Archives For mount storage

mount cloud storage in Ubuntu

This quick tutorial shows you how to mount and map your storage in Ubuntu desktop so that you can access your cloud storage within Nautilus file browser.

There are many cloud storage services available for Ubuntu Linux. is one of them that provides 10 GB free web space with 250 MB file upload size. It allows to access directly through WebDav protocol.

There is an open source project Box2Tux, it makes the configuration of WebDav protocol easy. All you need to do is insert your Box account name and password, then it allows you to access the cloud storage directly in Nautilus file browser by mounting it automatically at start up. Storage in Nautilus File browser

NOTE that normal user only have read permission to the mounted storage, you need to open Nautilus with root for full access (drop and drop to upload, delete, etc…). To do so, run gksudo nautilus in terminal or in Alt+F2 ‘Run a command’ dash.

Mount Storage in Ubuntu:

1. First of first, install davfs2 (WebDav) from Ubuntu Software Center.

You can click the link below to bring up Softare Center and click the install button.

Click Install Davfs2

2. Press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open the terminal. When it opens, paste the commands below and run one by one:

Reconfigure davfs2 and select Yes to allow non-root user to mount the WebDav resource:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure davfs2

Download Box2Tux:


Extract the downloaded package:


Navigate to the result folder:

cd Box2Tux-master/

Give permission and run the box2tux:

chmod +x box2tux && ./box2tux

Input your account and password when prompt:

Mount storage

Once done, you should get mounted just as a network drive on Unity Launcher. Enjoy!

via: github, lffl