Ubuntu 25.04 Default Wallpapers Revealed (Download Link Included)

Last updated: March 13, 2025 — Leave a comment

The default wallpapers for the upcoming Ubuntu 25.04 has been revealed today. Here are the download link along with the competition winner images.

Ubuntu 25.04, code-name Plucky Puffin, is a short-term release planned to be made available on April 17, 2025. It features GNOME Desktop 48 and Linux Kernel 6.14 (though it’s still in RC development stage), with official support until Jan 2026.

Ubuntu 25.04 default wallpaper (optimized for small size)

By updating the Ubuntu Wallpapers package through the proposed repository, the Ubuntu Artwork Team revealed the new default wallpapers today.

As the image above shows you, the default is still the classic purple background with mascot, a puffin, in center. The default image is a PNG with 3840×2160 resolution. While, there’s also a variant that default for Ubuntu Desktop on dark mode.

the Ubuntu 25.04 default wallpaper dark variant

There are also 2 variants: Light and Dim for the default wallpaper image:

As well, here are the 8 wallpaper competition winner images that will be shipped within Ubuntu 25.04 iso image:

Download Ubuntu 25.04 Wallpapers

Option 1: Source package:

The Ubuntu wallpaper source packages for Ubuntu 25.04 is available in the launchpad.net via the link below:

Just scroll down in the page and click download the “ubuntu-wallpapers_25.04.1.orig.tar.gz“, then you may decompress to get all the images mentioned above, as well as the old wallpapers for Ubuntu from 4.10, 6.06, 8.04 ~ 24.10.

Option 2: Google Drive:

For Ubuntu 25.04 only desktop wallpapers, as well as the mascot and mobile phone wallpapers in different sizes, Ubuntu team shared them with the Google Drive link.

Option 3: Source files

The Ubuntu Wallpapers source page is somehow not updated at the moment of writing. But you may keep an eye on the page via the link below:

Without downloading the full source tarball (option 1), you may select download certain wallpaper images from there. However, there’s no thumbnail preview, meaning you need to know the exact filenames.

For the Ubuntu 25.04 wallpaper competition images, you may get them by going to the submission page.


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