Archives For utorrent

utorrent ubuntu 16.04

Quick tutorial for beginners how to install μTorrent (uTorrent) in Ubuntu 16.04, by setting up μTorrent server in Ubuntu so you can easily access and control your BitTorrent downloading any where (over LAN or internet) using a web browser.

1. Download μTorrent for Ubuntu:

The latest packages in Linux download page are said for Ubuntu 13.04, however, it works on all current Ubuntu releases including Ubuntu 16.04:

For Ubuntu server, grab the package via wget command:

Download utserver for 32-bit system:

wget -O utserver.tar.gz

Download utserver for 64-bit system:

wget -O utserver.tar.gz

2. Install uTorrent sever to /opt/, and create symlink

Open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) or login to Ubuntu server, and run command to extract the downloaded server to /opt/:

sudo tar -zxvf utserver.tar.gz -C /opt/

For Ubuntu Desktop user who downloaded uTorrent server package using a web browser, you may replace the command with:

sudo tar -zxvf ~/Downloads/utserver.tar.gz -C /opt/

Then you may change the ownership via command:

sudo chown root:root -R /opt/utorrent-server-alpha-v3_3/

And finally create a symlink to the executable via command:

sudo ln -s /opt/utorrent-server-alpha-v3_3/utserver /usr/bin/utserver

3. Install the required libssl library via command:

sudo apt-get install libssl1.0.0 libssl-dev

4. Finally start uTorrent server:

utserver -settingspath /opt/utorrent-server-alpha-v3_3/ &

Login μTorrent web client:

Open a web browser and go to http://server-ip-address:8080/gui or to get into the login screen. (get you ip via ifconfig command).

For the first login, type admin as username and leave the password box empty.

  • username: admin
  • password: none

Once you’re in, go to Settings -> Web UI to change username and password, remote access IPs. And you may enable Remote Access to allow remote access from anywhere on the internet.

How to Install μTorrent (uTorrent) on Ubuntu 14.10

Last updated: September 30, 2014

µTorrent (or uTorrent) is a free, closed source, and most widely used BitTorrent client available in Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. The program was designed to use minimal computer resources while offering functionality comparable to larger BitTorrent clients such as Vuze or BitComet.

µTorrent for Linux is composed of a µTorrent server and a web based client. Below I will show you how to install it in Ubuntu step by step, tested in a fresh 64-bit Ubuntu 14.10 installation.

1. Download the official package from the link below:

You may first check out your OS type from shutdown menu (top-right gear button) -> About This Computer. Then select download “µTorrent Server for Ubuntu 13.04 – 32-bit or 64-bit”.

2. Once the downloading process finish, go to the Downloads folder in file browser and extract the package through its context menu.

Tip: If you want other users on the Ubuntu system to be able to use the uTorrent server, extract the package to /opt/ directory. To do so, open Archive Manager as root/admin by running sudo file-roller in terminal, then open and extract the package.

3. Navigate to the result folder and run utserver from its context menu:

That’s right you see nothing happens because the server is running as a background program.

Tip: If you don’t see the Run option in its right-click menu, do:

Go to Properties in its right-click menu, check the box where it says “Allow executing file as program” under Permissions tab.

4. Finally in your web browser go to http://localhost:8080/gui/. When it asks, type in:

username: admin
password: leave it empty.

That’s it. Enjoy!

How to Install uTorrent on Linux Mint 15

Last updated: July 16, 2013

Here’s a beginner’s guide to install and setup uTorrent server on Linux Mint 15. There’s no command in tutorial, just a few clicks!

1.) First, download uTorrent server for Linux: You may check 32-bit or 64-bit by going to Start Menu -> System Tools -> System Settings -> System Info. Where “Distribution Linux Mint 15: olivia (i686)” means 32-bit. x86_64 means 64-bit system.

2.) Decompress the package in Downloads folder, then navigate to the extracted folder.

3.) Right-click on utserver and goto its Properties window. Make sure “Allow executing file as program” is checked.

4.) Before running the utserver, install ssl share libraries from Start Menu -> Software Manager.

5.) Now double-click on utserver file to start it. That’s right you see nothing happens because the server is running as a background program.

6.) Open your file browser and go to http://localhost:8080/gui/. Type:

username: admin
password: leave password empty


Install uTorrent on Ubuntu 13.10

Last updated: November 3, 2013

This tutorial shows you how to easily install uTorrent sever on Ubuntu and Linux Mint. There’s no command, just a few clicks!

First, download uTorrent server: Check 32-bit or 64-bit by top-right corner shutdown menu (gear icon) -> About This Computer.

After downloading, navigate to the package in Nautilus file browser. Then decompress it.

Go into the extracted folder, right-click on utserver and select Properties.

Make sure that the box before “Allow execute as a program” is checked.

Before starting this service, search for and install libssl0.9.8 (SSL shared libraries) from Ubuntu Software Center.

NOTE: If you’re on 64-bit Ubuntu, press Ctrl+Alt+T and install the libssl0.9.8 with command below in terminal to fix utserver not launching problem:

sudo apt-get install libssl0.9.8:i386

Then double click utserver to start uTorrent server (or run ~/Downloads/utorrent-server-v3_0/utserver command to start it). That’s right you see nothing happens because the server is running as a background program.

Launch your web browser and go to http://localhost:8080/gui/. Type:

username: admin
password: leave password empty

You’re done!