hard Disk info
  • Graphics card, driver, display server, resolution, renderer, OpenGL version.
  • General info, including processes, uptime, memory, IRC client or shell type, inxi version.
  • Memory (RAM) data (Require root)
  • Network card, driver.
  • system info, partition info, sensors output, USB data, and more.

To install inxi in Ubuntu, simply run command:

sudo apt-get install inxi

Then run man inxi to get a list of command options, or run inxi -F to get a brief output:

For more about the tool, go to inxi web page.