PhotoGIMP Updated to Help Switching from PhotoShtop to GIMP 3.0

Last updated: March 18, 2025 — Leave a comment

To help users switching from Adobe PhotoShop, PhotoGIMP project updated today with support for the new GIMP 3.0 image editor.

PhotoGIMP is a free open-source project that optimizes GIMP for AdobeShop users. By changing the local app data, it organised the tools and their options to be PhotoShop style, assigned keyboard shortcuts to similar to the ones in Photoshop for Windows, following Adobe’s Documentation, and added new default settings to maximize space on the canvas.

As well, it added new custom startup splash screen and a separated launcher entry with new icon and name.

photogimp splash screen

PhotoGIMP was updated today with new GIMP 3.0 support, though it also offers an old version that works for GIMP 2.10.

Download & Install PhotoGIMP

NOTE: The steps below were tested and worked in Flatpak, AppImage, and native .deb versions of GIMP 3.0.

1. Before getting started, it’s recommended to BACKUP your personal settings, scripts, etc.

To do so, open home folder, press Ctrl+H, then navigate to .local folder and make a copy of the GIMP sub-folder.

NOTE: for new GIMP installation, you need to launch it for the first time to generate personal user data folders.

2. Download PhotoGIMP for GIMP 3.0 from the link below:

For GIMP 2.10, go to the Github releases and select download the old version.

3. After downloaded the package, decompress and go into the extracted folder. Finally, move all the sub-folders into Home directory.

NOTE: You may need to press Ctrl+H to see the content in the extracted folder. And, choose “Merge” action for all the files during the process.

When done, launch/re-launch GIMP to see the changes.

NOTE: The “PhotoGIMP” icon in start menu or GNOME overview search result is by default made for GIMP Flatpak package.

For .deb and AppImage packages, you need to open “text editor” and edit Home -> .local -> share -> applications -> org.gimp.GIMP.desktop file. And, finally change the Exec line to:

  • Exec=gimp-3.0 %U for native .deb package.
  • Exec=/path/to/AppImage – for AppImage.

How to Restore

To uninstall PhotoGIMP and revert GIMP image editor to its original state, just open Home folder (press Ctrl+H to view hidden folders) and navigate to .config -> GIMP, then remove the 3.0 sub-folder (or 2.0 if you installed it from GIMP 2.10).

If you have a backup, just move it back to that folder and re-launch GIMP.

For the PhotoGIMP app icon, delete the org.gimp.GIMP.desktop file under .local/share/applications directory to get rid of it.


I'm a freelance blogger who started using Ubuntu in 2007 and wishes to share my experiences and some useful tips with Ubuntu beginners and lovers. Please comment to let me know if the tutorial is outdated! And, notify me if you find any typo/grammar/language mistakes. English is not my native language. Contact me via [email protected] Buy me a coffee: |

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