Install The Latest Avidemux 2.6.8 in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Last updated: September 23, 2014

avidemux video editor ubuntu 14.04

Avidemux is a free video editor designed for simple cutting, filtering and encoding tasks. While Ubuntu repositories still have version 2.5.x, this tutorial will show you how to install the latest release Avidemux 2.6.8 in Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr.

avidemux 2.6 ubuntu 14.04

First see changes in v2.6.8:

  • Image/export: Proper initialization of Qz for jpeg export
  • UI : Add an override menu to force language
  • tinypy : Add support for os.environ
  • x264 : Improved settings (tobias)
  • Win32 : Fix crash when having an audio problem
  • Win32 : Re-add mp4v2 to installer files
  • Audio/FAAC : Fix channel mapping when source is mono
  • Audio/AMR : Re-enabled AMR
  • Audio/lavc : Fixed encoding for codec not supporting planar (MP2)
  • Audio : Fixed importing MP2 audio detected as MP3
  • Editor : Fix deleting chunks of the video leading to seek errors
  • Editor : Initial copy/paste support
  • Editor/audio: Fix issue when source has more than 4 tracks
  • Editor : Better detection of double fps input files
  • TS/Demux : Brute force eac3 probe
  • TS/Demux : Better initialization, avoid dropping audio
  • MP4/Demux : Fix management of PCM audio
  • Mkv/Demux : Proper re-indexing for mpeg2 in mkv
  • Mp4v2/Mux : Add fast start mode back
  • OpenSolaris : Some fixes by pfelecan
  • Subtitles : Update libass + very simple srt2ssa converter
  • OsX : Enables more optional codecs…
  • avsfilte : Performance Improvements (fahr)


Press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open the terminal. When it opens, run the commands below one by one:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:rebuntu16/avidemux+unofficial

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install avidemux2.6-gtk avidemux2.6-qt4

Once installed, start it from app menu or Unity dash. Enjoy!


I'm a freelance blogger who started using Ubuntu in 2007 and wishes to share my experiences and some useful tips with Ubuntu beginners and lovers. Please comment to let me know if the tutorial is outdated! And, notify me if you find any typo/grammar/language mistakes. English is not my native language. Contact me via [email protected] Buy me a coffee: |

14 responses to Install The Latest Avidemux 2.6.8 in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

  1. Seemed to install but won’t launch. I am linux noob, so it could be me that did something wrong, but I am pretty sure there is an issue as I tried twice.

    • Hi,
      did the installation run through? Avidemux-core tries to overwrite from the normal package and fails. So the package isn’t configurated.

      Try to deinstall avidemux before installing avidmux-2.6

  2. Same problem with my attempted install. Avidemux 2.6 just won’t open up. I am sure it is some sort of dependency issue. I have no problem running the older 2,5 version.

  3. Thanks, worked perfectly for me–and saved me some time installing from source! (Well, sudo apt-get install avidemux2.6 did not work, but through Synaptic Package Manager I must have issued something like sudo apt-get install avidemux2.6-qt4 and this went fine).

  4. How to get this installed in 14.04 64bit?
    I tried “sudo apt-get install avidemux2.6-qt4”, but it fails:
    “dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/avidemux2.6-common_2.6.8-1~ppa+trusty0_all.deb (–unpack):
    trying to overwrite ‘/usr/share/man/man1/avidemux.1.gz’, which is also in package avidemux-common 1:2.5.4-0ubuntu14”

    Now, every attempt to install or remove something fails.
    “apt-get -f install” does not help.
    How to get to a working system, again?

    • Try removing avidemux2.6 via:

      sudo apt-get remove avidemux2.6-qt4

      And remove the 2.5.4 version in your system:

      sudo apt-get remove avidemux-common avidemux

      Later install one of the two versions after you successfully removed them.

  5. I had the same problem, again, at an update to 2.6.9.
    sudo apt-get remove avidemux2.6-qt4
    sudo apt-get remove avidemux-common avidemux
    I installed v2.6.9 by
    sudo apt-get install avidemux2.6-qt4

    Thank you, it works.

  6. Noob here :) I installed avidemux following these instructions (using Mint Cinnamon 17.1). If works, but when I try to import mp4 file (tried at least 5 different files), it gives me a message like: no demuxer found… Do I need to install some codecs? I have no problem playing those files using vlc player.

  7. Since these instructions doesn’t include installation of any plugins, it’s basically useless. You can’t open any mpg, mkv, mp4 files, etc. And the gtk interface doesn’t start at all for some reason on mint 17.2 Cinnamon.

  8. I have used avidemux for more than half a year after installing it using the above instructions and ppa.
    Now, after installation of cinelerra-cv from its ppa (it seems to modify ffmpeg, but does not play sound), I find avidemux crashing at opening any file (mp4, avi, wmv).
    I uninstalled cinelerra, but avidemux remains broken. Openshot, however, works, as well as mpv, totem, etc.
    I tried to reinstall avidemux, but no change.
    How can I get avidemux back?

  9. Update
    I removed the ppa and avidemux2.6-qt, also autoremoved some items which were shown to be not used anymore. Then, installed avidemux 2.5.6 including plugins from getdeb. I now have the gtk version, it works — not as good as version 2.6.9 (qt), but it works.
    How to get the newer version again?

  10. I followed the 3 steps above but I couldn’t get it to launch till I opened Synaptic and checked the box next to “avidemux” and installed that and 3 or 4 other recommended packages. Now I can launch Avidemux 2.5.4 but not 2.6, but that’s good enough for me. Thanx.

  11. First I removed Avidemux 2.5. Then I used the three commands in a terminal window. Now I have version 2.6.13 running under Ubuntu 14.04.

  12. Thank You Ji m, Thank You Very Much!
    Installed and running Avidemux v.2.6.14 qt4 smoothly thanks to you!
    No more “H.264 Detected (…) will LOOSE frame accuracy” bug warning as in the 2.5 version!
    Thank you, thank you, thank you again and again.