Archives For I2P client


i2pd (I2P Daemon) is a full-featured C++ implementation of I2P client.

I2P (Invisible Internet Protocol) is a universal anonymous network layer. All communications over I2P are anonymous and end-to-end encrypted, participants don’t reveal their real IP addresses.

I2P client is a software used for building and using anonymous I2P networks. Such networks are commonly used for anonymous peer-to-peer applications (filesharing, cryptocurrencies) and anonymous client-server applications (websites, instant messengers, chat-servers).

I2P allows people from all around the world to communicate and share information without restrictions.


  • Distributed anonymous networking framework
  • End-to-end encrypted communications
  • Small footprint, simple dependencies, fast performance
  • Rich set of APIs for developers of secure applications

So far the latest version is ip2d 2.12 with following changes:

  • Additional HTTP and SOCKS proxy tunnels
  • Reseed from ZIP archive
  • ‘X’ bandwidth code
  • OpenSSL 1.1 for Android and Mac OS X
  • Some stats in a main window for Windows version
  • Fixed clock skew for Windows XP
  • New logo for Android
  • Reduced memory and file descriptors usage

How to Install i2pd via PPA in Ubuntu / Linux Mint:

The project offers DEB binaries for download in its release page.

For those who want to keep it up-to-date, install i2pd using the PPA repository via following steps:

1. Open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run command to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:purplei2p/i2pd

Type in password (no visual feedback) when it asks and hit Enter.


2. Then update package caches and install i2pd:

sudo apt update

sudo apt install i2pd

When a new release is out, simply launch Software Updater and upgrade it along with other system updates.


You can remove the PPA anytime using Software & Updates utility under Other Software tab, and i2pd can be removed via command:

sudo apt remove i2pd && sudo apt autoremove

For router setup, tunnel configuration and other documentations, go to the wiki page.