Ubuntu 23.10 Desktop iso Image finally available to download

Last updated: October 17, 2023 — 3 Comments

The Desktop .iso image of Ubuntu 23.10 is finally available to download after a few days of delay!

Ubuntu 23.10, code-name Mantic Minotaur, was released on October 12. However, due to a malicious translation incident, the .iso image for the desktop edition was removed.

Now, the issue has been fixed. And, today could be the official release date, according to this announcement.

Ubuntu 23.10 is powered by Linux 6.5 and uses GNOME 45 as the default desktop environment. Core features include new app center, new firmware updater, TPM-backed full disk encryption, Raspberry Pi 5 support, new “Tiling Assistant” extension, and more. See my feature overview page for more.

Ubuntu 23.10 Desktop

Download Ubuntu 23.10

To download Ubuntu 23.10, you may either go to the official Ubuntu download page:

Or, use this Ubuntu 23.10 only download link.

For faster downloading speed, you can also choose an official download mirror that near to you.

For Ubuntu 23.04 users, the upgrade channel should be available soon. Just try launching “Software Updater” and install all available updates, then, re-launch with update-manager -c to tell to check if a new distribution release is available.


I'm a freelance blogger who started using Ubuntu in 2007 and wishes to share my experiences and some useful tips with Ubuntu beginners and lovers. Please comment to let me know if the tutorial is outdated! And, notify me if you find any typo/grammar/language mistakes. English is not my native language. Contact me via [email protected] Buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/ubuntuhandbook1 |

3 responses to Ubuntu 23.10 Desktop iso Image finally available to download

  1. All posts beyond How to install Zoom in Ubuntu 23.10 [Fix Unmet Dependencies] are gone again

    • Thanks for your report! Seem to be plugin issue.

      I have temporarily disabled the cache plugin, which seems working for me. Need feedback please!

      • It looks like is ok but I cant tell if that restored the posts that got removed last time this issue happen. Thank you Ji m anyway!

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