Archives For backup installed software

Aptik backup tool

To simplify re-installation of software packages after upgrading or re-installing Ubuntu, aptik is a simple tool allows to backup software sources (PPA), installed software, and other user data with just a few clicks.

Aptik features:

  • Backup and restore Launchpad PPAs.
  • Backup and restore installed software.
  • Backup and restore downloaded packages (apt cache).
  • Backup and restore themes and icons from /usr/share directory.
  • Backup and restore application settings.
  • Backup and restore user home directory data (.config excluded)
  • One-click backup and restore user selected items.

While doing backup and restore (exclude one-click backup / restore), it lists available items and allows you to choose which to backup / restore. Some backups are encrypted with given passwords.

Aptik backup utility

How to Install Aptik in Ubuntu:

To install the utility in Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 12.04, and derivatives, either run the commands below in terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) to get it from the developer’s PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:teejee2008/ppa

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install aptik

or grab the DEB package (amd64 for 64bit, i386 for 32bit) from THIS PAGE.

Tip: The DEB packages for Ubuntu 16.04 also works on Ubuntu 16.10.


To remove aptik, either use Synaptic Package Manager or run the following command in terminal:

sudo apt-get remove aptik && sudo apt-get autoremove

The PPA can be removed by Software & Updates utility under Other Software tab.