Archives For Unity Launcher

Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus

Finally the default Unity Desktop’s left launcher panel can be moved to the bottom of screen in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Xenial Xerus.

Ubuntu 16.04 has reached its final beta today. One of the great new features is that the left launcher panel now is movable: to Left or to Bottom.

Unity Launcher in Left

Unity Launcher in Left

Unity Launcher in Bottom

Unity Launcher in Bottom

How to Move Unity Launcher in Ubuntu 16.04:

For those prefer Linux commands, this can be done via a single command in terminal:

gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Launcher launcher-position Bottom


To revert back, run:

gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Launcher launcher-position Left

For graphical way, do:

Unity Tweak Tool, a graphical configuration tool for Unity desktop, now has an option to move the Unity Launcher. Install it via Gnome Software, launch the tool and navigate to Unity -> Launcher:

move unity launcher via unity tweak tool

1. Launch Gnome Software from Launcher, search for and install dconf editor.


2. Launch dconf editor after installation, and navigate to “com -> canonical -> unity -> launcher”. Finally change the value of “launcher-position” to select Unity Launcher position.


To make the bottom panel fit your screen, go to System Settings -> Appearance and change the value of Launcher icon size.