Double Commander 0.6 Adds RabbitVCS Integration

Last updated: February 10, 2015

Double command file manager icon

Double Commander, the open source dual-pane file manager, has recently reached the 0.6 release with exciting new features and a few bug fixes.

According to the change log, the new release adds:

  • a built-in directory synchronization tool
  • Flat view (shows all files in the current directory and all subdirectories in a single file window)
  • Regular expressions in file search by content
  • Capability to use wdx-plugins in file search
  • Enhanced directory hotlist (subfolders, set path to both panes etc)
  • New supported archive types: XZ, TXZ, ZIPX
  • SevenZip plugin that supports same archive types as 7-Zip application (Windows)
  • Drag&Drop to external applications (Mac OS X 64 bit)
  • RabbitVCS context menu integration (needs rabbitvcs-core)

Double Commander RabbitVCS

There are also a few bug fixes, check them out at this page.

Install / Upgrade Double Commander in Ubuntu:

For non-install version, download DC for Linux 64-bit or 32-bit and run the executable from in the result folder.

Download Double Commander (non-install version)

To install Double Commander from its PPA and receive future updates, open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run below commands one by one (GTK version):

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:alexx2000/doublecmd

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install doublecmd-gtk rabbitvcs-core

For choice, replace the last command to install the Qt version:

sudo apt-get install doublecmd-qt rabbitvcs-core

The PPA supports Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 14.10, and Ubuntu 15.04 so far.


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