Install Sweet Home 3D 4.2 in Ubuntu 13.10, 12.04, Linux Mint

Last updated: April 4, 2019

sweet home 3d 4.2 ubuntu

Sweet Home 3D, the free architectural design software released v4.2 with support for non-rectangular doors and windows, improvements in the background image import wizard and bug fixes.

What’s New in Sweet Home 3D 4.2:

For the users who wanted to insert non rectangular doors or windows in a wall Sweet Home 3D 4.2 now fill correctly the space around doors and windows in the 3D view, whatever their shape, it’s even possible to handle complex shapes with multiple holes. The cut out shape in the wall can be computed automatically when you import a door or a window in the furniture import wizard, or customized with the Furniture Library Editor with a SVG path.

non-Rectangular sweet home 3d 4.2

non-Rectangular sweet home 3d 4.2

The second and the third step of the background image import wizard now display Zoom in and Zoom out buttons to let you enlarge the imported image and enter some more precise scale and origin.

In the second step of the wizard, you can also apply vertical and horizontal constraints on the displayed scale line by pressing the shift key.

The search engine in the furniture catalog is now able to search any substring among furniture names, categories, authors and even keywords.

Many keywords were added in the default furniture catalog but also to furniture libraries.

Linux: fix an annoying regression that didn’t restore correctly maximized windows

via: Sweet Home 3D 4.2 release note.

Install Sweet Home 3D 4.2:

For Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy, Ubuntu 12.04 Precise, Linux Mint 16 Petra, 13 Maya, Elementary OS Luna, we can install it from GetDeb repository.

To get started, press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open terminal. When it opens, run commands below one by one to add GetDeb repository:


sudo dpkg -i getdeb-repository_0.1-1~getdeb1_all.deb

For Linux Mint, getdeb can be directly enabled from Software Sources -> Additional repositories.

Then you can install Sweet Home 3D 4.2 in Ubuntu Software Center after checking for updates. Or run commands below instead:

sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install sweethome3d
sweet home 3D 4.2 in Ubuntu 13.10

sweet home 3D 4.2 in Ubuntu 13.10


I'm a freelance blogger who started using Ubuntu in 2007 and wishes to share my experiences and some useful tips with Ubuntu beginners and lovers. Please comment to let me know if the tutorial is outdated! And, notify me if you find any typo/grammar/language mistakes. English is not my native language. Contact me via [email protected] Buy me a coffee:

5 responses to Install Sweet Home 3D 4.2 in Ubuntu 13.10, 12.04, Linux Mint

  1. Great job, thanks.

    By the way, i have a question, can I use getdeb to obtain the last version of any software?, because like sweethome, it exist many software than haven’t been update for a while in the official repositories.
    Sorry for my english, I hope you can answer my question, thanks again

  2. Hello

    thanks for the clear instructions. I have been using Linux for quite a while but I haven’t really taught myself how it works properly. How do I update Sweethome3D? Sorry if that’s a stupid question, but I am not familiar with the code I need to write in Terminal.

  3. Thank you

    I’m actually using Linux Mint 16 Petra, so I’ll follow your existing instructions.

  4. Thank you very much!!!