Archives For integrate peazip into nautilus


Want to use ‘Extract Here’, ‘Add to Archive’, and so forth with PeaZip in Nautilus’ context menu? Well, here’s how to well integrate PeaZip into Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy & Ubuntu 13.04 Raring via Nautilus scripts.

integrate peazip into nautilus

integrate peazip into nautilus

Because PeaZip for Linux comes default with the scripts, all you need to do is move them into the correct location.

To get started, press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open terminal. When it opens, follow the steps below:

1. For installed version, the PeaZip should be installed under /usr/local/share/PeaZip. Run command to move the scripts:

cd /usr/local/share/PeaZip/FreeDesktop_integration/nautilus-scripts/Archiving/PeaZip/

sudo mv * ~/.local/share/nautilus/scripts

2. For portable version, just go to the PeaZip directory “FreeDesktop_integration/nautilus-scripts/Archiving/PeaZip/”, copy and paste all scripts to “user HOME/.local/share/nautilus/scripts”.

peazip scripts for nautilus

3. After that, restart Nautilus file browser and done.

nautilus -q