Install Linux Kernel (6.10 Updated) in Ubuntu 24.04, 22.04, 20.04

Last updated: August 8, 2024 — 8 Comments

For those who want to install the latest Linux Kernel (6.10.x updated), there’s a new apt repository made for Ubuntu 20.04, Ubuntu 22.04, Ubuntu 24.04 and Debian 12 Bookworm.

As you may know, Ubuntu has a mainline Kernel PPA that keeps building the latest Linux Kernel packages for testing purpose. The most recent packages however do NOT support current Ubuntu 22.04 & 20.04 LTS.

For those who need the latest Kernel for new hardware support or compatibility fixes, there’s now a new repository with all current Ubuntu LTS (20.04 & 22.04) and Debian Stable (Bookworm) support.

It’s maintained by Stéphane Graber, Ubuntu core developer and project leader of Linux containers(@lxc), who quit from Canonical last month, after working for the company for 12 years.

And, he made this repository because Ubuntu’s generic kernel that he thought has sadly decreased in quality over time.

The Ubuntu kernel includes a lot of backported fixes and occasionally, those backports go bad, resulting in missing commits, introducing bugs and regressions. Unfortunately the way the Ubuntu kernel is built, tested and published comes with a lot of delays, making fixing such regressions often take weeks if not months

Install Latest Kernel in Ubuntu via new Repository

NOTE 1: This is a trustworthy, but unofficial repository!
NOTE 2: Like Ubuntu Mainline Kernel PPA, the packages are un-signed, you may need to turn off Secure Boot to boot the new kernel.

First, open terminal either from start menu or ‘Activities’ overview.

1. Install the GPG Key

When terminal opens, first run command to create ‘/etc/apt/keyrings’ directory, in case it does not exist:

sudo mkdir -p /etc/apt/keyrings

Then, run command to download the key and install to that directory you just created:

sudo wget -O - |sudo tee /etc/apt/keyrings/zabbly.asc

2. Set up the source repository

Then, run command below to create & edit the source file:

sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/zabbly-kernel-stable.sources

Depends on your desktop environment, replace gedit with gnome-text-editor for Ubuntu 24.04, Debian 12 GNOME, mousepad for XFCE, or use nano that works in most Linux.

When terminal opens, add following lines and save it:

Enabled: yes
Types: deb deb-src
Suites: jammy
Components: main
Architectures: amd64
Signed-By: /etc/apt/keyrings/zabbly.asc

NOTE: You have to replace jammy with noble for Ubuntu 24.04, focal for Ubuntu 20.04, or bookworm for Debian 12. Also, replace amd64 with arm64 for ARM devices, such as Raspberry Pi. For nano text editor, press Ctrl+S to save, then Ctrl+X to exit.

3. Update package cache & Install Newest Kernel

When done setting up the new source repository and GPG key, run the command below to re-index system package cache:

sudo apt update

Finally, install the latest kernel, 6.10.x so far, by running command:

sudo apt install linux-zabbly

Tips: the repository also contains the Kernel 6.6, 6.7, 6.8, and 6.9 packages. To install one of them, Kernel 6.8 for example, use command:

sudo apt install linux-headers-6.8.10-zabbly+ linux-image-6.8.10-zabbly+

The minor version number varies as time is going. Type the first half of the last command (sudo apt install linux-headers-6.8) and hit Tab to list all available choices.

4. Verify

Finally, restart your machine and run the command below to verify your Kernel version in terminal:

uname -a


If you have any issue with the new Kernel, just restart and select boot an old Kernel from Grub menu under ‘Advanced Options’.

Then, run the command below to remove the Kernel from Zabbly repository:

sudo apt remove --autoremove linux*zabbly*

Depends on when you tried this tutorial, the package version varies. So, I use asterisk wildcard in command to auto-select any package start with ‘linux‘ and have ‘zabbly‘ in between of package name. Just in case, it’s better to keep an eye on terminal output before hitting ‘y’ to confirm.

Also, remove the source repository by running commands below to delete the key and source file:

sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/zabbly-kernel-stable.sources
sudo rm /etc/apt/keyrings/zabbly.asc

Finally, run sudo apt update to refresh system package index.


I'm a freelance blogger who started using Ubuntu in 2007 and wishes to share my experiences and some useful tips with Ubuntu beginners and lovers. Please comment to let me know if the tutorial is outdated! And, notify me if you find any typo/grammar/language mistakes. English is not my native language. Contact me via [email protected] Buy me a coffee: |

8 responses to Install Linux Kernel (6.10 Updated) in Ubuntu 24.04, 22.04, 20.04

  1. works fine in ubuntu 22.04.

  2. The second step could be replaced by the following command

    sh -c ‘cat < /etc/apt/sources.list.d/zabbly-kernel-stable.sources
    Enabled: yes
    Types: deb
    Suites: $(. /etc/os-release && echo ${VERSION_CODENAME})
    Components: main
    Architectures: $(dpkg –print-architecture)
    Signed-By: /etc/apt/keyrings/zabbly.asc


    That could be found in

  3. “Install Latest Kernel in Ubuntu via new Kernel”

    This does not make sense.

  4. I cannot run cpupower as I cannot install linux-tools-6.8.7-zabbly+,

    sudo cpupower
    WARNING: cpupower not found for kernel 6.8.7

    You may need to install the following packages for this specific kernel:

    You may also want to install one of the following packages to keep up to date:

  5. Temporary failure resolving ‘’
    E: Failed to fetch
    E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with –fix-missing?

    Seems no older verison deb. pls help.

  6. Hi, Thanks a lot for the tutorial.
    mine installs fine, but it freezes when I try to log in to the desktop!
    could you kindly tell me what the problem could be?
    Thanks a lot advance

    • That could be something to do with drivers. The upstream Kernel packages do NOT include any Ubuntu specific drivers. Try reboot with old kernel and uninstall.

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